Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.
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Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.

Yeah, go smoke some more crack there bub. Obama hasn't learned anything, he's incapable of learning... his bloated ego won't allow it. He's wrong on nearly EVERYTHING.
I fail to see how anybody who spends so much time blaming everything that is wrong with their situation on their predecessor can be called a leader. In his short time in office the man has insulted police officers, doctors and bankers (let alone what he's said about republicans) He does not bring people together, he divides them.
Spot on there... Obama has spent his entire presidency deflecting. Ask the man a question other than ":how's the weather" and he unwravels like a cheap suit.... a cheap empty suit.

But, when you fall for "style over substance", this is what you get.... every time.
Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.

Your such a tool. :lol::lol:
0bama for President...of Haiti.

The results they have come to expect with the general dislike of the public of past leaders.
Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.

Yeah, go smoke some more crack there bub. Obama hasn't learned anything, he's incapable of learning... his bloated ego won't allow it. He's wrong on nearly EVERYTHING.

So you have N-O argument to make or point to put forth?

you're just running your mouth?

quick! where's Dude when we need her?
Hell FDR saved the damned country and they still hate him.

They cant see beyond their political party.

For the right its party over country every time
Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.

Yeah, go smoke some more crack there bub. Obama hasn't learned anything, he's incapable of learning... his bloated ego won't allow it. He's wrong on nearly EVERYTHING.

So you have N-O argument to make or point to put forth?

you're just running your mouth?

quick! where's Dude when we need her?

Most people are smart enough not to argue with stupidity. :cuckoo:
Hell FDR saved the damned country and they still hate him.

They cant see beyond their political party.

For the right its party over country every time

LMAO ther TM.

FDR probably got down on his knees and thanked God for WWII.
WWII was the only thing that pulled us out of the depression. It sure wasn't his policies.

Party over country?? Wow You should take a good look at yourself there TM. Your the most partisan person on this entire board. If it ain't Dem it poison.

If folks don't agree with you they are fucking idiots and racists. LOL

You are such a joke and really worth a good laugh.
Obama: politician vs governing leader | Why I support the man I didn't vote 4.​

Obama the politician and Obama the governing leader...just the facts ma'am.

In the primary, I voted for Hillary Clinton over Obama over the issue of Foreign policy experience among a few other minor issues. Same reasoning goes for my voting for McCain over Obama.

but let's face facts. On many issues, Obama has stepped up to the plate and alienated his base for the good of the country as a whole.

Now that's leadership!

Obama is learning on the job, as have most US Presidents, and Obama is learning on the job during a crisis most reasonable and rational people agreed back in 2008, was one of the most troubling times since the Great Depression of the early 20th century.

I criticized Obama's lack of, or style of, leadership during the health care debate, but let us all be honest: Obama has shown great leadership in trouble times.

So is what you are trying to say is that he is not a politician?

If so WHAT?

the man is nothing but politician. Everything is a campaign with him. Even his Summer of Recovery tour interestingly matches up with Democrat fund raisers nicely.

I could not disagree more, I think he has shown Incredibly Bad Leadership through these times. I think he has divided America as never before. He has constantly took the side of a Small Minority in defiance of the Large Majority of People. In issues after issue.

His Polices are not working, and he spins and lies to the American People daily about them.

You support him because you are a Democrat. Period.
Yeah, go smoke some more crack there bub. Obama hasn't learned anything, he's incapable of learning... his bloated ego won't allow it. He's wrong on nearly EVERYTHING.

So you have N-O argument to make or point to put forth?

you're just running your mouth?

quick! where's Dude when we need her?

Most people are smart enough not to argue with stupidity. :cuckoo:

Most people do not argue with Dude.
My gawd, a pair of Obama knee pads should be sent to Dante IMMEDIATLY.

and he should of put a barf warning on this thread. blaaaaaaaa:lol:

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