Obama Stands Up For Romney's Wife


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
I must admit - this is a good thing he has done. :clap2:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House — and President Barack Obama himself — rushed into a damage control campaign Thursday to blunt the impact of a Democratic consultant's suggestion that Ann Romney isn't qualified to discuss the economy because she "hasn't worked a day in her life."

"It was the wrong thing to say," Obama declared in an interview with WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio, standing up for Republican rival Mitt Romney's wife with Democrats suddenly on the defensive over women's issues for the first time this election year. Of the "ill-advised statement" by consultant Hilary Rosen, he added, "It's not something that I subscribe to."
The president will come out of this smelling like a rose but it should defuse the "war on women" thing a bit.
Rosen is a White House operative who has been there on 37 occasions.

She must be pissed to have been made the patsy.

yep, she's a loyal democrat foot soldier (well paid by the way) that will have to take one for the team.
I'm pretty sick of hearing from this man..He pokes his nose into everything that should not concern him..
the beer summit and police acted, stupidly
Savvy move on Barrys part.

He distances himself from her mistake and makes himself looks like he really gives a shit.

She, being a loyal idiot, will of course take the hit and rightly so.

Politics as usual.
Savvy move on Barrys part.

He distances himself from her mistake and makes himself looks like he really gives a shit.

She, being a loyal idiot, will of course take the hit and rightly so.

Politics as usual.

Important thing is the Leftist meme of a Republican 'war on women' has been stopped and reversed.
It's just politics. Obama is trying to reinforce the phony narrative that he's a hero for women. I'm not impressed one bit.
Savvy move on Barrys part.

He distances himself from her mistake and makes himself looks like he really gives a shit.

She, being a loyal idiot, will of course take the hit and rightly so.

Politics as usual.

Important thing is the Leftist meme of a Republican 'war on women' has been stopped and reversed.

for now.
Rosen said something really stupid. and was properly shot down by everyone.

As I have previously stated, any mother that has the option to stay at home and care for the children and home is a lucky woman. When I was a boy in the '40's and 50's, a middle class blue collar wage was adaquete to support a family. Today, that is no longer the case.

So, I think it is great that Ann Romney had the option to stay at home and perform the mother's role to it's fullest. And I commend her for doing so.
So, I think it is great that Ann Romney had the option to stay at home and perform the mother's role to it's fullest. And I commend her for doing so.

She had the "option" to do anything she wanted to asshole. She "chose" to be a stay at home mother. So get the fuck over it. Obama and CNN did.
So, I think it is great that Ann Romney had the option to stay at home and perform the mother's role to it's fullest. And I commend her for doing so.

She had the "option" to do anything she wanted to asshole. She "chose" to be a stay at home mother. So get the fuck over it. Obama and CNN did.

Does this mean she will finally stop stumping for her husband?
Very interesting. Here's my take on it.

No, it's not damage control. The whole thing was a put-up. Obama got Rosen to come out with that remark, then after allowing the furor to build for a bit, he publicly repudiates what she said.

What's been accomplished:

1) Attention has been drawn to Romney's wealth, at a time when income inequality is a huge public issue;

2) Obama gets to shore up his feminist credentials; and

3) The Republicans, through the way that they responded to Rosen, demonstrated their lack of same.

It's a huge win for Obama, and everyone involved was manipulated splendidly (Rosen almost certainly with her knowledge and agreement).
People are not that easily fooled. It's not like obama is going to say nothing. If course he's going to come out with some kind of repudication. Whether or not there was a repudiation, is this an underlying opinion of democrats? Rosen's opinion came from someplace. Taken in totality, the way the obama white house treats women, they way they have embraced mysoginists like Bill Maher, all the insults and slights, women are starting to get the message.

Of course this isn't a huge win for obama. Although I would not expect anything else but that claim from democrats. So far, obama is losing married women to Romney but still holds on to single women.

Put a Ring on It: Obama Wins Women, but Not the Married Types - ABC News

The numbers don't favor obama, he has lost too many demographics with his divisive campaign. If anything it will be a replay of Bush v. Kerry when Kerry had polled that Bush only had support of 37% of women, when he really won with 43% of women voting for him.
I'm not buying it. She said what Obama believes.

She's another Van Jones or Steve Chu, she's an Obama Fluffer.

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