Obama Signed Another Executive Order


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This sounds like part of Agenda 21

Obama Signed Another Executive Order?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Premier Obama has signed yet another executive order, this one is Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens, that when coupled with his Executive Order Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation and Executive Order Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities, opens a direct path to bring United Nations regulations to the grass roots of our body politic.

This latest executive order will allow the soviet socialists in our local communities through their committees to adopt and enact United Nations regulations designed to establish absolute United Nations’ control over our every resource.

The laws of the United States, individual states, counties, cities, and local municipalities, under our Constitution must be legislated. These executive orders bypass the legislative process and essentially nullify our representative form of government under the guise of allowing us to voice our opinion in reference to new regulation rather than enforce our will through elected representation.

The international soviet socialists have been failing to enact international regulatory policies like the Kyoto Protocol through the legislative process because the legislators know that if they enact any more laws to further cripple our economy they will be ousted and replaced at the next election.

Obama Signed Another Executive Order? – Patriot Update

Post Continues on beforeitsnews.com
by Henry Shivley

The libs will be along shortly to attack the source and make the usual insults (pub dupes, etc.). Anything but acknowledge what Obama is actually doing to this country. I swear some wouldn't care if he allowed the U.N. to dictate all our laws and regulations as long as the givernment checks arrive each month.
Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order

March 13, 2012
By John Malcolm

President Obama signed his 86th executive order (13575) on June 9, which established the White House Rural Council (WHRC). According to The Blaze, the Executive Order seems to be in line with the United Nations radical Agenda 21, as it is designed “to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16 percent of the American people.”


Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order
Obama’s Latest Executive Order Implements Agenda 21 Policies

Susanne Posel
Mar 18th, 2012


By creating a welfare state of dependence, the government’s assistance claims to be able to lift America out of its economic distress. This perversion of the actual plight of the average American is insulting. It has been the lack of prosecution of the central banking cartels that created the economic devastation we all face each day. The Obama administration has ignored this truth. As a big brother control, this executive order will not help to alleviate our decaying cities, but simply place them under government regulation.

Obama claims that only with regional collaboration and comprehensive planning with the US government will stabilize economic growth, create jobs, and lead to sustainable redevelopment of our American cities. This rhetoric is nearly copied directly from the Agenda 21 documents from past Earth Summits.

Obama wants to gain governance over resources and implement US government objectives under the guise of suggestive communication with state and local governments. Simply put, when the US government provides the financial backing, they can create any outcome they desire. By using the cloak of sustainability and economic growth, the Obama administration is seeking to obtain voluntary control of our towns and cities from our local governments.

‘Agenda 21’ and Why is the GOP Now Opposed to It?

August 31, 2012 by Philip Hodges

One of the new additions to the Republican Party platform is opposition to Agenda 21. In its section on leadership in international organizations, the platform now reads, “We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty, and we oppose any form of U.N. Global Tax.” I’m glad they added this language to the platform, but I wonder how many people who voted in favor of this addition know what Agenda 21 is.

Agenda 21 is a plan put forth by the United Nations that seeks to implement “sustainable development.” Nebulous government-speak terms like “smart meters,” “smart growth,” “sustainable communities,” “greenways,” and my personal favorite, “social justice” all have to do with the U.N.’s Agenda 21. On the surface, sure they sound good. Why would we not be in favor of “smart” things and “sustainability?” Why would we not be in favor of “social justice?” They sound like things we could be in favor of, but what do they mean by them?

At the U.N.’s “Earth Summit” in 1992, George H. W. Bush was one of 178 world leaders who signed the Agenda 21 protocol and agreed with its goals. Maurice Strong was the Secretary General at this conference. He stated that “current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

Agenda 21 is all about environmental control. It seeks to ration natural resources in the same way that Obamacare will ration healthcare. Energy will be rationed based on the assumption that our government owns all resources including food, water and land. Local Agenda 21 initiatives will mandate certain appliances and outlaw others based on energy consumption, and your energy consumption will be monitored so that you don’t “go over your limit.” Homes and buildings will have to be built or rebuilt to meet new “green” building codes or else face hefty fines. It seeks to transition citizens away from rural areas and into cities. It wants to “wean” people off private vehicles (because of “dirty” fossil fuels) and have them start using public transportation like high-speed rail. Outdoor recreational activities will be restricted because those practices are not “sustainable.”

“Social justice” means the abolition of private property. Here’s an excerpt from a report published at the U.N.’s Habitat I Conference in 1976:

Read more: ‘Agenda 21’ and Why is the GOP Now Opposed to It? : Political Outcast
The Codex alimentarius is part of Title 21. I am pretty familiar with the CA because it directly addresses control of food production and distribution, particularly herbs and other dietary supplements.

"While the stated goal of Codex is to establish unilateral regulations for dietary supplements in every country, the actual goal is to outlaw health products and information on vitamins and dietary supplements, except those under their direct control. These regulations would supersede United States domestic laws without the American people's voice or vote in the matter."

Codex Alimentarius - the REAL threat to World health
Horse shit. The only link that you needed to cite was this:

Does it say ANYTHING about the UN? Does it open any door to an international anything?

No and no. This is actually what EC’s are for - running the exec branch. It deals directly with the running of CURRENT federal programs enlisting CURRENT department heads so they can coordinate. You want to draw parallels with 21 then fine. Draw them and then explain why they are bad but to state this has anything to do with letting the UN make any decisions here is outright falsehoods.
Here is the stated purpose of the council (again: of existing cabinet members)
Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration's engagement with rural communities. The Council shall:
(a) make recommendations to the President, through the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and the Director of the National Economic Council, on streamlining and leveraging Federal investments in rural areas, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America;
(b) coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America;
(c) coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and
(d) identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities.
You should try something new: READING PRIMARY SOURCES. Stop letting others interpret the world for you.
Horse shit. The only link that you needed to cite was this:

Does it say ANYTHING about the UN? Does it open any door to an international anything?

No and no. This is actually what EC’s are for - running the exec branch. It deals directly with the running of CURRENT federal programs enlisting CURRENT department heads so they can coordinate. You want to draw parallels with 21 then fine. Draw them and then explain why they are bad but to state this has anything to do with letting the UN make any decisions here is outright falsehoods.
Here is the stated purpose of the council (again: of existing cabinet members)
Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration's engagement with rural communities. The Council shall:
(a) make recommendations to the President, through the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and the Director of the National Economic Council, on streamlining and leveraging Federal investments in rural areas, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America;
(b) coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America;
(c) coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and
(d) identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities.
You should try something new: READING PRIMARY SOURCES. Stop letting others interpret the world for you.


READ it, then get back to me!!!

I have seen an article where this jackass progressive says we need to get rid of 80% worlds population, shit I'd hand him a gun and say 'lead the way were right behind ya'...lol
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This is the UN resolution you were talking about. Again – this has no legal bearing in the US and does not do what you claim. Here is your claim in the OP:
opens a direct path to bring United Nations regulations to the grass roots of our body politic.

This latest executive order will allow the soviet socialists in our local communities through their committees to adopt and enact United Nations regulations designed to establish absolute United Nations’ control over our every resource.
As I already stated, there is nothing whatsoever about adopting anything from the UN or allowing any control from the UN and there is no way that the presedent can allow this if congress is not complicit. You are going off the deep end here. Read the actual EO, and find fault with it. Do not see some common verbiage with a UN charter and go ballistic just because of that.

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