Obama says: "I will end 'don't ask-don't tell,'"

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
WASHINGTON (Oct. 10) -- President Barack Obama pledged to end the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military in a speech Saturday, but acknowledged to a cheering crowd that the policy changes he promised on the campaign trail are not coming as quickly as they expected.
"I will end 'don't ask-don't tell,'" Obama said to a standing ovation from the crowd of about 3,000 at the annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay civil rights advocacy group. Obama reaffirmed his commitment to end the ban, but did not give a timetable or the specifics that some activists have called for.

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He will end up doing so. Probably around election time to appease them. However, I highly doubt he'll ever fight for Gay Marriage considering the cost it might have for him politically or fight for the abolishment of marriage in terms of the legal system. When I say the second one, I mean replacing marriage with civil unions and all unions being equal under the law. May it be between a man and woman or two men or two women.
i think the "don't ask, don't tell" was stupid anyway
its about time it ends
but, there becomes an issue of how do you barracks people in that case?
some people are still homophobic and that wont change
WASHINGTON (Oct. 10) -- President Barack Obama pledged to end the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military in a speech Saturday, but acknowledged to a cheering crowd that the policy changes he promised on the campaign trail are not coming as quickly as they expected.
"I will end 'don't ask-don't tell,'" Obama said to a standing ovation from the crowd of about 3,000 at the annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay civil rights advocacy group. Obama reaffirmed his commitment to end the ban, but did not give a timetable or the specifics that some activists have called for.

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Oh. Well, then he will finally have done something since getting in office.

**rolls eyes**
WASHINGTON (Oct. 10) -- President Barack Obama pledged to end the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military in a speech Saturday, but acknowledged to a cheering crowd that the policy changes he promised on the campaign trail are not coming as quickly as they expected.
"I will end 'don't ask-don't tell,'" Obama said to a standing ovation from the crowd of about 3,000 at the annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay civil rights advocacy group. Obama reaffirmed his commitment to end the ban, but did not give a timetable or the specifics that some activists have called for.

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It's a PIECE Prize ----It all makes sense to me now.
It's a sad, sad, day when we have to depend on openly flaming queers to defend our nation.

America has sunk to a new low. :evil:

If they can fight for this country bravely, then they deserve our respect. I don't see you picking up a gun and going over to fight there Sunni.
It's a sad, sad, day when we have to depend on openly flaming queers to defend our nation.

America has sunk to a new low. :evil:

If they can fight for this country bravely, then they deserve our respect. I don't see you picking up a gun and going over to fight there Sunni.

Here's the thing.. If you join, you're there to serve. If you're there because you really want to be, then it doesn't matter if you're gay. If it doesn't matter if you're gay, why the need to tell?

And...why the hell is this worthy of Obama's time when there's more important shit that needs taking care of?
It's a sad, sad, day when we have to depend on openly flaming queers to defend our nation.

America has sunk to a new low. :evil:

Yeah because a gay person with an M-16 pointed at you isn't nearly as dangerous as a straight person holding an M-16.
This will end, agreed.

But I do know one thing for sure, if I had a son who was gay and wanted to enlist, I would tell him to keep his mouth shut about it and not let anyone know.
It's a sad, sad, day when we have to depend on openly flaming queers to defend our nation.

America has sunk to a new low. :evil:

If they can fight for this country bravely, then they deserve our respect. I don't see you picking up a gun and going over to fight there Sunni.
I did my duty during Vietnam.

I have NO desire to participate in another senseless war.
I did my duty during Vietnam.

I have NO desire to participate in another senseless war.

And I thank you for your service if you did serve.

However, someone who is willing to put their life on the line for their country and to protect it's freedoms doesn't make them less of a soldier because they're homosexual.
I am glad we didn't have any homos in our platoon.

If we had found out someone was a queer.

Well, sometimes friendly fire accidents happen :cool:

Are you like the leader of Iran who says Iran has no homosexuals? Denial isn't just a river in Egypt there Sunni.
Anyone want to address why this is SOOOO important when there's other shit he should be focusing on?

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