Obama reset relations with Russia? My ass

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama, Putin Call for ‘Cessation of Violence’ In Syria - ABC News

The two presidents met for close to two hours on the margins of the G20 Summit and were visibly cold toward each other during the brief photo-op that followed, as Putin sat scowling alongside a subdued Obama.

If you havent seen the video of this photo opp youre missing half the story. I watched it in its duration and the two never even looked at each other. Putin looked extremely pissed just sitting there.

Oh and then there's this oldie but goodie......

Putin Calls U.S. "Parasite" on Global Economy - YouTube

Our standing in the world has diminished under this president greatly.

... did ya see the look on Putin's face?...
... like he wanted to karate Obama onna top o' the head...
... Obama needs to send Rev. Jesse after him...

... with his straight-razor.
just like when back in 2010, no democrat running or re-running for office wanted to be seen with bambi. and to think that Obumma won the nobel prize cause those european monkeys assumed obama would keep Putin in check? {yah right! and look at what happened when Obozo got caught on the open mike conspiring with Mendezninenski}
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... did ya see the look on Putin's face?...
... like he wanted to karate Obama onna top o' the head...
... Obama needs to send Rev. Jesse after him...

... with his straight-razor.

I have heard many people liken this situation and time to the cold war relations we once delt with.

Ugly stuff
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just like when back in 2010, no democrat running or re-running for office wanted to be seen with bambi. and to think that Obumma won the nobel prize cause those european monkeys assumed obama would keep Putin in check? {yah right! and look at what happened when Obozo got caught on the open mike conspiring with Mendezninenski}

Sometimes youre funny. Other times just annoying. This is the latter :evil:
Obama to keep Putin in check, like a liberal appeaser trying to corral the KGB? Get real, the GDP of Russia with out the energy component, and arms sales is pathetic to say the least, they can hardly feed their own not less contain the unrest within their own boarders. Putin understands Obama better than Obama understands himself, and to think some still feel the Big 0 and his minions can do much better then to shoot photo ops and talk, Putin will continue to arm his thug in Syria, and smile all the way to the bank.
Our standing in the world has diminished under this president greatly.

Maybe according to those who live in Fuckstain, Kentucky, but in the real rest of the world, Obama is seen as a breath of fresh air, and has in fact upped your standing in the world. It was at an all-time low under Dumbya....

Fuckstain Kentucky? How clever... Idiot
Our standing in the world has diminished under this president greatly.

Maybe according to those who live in Fuckstain, Kentucky, but in the real rest of the world, Obama is seen as a breath of fresh air, and has in fact upped your standing in the world. It was at an all-time low under Dumbya....

Fuckstain Kentucky? How clever... Idiot

Because, ya know, your "Our standing in the world has diminished under this president greatly" comment isn't idiotic. No, that's just gold....moron...:cuckoo:
Maybe according to those who live in Fuckstain, Kentucky, but in the real rest of the world, Obama is seen as a breath of fresh air, and has in fact upped your standing in the world. It was at an all-time low under Dumbya....

Fuckstain Kentucky? How clever... Idiot

Because, ya know, your "Our standing in the world has diminished under this president greatly" comment isn't idiotic. No, that's just gold....moron...:cuckoo:

Your rock is losing its warmth
Syria is a different animal....but Russia shouldn't be baited a la Romney- they're watching the Iranian nuke program, and the cold war is over. Let Saudi and Bahrain etc give weapons to the rebels...should work...

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