Obama Still A Moron

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Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Not that any of us thought that would ever change. Today, in his political comeback speech, he reaffirmed that he was somehow once President of the United States and the dumbest man in the room, any room he was in. Basic math? He once claimed his parents first met on the Selma bridge, 4 years after he was born. Geography? He once said our railroad system, built in the late 1800's, which connected our east and west coasts was "intercontinental". History? He once claimed his uncle helped liberate a nazi concentration camp that was actually opened by Russian forces. Math again? He once said if he couldn't get his programs enacted in 3 years, he would be a one-term president. He once claimed "ten thousand people died" in a Kansas tornado....the real number was 12. Being a psychic? In a speech about fallen heroes he claimed "he saw several of them standing in the audience here today" He claimed Austrians speak "Austrian"...there is no such language, they speak German. It goes on and on....Today, he said Putin was once "head of the KGB"....I laughed out loud since Jake Starkey once made the same claim here. The CIA gives a sitting president intensive information about a foreign adversary like Putin...what he likes, fears, eats for breakfast, and yet....Putin was never head of the KGB.


The Top Fifteen Obama Gaffes
Not that any of us thought that would ever change. Today, in his political comeback speech, he reaffirmed that he was somehow once President of the United States and the dumbest man in the room, any room he was in. Basic math? He once claimed his parents first met on the Selma bridge, 4 years after he was born. Geography? He once said our railroad system, built in the late 1800's, which connected our east and west coasts was "intercontinental". History? He once claimed his uncle helped liberate a nazi concentration camp that was actually opened by Russian forces. Math again? He once said if he couldn't get his programs enacted in 3 years, he would be a one-term president. He once claimed "ten thousand people died" in a Kansas tornado....the real number was 12. Being a psychic? In a speech about fallen heroes he claimed "he saw several of them standing in the audience here today" He claimed Austrians speak "Austrian"...there is no such language, they speak German. It goes on and on....Today, he said Putin was once "head of the KGB"....I laughed out loud since Jake Starkey once made the same claim here. The CIA gives a sitting president intensive information about a foreign adversary like Putin...what he likes, fears, eats for breakfast, and yet....Putin was never head of the KGB.


The Top Fifteen Obama Gaffes
You scared, bro?

Obama be so dumb, he defeated the GOP...twice.
Well he's actually quite intelligent.

He has an ego the size of the US and Europe combined.
Don't know that I would claim he was a moron.

Most incompetent and corrupt definitely.

Have to give him credit though, he could read a speech and almost make you believe that he meant it.
Not that any oUS Discussionf us thought that would ever change. Wonce said our railroad system, built in the late 1800's, which connected our east and west coasts was "intercontinental". History? He once claimed his uncle helped liberate a nazi concentration camp that was actually opened by Russian forces. Math again? He once said if he couldn't get his programs enacted in 3 years, he would be a one-term president. He once claimed "ten thousand people died" in a Kansas tornado....the real number was 12. Being a psychic? In a speech about fallen heroes he claimed "he saw several of them standing in the audience here today" He claimed Austrians speak "Austrian"...there is no such language, they speak German. It goes on and on....Today, he said Putin was once "head of the KGB"....I laughed out loud since Jake Starkey once made the same claim here. The CIA gives a sitting president intensive information about a foreign adversary like Putin...what he likes, fears, eats for breakfast, and yet....Putin was never head of the KGB.


The Top Fifteen Obama Gaffes
Well to start with when he was first brought to my attention during the Primarys for President he spoke and I ,being stupid, bought the story and I knew he was better then Hilly Clinton. Race had something to do with it, he sounded truthull and up front. I got hooked like many of us did. We are proud and was sure he was going to change how the world was going to see us. Boy did I screw up.
From fact:Today, in his political comeback speech, he reaffirmed that he was somehow once President of the United States and the dumbest man in the room, any room he was in. Basic math? He once claimed his parents first met on the Selma bridge, 4 years after he was born. Geography?

I am finished
If anybody heard that filthy Obama speech today the asshole was trying to take credit for Trump successes. That is just the kind of low life shithead he is. Just like when he tried to blame his failures on Bush and Fox News.

These Moon Bats were absolute idiots electing him. What the hell were those turd brains thinking? Worst President we ever had, hands down.
Nah, this definitely isn't a predominantly conservative board. Half and half, for sure, say the admins.

Nah, this definitely isn't a predominantly conservative board. Half and half, for sure, say the admins.


I've noticed the "blue wave" tailing off around here.....most of them are banned and the rest are shivering in the corner, afraid to come out to play. :50:
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