Obama/reagan. Whats’ different?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

In 1986 Reagan gave amnesty to nearly 3 million Illegal Aliens and since than that number grew to 20 million taking jobs, lowering wages, draining the healthcare system and 5 million anchor babies eligible for welfare grants, food stamps, free school lunch, ESL classes, public and subsidized housing, Medicaid and free education. Reagan did not have this but to make it worse Obama want to give the 20 million a path to citizenship (amnesty) and unite families with chain migration. This would mean Armageddon for our economy for hundreds of years to come. Then there are the gangs, drug dealing and other crimes and cost of incarceration. Of the 20 million only 8 million is in our work force. What are the other 12 million doing?
Deport Illegal Aliens by mandatory E-Verify and see how fast our economy will recover. Years when we did not have a large population of Illegal Aliens (uneducated and low wage earners) were our best years economically. Illegal Aliens do have a negative effect on our economy. Bankrupting hospitals and states.

We do not need 20 million Illegal Aliens to pick lettuce and we don’t need them to cut lawns, clean hotels rooms, wash dished and make burgers and stock Wal-Mart, build houses and repair roads. American do those jobs and more. Those countries that control immigration and do not have automatic birthright citizenship their economy is doing well. Illegal Aliens and their anchor babies put a strain on the economy.

20 million Illegal Aliens and 5 million anchor babies is the difference betweed Obama’s economy and Reagan’s. and our economy is not going to recover with Obama’s plan for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

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