Obama supporters celebrate: 'No more Israel!'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama supporters celebrate: 'No more Israel!'

Rick Moran

Are we really only going to talk about GOP crazies?

Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, "It really means to me, no more Israel...Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran...Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQBfudpKo3g]Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube[/ame]

For all we know, this guy might be one of Obama's smarter supporters.​

Read more: Blog: Obama supporters celebrate: 'No more Israel!'
Obama supporters celebrate: 'No more Israel!'

Rick Moran

Are we really only going to talk about GOP crazies?

Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, "It really means to me, no more Israel...Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran...Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers."

Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube

For all we know, this guy might be one of Obama's smarter supporters.​

Read more: Blog: Obama supporters celebrate: 'No more Israel!'

He is smart enough to say fk Isreal. Cut that cord to heathen fkers & let them die.
The Israeli Solution

February 26, 2014 by Caroline Glick


In its annual survey of American Jewry published last October, the American Jewish Committee found that 75 percent of American Jews agree with the statement, “The goal of the Arabs is not a peaceful two-state agreement with Israel, but rather the destruction of Israel.”

And yet, American Jews supported the establishment of a Palestinian state 50% to 47%.

Next week over 10,000 predominantly Jewish Americansupporters of Israel will gather in Washington at AIPAC’s annual policy conference. Given their high commitment to Israel, probably most of those gathered belong to the 47% of American Jews who opposed Palestinian statehood.


In 1997, the head of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Hassan Abu Libdeh told The New York Times that he was carrying out a census which would serve as a “civil intifada,” that is, as a statistical terror assault.

And he was right. The goal of terrorism is to force a target population to take actions it otherwise would not have taken. The goal of statistical warfare is to manipulate numbers to coerce a target society into taking actions that it would otherwise not take.

The Palestinian census claimed that by 2015, Arabs would be the majority west of the Jordan River. And once Jews were the minority, the Arabs could destroy Israel just by demanding the vote.

The Clinton administration, the US Jewish leadership and the Israeli Left rushed to embrace the findings, even though they were totally inconsistent with annual Palestinian population surveys the Israeli military government conducted from 1967 through 1996.

All crowed that true, the PLO still supports terrorism, but if Israel didn’t cough up the territories, it would be demographically overwhelmed.


The Israeli Solution | FrontPage Magazine

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