Obama Says: "Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Whether we like it or not.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEvH_f9VADA]YouTube - Obama Says: "Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"[/ame]
I like it..........

I also like the smell of Napalm in the morning
I second many of the comments:

whether we like it or not? resign you anti-american incompetent clown

he really hates America, he is saying that he does not like that we are a nuclear superpower. if it was up to him we would disarm unilaterally since everyone loves us now and give everyone else nuclear weapons.
He is the Annointed One, the Great Messiah, Allah smiles on him.

Wake up America...

"Like it or Not".... what a freaking idiot!

Whether we like it or not? Are you shitting me? This guy really is a man-child!

This explains the bows.

I thought he was the world's greatest orator since Cicero? Please. This, in an unscripted moment, betrays his true emotions and thought process.
He should go to Chinatown and spend the next 2 1/2 years bowing to everyone he meets.

He's the most anti-American President ever -- but a proud Dem, loved and adored by Kool Aid snorters of all income levels
Sure sounds like he's sorry about the whole thing. Good thing he is doing his darndest to reduce us to a non-dominant superpower status. Makes everything so much easier, dontachaknow?
put in the context of the finishing thought "when a conflict breaks out, one way or another we get pulled into it" he has a point, the whole world looks for the US to get involved then they sit back and bitch about everything we do. ie..lastest example Haiti.
put in the context of the finishing thought "when a conflict breaks out, one way or another we get pulled into it" he has a point, the whole world looks for the US to get involved then they sit back and bitch about everything we do. ie..lastest example Haiti.

Haiti? Is that still news? I thought Obama fixed it all already? I mean after all, he's no Dubya
I second many of the comments:

whether we like it or not? resign you anti-american incompetent clown

he really hates America, he is saying that he does not like that we are a nuclear superpower. if it was up to him we would disarm unilaterally since everyone loves us now and give everyone else nuclear weapons.
He is the Annointed One, the Great Messiah, Allah smiles on him.

Wake up America...

This explains the bows.

I thought he was the world's greatest orator since Cicero? Please. This, in an unscripted moment, betrays his true emotions and thought process.

Like the Lizard People in V, occasionally he lets the real Obama out. This man is the "Commander in Chief".... you'd think he be a tad more supportive of our Military.
Obama the boy King.

We have been warned about people like this... and here we go.

We'll neuter him come November and oust him come '12.
Ahh the smell of fear first thing in the morning is so exhilarating.

I've got a great idea. I'm taking my Dad to probably his last reunion this Memorial Day down in DC.

Why don't you join us and tell him and John Finn and the rest of the CV-19 Vets you agree with Obama's "Like it or not" sentiment
I am starting to believe that Obama is a man that actually hates America. That he wants us to become Sweden, or Denmark. The idea that America is exceptional, that we are a force for good in the world, is foreign and abhorrent to him. He told us that he would "fundamentally" change this country. Now you are seeing what he meant.

Fortunately, he will be handcuffed in November after his party loses the House (and quite possibly the Senate) and he will be put out to pasture in 2012 as a failed, one term loser. Just like his boot licking, Military hating counterpart - Jimmy Carter.
I am starting to believe that Obama is a man that actually hates America. That he wants us to become Sweden, or Denmark. The idea that America is exceptional, that we are a force for good in the world, is foreign and abhorrent to him. He told us that he would "fundamentally" change this country. Now you are seeing what he meant.

Fortunately, he will be handcuffed in November after his party loses the House (and quite possibly the Senate) and he will be put out to pasture in 2012 as a failed, one term loser. Just like his boot licking, Military hating counterpart - Jimmy Carter.
I'm going to mostly agree with you here, though you're dangerously close to suggesting that Obama wants to destroy America as if he has some malicious intent. I don't think his intentions are simply to destroy America. I think his intentions are to change America for the better, at least in his mind.

So, from the "he hates America" standpoint, i think that's largely true. He wants to change many things about this country, and no one looks to change things if they like them or are happy with them.

And people still say that he's not a Marxist Muslim...

Which I suppose is possible... it's just that his feelings are dead center, down the middle of what one would expect from a Marxist Muslim.

So the question becomes, is there a distinction between electing a Marxist Muslim and someone's whose ideas and feelings are the same as a Marxist Muslim?

In my mind, it's pretty much the damn same thing.

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