Obama Scam Admitted: Bush Tax Cuts Worked


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
After one of the nastiest and dishonest campaign another of Obama's stories unravels.

The American Spectator : Obama Scam Admitted: Bush Tax Cuts Worked

Did you know that the 2012 Economic Report of the President -- the official government document on the economy published by the Obama Administration and signed personally by Obama himself -- admits the Bush tax cuts caused government revenue to go up, not down?

That's right.

You can find it right here, buried in a long, eye-glazing page of statistics on page 413 at very end of a deeply unpublicized but legally required official White House report. The stats were compiled by Obama's own Secretary Timothy Geithner's Department of the Treasury. With Barack Obama literally signing his name in approval of the contents.
The issue of tax revenue enhancement, resulting expansion in GDP, resulting from lower taxes, has been well documented over the past 30 years. Clinton raised taxes and tax revenue realized fell well short of projections., yet government spending increased regardless. In 1997 the GOP forced Clinton to sign a tax relief and welfare reform bill that resulted in tax revenue increases above projections in addition to an artificial surplus at the end of his term. It didn't hurt to have two bubble economies roaring along at the same time fueling taxable income. The issue of capital gains tax reductions and increase in tax revenue realized was explored in detail in a front page article featured in IBD Monday. Obama would not have been reelected if not for class warfare, it distracted the electorate away from current conditions and presented an easy target. The fundamental desire of Obama is to enhance QE3 and funnel additional funds toward another questionable government stimulus program. The only problem is that the GOP holds the house, and are very aware that 1+1=2 and that spending $2 for every $1 received will further inch the country toward becoming insolvent. The presidents game plan now is to play politics at the expense of the middle class.
The American Spectator?

Yup, the Bush tax cuts resulted in a booming economy, which we are stiill suffering from. Gee, what a blessing they were!
Yup, the Bush tax cuts resulted in a booming economy, which we are stiill suffering from. Gee, what a blessing they were!

His cuts saved us from the Clinton recession and the dot.com crash. What it couldn't stop is Clinton's sending our jobs overseas just as was predicted. Nor could Bush stop the relentless destruction of the economy by the democrats that started with their take over in 2006. No one did more damage to the country then the liar William Jefferson Clinton.
Yup, the Bush tax cuts resulted in a booming economy, which we are stiill suffering from. Gee, what a blessing they were!

Cute little statement, please educate us oh wise one as to if the tax cut in 2001 and again in 2003 were not enacted. As such a wise and informed person, such as your self, you must have some compelling financial and economic data to share? I assume the world financial markets, sovereign debt issue, and US economy would not have melted down? Please share your wisdom.

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