Obama says he will close "Loopholes" for US Multinational Corporations

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
The Hoosier Heartland
Obama Targets Overseas Tax Dodge
Loopholes Would Close For U.S. Firms With Foreign Operations

We hear about tax loopholes so often as if they were some sort of dishonesty on the part of tax filers, but tax "Loopholes" come as a result of considered tax policy designed to promote the aims of the politicians who wrote the bills and passed the laws which provide for these loopholes. Most Democrats, not to mention Republicans, who are not fringe left politicians, understand the tax law better than does Obama. They will want Obama to understand for certain what he is about to do: probably cause more jobs to leave the US shores, and whole Corporations will leave, changing the headquarters to more friendly foreign locations.

"During an event at the White House, Obama said his proposal would raise $210 billion over the next decade and make good on his campaign pledge to eliminate tax advantages for companies that ship jobs abroad…..

Key Democrats [Baucus and Rangel] were cool to the plan, and said Obama's ideas should be considered as part of a broader effort to streamline the nation's complex corporate tax code.

"Further study is needed to assess the impact of this plan on U.S. businesses," Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over U.S. tax law, said in a written statement. "I want to make certain that our tax policies are fair and support the global competitiveness of U.S. businesses."…..

There's a big difference between abusive tax avoidance and legitimate tax policy that recognizes the global economy," said Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), the senior Republican on the Senate Finance Committee. "To the extent the president continues on the road of cracking down on tax abuse, he can count on my support. But if he's using tax shelters as a stalking horse to raise taxes on corporations at the cost of U.S. jobs, he'll lose me."

The United States is the last major economy to tax the profits of locally headquartered companies, even if that income is earned abroad. Other nations, including most recently Japan and Britain, are moving to a territorial system that taxes only corporate profits earned within their borders…..

To level the playing field, Obama would bar firms from taking deductions for expenses that support their overseas investments until they pay U.S. taxes on the profits…..

By contrast, more than 200 U.S. companies and trade groups have signed a letter asking congressional leaders to oppose Obama's proposal to limit their ability to defer U.S. tax payments. The letter, signed by Alcoa, General Electric, McDonald's and Microsoft, among others, warned that restricting the deferral rules would make it difficult to compete abroad….."

Watch the video of Obama introducing and explaining this new tax initiative Washington Post.COM
Yes lets be an idiot David and fail to understand anything the article says. Your first clue is that Baucus and rangel are cool to this proposal and they never met a tax they didn't like.
After 100 days of some of the most misleading pandering I have heard out of one adminstration over such a short time, it is possible there is something else underneath the photo-op.

If The Prophet intends to focus on those companies who literally avoid paying corporate taxes via offshore vehicles, that makes sense and I am all for it. The trouble with the laws around this today, however, is that they have(per an accountant I know) deliberate loopholes within them. It will be interesting to see if the Congress has some newly acquired sense of courage and really does close them off with legislation.

Am not holding breath.
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Depression, here we come.

Yes, I heard the mega corporations arguments against this yesterday, and just like I predicted, they say this will lead to layoffs, raising prices and it will make American companies less competitive on the world stage.

Boo fucking hoo. If they don't care about American labor, then why should we give a fuck if they are profitting internationally.

Either include us or die. We'll give you a tax break, but you have to hire more Americans and pay them more too. Deal? No more outsourcing to India.

Oh, I forgot, if we don't let them do that, it too will lead to higher prices and layoffs, boo hoo!!!

And they credit card companies did the same thing the other day. "boo hoo, if you don't let us predatory lend, it'll cut into our profits and we'll have to lay people off and we won't be able to offer low introductory rates, boo hoo".
After 100 days of some of the most misleading pandering I have heard out of one adminstration over such a short time, it is possible there is something else underneath the photo-op.

If The Prophet intends to focus on those companies who literally avoid paying corporate taxes via offshore vehicles, that makes sense and I am all for it. The trouble with the laws around this today, however, is that they have what appear to have (per an accountant I know) deliberate loopholes within them. It will be interesting to see if the Congress has some newly acquired sense of courage and really does close them off with legislation.

Am not holding breath.

Glad to see you not toeing the GOP line on every issue.

They'll do their best to convince you that they NEED these tax breaks. BULLSHIT!!!

And, you are starting to see the difference between Dems and Republicans.
After 100 days of some of the most misleading pandering I have heard out of one adminstration over such a short time, it is possible there is something else underneath the photo-op.

If The Prophet intends to focus on those companies who literally avoid paying corporate taxes via offshore vehicles, that makes sense and I am all for it. The trouble with the laws around this today, however, is that they have what appear to have (per an accountant I know) deliberate loopholes within them. It will be interesting to see if the Congress has some newly acquired sense of courage and really does close them off with legislation.

Am not holding breath.

Glad to see you not toeing the GOP line on every issue.

They'll do their best to convince you that they NEED these tax breaks. BULLSHIT!!!

And, you are starting to see the difference between Dems and Republicans.

The only line I toe is my own. People read my posts through their own lense.
this would actually apply to ford which has foreign factories etc.....so the money they currently pay no tax on and reinvest in the foreign factory would now be taxed in both the foreign country and the us.....

so if you owned ford.....or a similar company .... what would you do......

close the us portion and relocate everthing.....pay the tax and raise prices....pay the tax and cut costs (labour and benifits)......
Does anyone have any solid information? All this whining is just whining. Businesses cry over all sorts of things and enough is never enough, I'd wait till you know something before you squawked. No one so far has been right about anything concerning the economy. Bush allowed regulation to die and none of you crystal ballers predicted the outcome. Why trust all the people who got everything wrong?

About.com: http://tinyurl.com/6mp57
Does anyone have any solid information? All this whining is just whining. Businesses cry over all sorts of things and enough is never enough, I'd wait till you know something before you squawked. No one so far has been right about anything concerning the economy. Bush allowed regulation to die and none of you crystal ballers predicted the outcome. Why trust all the people who got everything wrong?

About.com: http://tinyurl.com/6mp57

Good point. For a little chuckle, check out these whiny quotes from conservatives in response to the Clinton tax increase, which was going to cause everything from a recession to inflation and unemployment:

Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL), Los Angeles Times, 5/28/93: They will remember who let loose this deadly virus into our economic bloodstream.

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), GOP Press Conference, House TV Gallery, 8/5/93: I believe this will lead to a recession next year. This is the Democrat machine's recession, and each one of them will be held personally accountable.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), 8/5/93: Do you know what? This is your package. We will come back here next year and try to help you when this puts the economy in the gutter...

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), CNN, 7/28/93: This plan will not work. If it was to work, then I'd have to become a Democrat... :lol:

Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA), 8/5/93: The problem with our economy is that there is too little employment and too little growth. This plan will do nothing to improve that condition and will actually make it worse.

Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA), 5/27/93: This is really the Dr. Kevorkian plan for our economy.

Rep. Thomas Ewing (R-IL), 8/5/93: ...This bill is a disaster waiting to happen.

Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN), 3/17/93: ...will stifle economic growth, destroy jobs, reduce revenues, and increase the deficit.

Rep. Phil Crane (R-IL), 3/18/93: ...a recipe for economic and fiscal disaster.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), CNN, 7/28/93: ...We have a stagnant economy and there is nothing down the road that makes it look like we're going to have the kind of economic growth that puts people to work.

Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), CNN, 8/2/93: The impact on job creation is going to be devastating, and the American young people in particular will suffer a fairly substantial deferment of their lives because there simply won't be jobs for the next two to three years to go around to our young graduates across the country.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), 5/27/93: ...your economic program is a job killer.

Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), 8/5/93: The economy will sputter along. Dreams will be put off and all this for the hollow promise of deficit reduction and magical theories of lower interest rates. Like so many of the President's past promises, deficit reduction will be another cruel hoax.

Rep. Wally Herger (R-CA), 8/4/93: The simple fact is that the Clinton plan will not lower interest rates. It will not lower inflation. It will not create jobs. And it will no lower the deficit. The Clinton tax plan will spur inflation, lose jobs, increase the deficit, and hurt our economic growth.

Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH), 5/27/93: The votes we will take today will not be soon forgotten by the American voter. [They] will lead to more taxes, higher inflation, and slower economic growth.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), GOP News Conference, Senate Gallery, 8/3/93: Come next year... we're going to find out whether we have higher deficits, we're going to find out whether we have a slower economy, we're going to find out what's going to happen to interest rates, and it's our bet that this is a job killer.

Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), CNN, 8/2/93: Clearly this is a job killer in the short run. The revenues forecast for this budget will not materialize; the costs of this budget will be greater than what is forecast. The deficit will be worse, and it is not a good omen for the American economy.

Rep. Jim Bunning (R-KY), 8/5/93: It will not cut the deficit. It will not create jobs. And it will not cut spending.

Rep. Dick Armey, CNN, 2/18/93: I will tell you, this program will not give you deficit reduction. It will be a disaster for the performance of the economy.

Rep. Clifford Stearns (R-FL), 3/17/93: ...It will be the kind of impact that this country can't absorb. It will slow economic growth, contribute to the massive federal deficit....

Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO), 8/4/93: ...It will raise your taxes, increase the deficit, and kill over one million jobs.

Congress Matters ::

You know, when you read this stuff they were so wrong about, and you think these are the folks who gave us Bush, you just have to wonder how anyone can put any faith in any thing they tell us when they have been so wrong about so many things and so often.
and clinton was of course directly responsible for the dot com insane growth that fueled the economy during clinton
Depression, here we come.

Yes, I agree. Making rich people pay their taxes instead of keeping their money hidden in off-shore accounts is REALLY going to cause the next depression!! :cuckoo:
I'm talking reality here David.

If he does this, many more corps will depart and more jobs will go, you are crazy if you think rich people will just grin and bear it.

I'd love to see a flat tax, but whenever this topic comes up, it's always political, bullshit, and does more harm then good.
Depression, here we come.

Yes, I heard the mega corporations arguments against this yesterday, and just like I predicted, they say this will lead to layoffs, raising prices and it will make American companies less competitive on the world stage.

Boo fucking hoo. If they don't care about American labor, then why should we give a fuck if they are profitting internationally.

Either include us or die. We'll give you a tax break, but you have to hire more Americans and pay them more too. Deal? No more outsourcing to India.

Oh, I forgot, if we don't let them do that, it too will lead to higher prices and layoffs, boo hoo!!!

And they credit card companies did the same thing the other day. "boo hoo, if you don't let us predatory lend, it'll cut into our profits and we'll have to lay people off and we won't be able to offer low introductory rates, boo hoo".

The real laugh is, you claim to support the little guy.

That is who will feel this.

But as usual, you have this rediculous ivory tower view of the world, and think you are somehow going to squeeze money from these pricks.

Watch what happens.
Does anyone have any solid information? All this whining is just whining. Businesses cry over all sorts of things and enough is never enough, I'd wait till you know something before you squawked. No one so far has been right about anything concerning the economy. Bush allowed regulation to die and none of you crystal ballers predicted the outcome. Why trust all the people who got everything wrong?
About.com: http://tinyurl.com/6mp57
Good point. For a little chuckle, check out these whiny quotes from conservatives in response to the Clinton tax increase, which was going to cause everything from a recession to inflation and unemployment
The quotes you posted are all from 1993. The Dems held both the House and Senate at that time. It was a Democrat tax increase, Republicans were in the minority:

Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008

In 1994, Republicans took over the House and Senate and implemented tax cuts in 1995 which led to the booming Bill Clinton economy.
Does anyone have any solid information? All this whining is just whining. Businesses cry over all sorts of things and enough is never enough, I'd wait till you know something before you squawked. No one so far has been right about anything concerning the economy. Bush allowed regulation to die and none of you crystal ballers predicted the outcome. Why trust all the people who got everything wrong?
About.com: http://tinyurl.com/6mp57
Good point. For a little chuckle, check out these whiny quotes from conservatives in response to the Clinton tax increase, which was going to cause everything from a recession to inflation and unemployment
The quotes you posted are all from 1993. The Dems held both the House and Senate at that time. It was a Democrat tax increase, Republicans were in the minority:

Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008

In 1994, Republicans took over the House and Senate and implemented tax cuts in 1995 which led to the booming Bill Clinton economy.

Sure. The '93 tax increase, which raised top rates 30% to a 39.6% rate, never would have happened if the Republicans controlled Congress. The Republicans crucified Clinton and the Dems for the increase. They opposed it right down the line, saying how it would raise deficits, create inflation, costs jobs and tank the economy and all the other stuff in the list. The Dems only passed it in the Senate only with Gore's pro tem vote.

It was a rare show of political courage by the Dems to address the chronic deficts of the Reagan/Bush1 era that had quadrupled the debt with record deficits. And the Dems paid the price -- as you point out, they got spanked by the pass the buck generation and the Republicans took over Congress in '95.

However, you are wrong to suggest that the Republicans increased taxes at that time. It was a constant fight between them and Clinton. The did not have the votes to override Clinton's veto. The only significant rax cut they got was a cut in the cap gains tax in 1997, reducing the level from 28% to 20%. But that is only a small part of tax revenues -- the top income tax rates stayed at 40%.

The economy was already growing strongly when the Republicans took office, and had been for 3 years, notwithstanding the Clinton tax increase (and the milder one by Bush1 too).

Thanks to those higher taxes, revenues flooded the Treasury. The deficits started falling in 1993 and it was the biggest reason the budget was balanced in 2000 (the "peace dividend" helped too).

Republicans were only able to effect their desired tax cuts when Bush took the WH in 2001 - with predictable results on the budget.
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