Obama picks ex-astronaut Bolden to lead NASA

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Obama picks ex-astronaut Bolden to lead NASA - Yahoo! News

This brother is a well qualified former astronaut that is about to be in charge of sending Americans into outer space and he has piloted space shuttles as well, people like William Joyce and the rest of the far right racist tards must be scratching their heads and reaching for more lies to tell when they spew that "blacks are low IQ brutes incapable of doing anything" argument.
I thought William Joyce thought in general blacks have lower IO’s than whites (not every black has a lower IO than whites) so this would be the exception. I don’t believe this and really don’t see a point in comparing IQ’s since I cannot change this. I believe that people should be hired on their qualifications not color or race or gender. I hope Obama didn’t base his decision on race but glad to see you’re happy a “brother” was chosen.
It would be nice if this actually proved that, but NASA, like all organizations, isn't always run by the brightest, and astronauts typically only require specialized technical skills, but are mostly chosen for their physical endurance.

Just letting you know so it won't be too much of a shock when they do post that. Really though, genetics doesn't play a role in intellect, though culture can play a huge role in the type of thinking it as well plays little role in intellect. What genetics does though is balance between several physical factors, including but not limited to, immune system, physical endurance, physical prowess, physical strength, adaptability, and physical sustainability. So really though, this proves nothing either way.
I thought William Joyce thought in general blacks have lower IO’s than whites (not every black has a lower IO than whites) so this would be the exception. I don’t believe this and really don’t see a point in comparing IQ’s since I cannot change this. I believe that people should be hired on their qualifications not color or race or gender. I hope Obama didn’t base his decision on race but glad to see you’re happy a “brother” was chosen.

If this is an exception based on the racist IQ crap spewed by WNs African Americans are full on exceptions and don't adhere to the rule. This man is obviously qualified and well deserving of the job, a view not only held by Obama but also by members of the Senate.
It would be nice if this actually proved that, but NASA, like all organizations, isn't always run by the brightest, and astronauts typically only require specialized technical skills, but are mostly chosen for their physical endurance.

What does having physical endurance have to do with being selected to be the head of NASA? You get a F in debating skills for Fallacious reasoning. To become an astronaut does require some level of physical endurance to survive some aspects of the rigors of space, sending people who are not physically able is setting them up for failure, but none of this has anything to do with selection process of who runs NASA.
I thought William Joyce thought in general blacks have lower IO’s than whites (not every black has a lower IO than whites) so this would be the exception. I don’t believe this and really don’t see a point in comparing IQ’s since I cannot change this. I believe that people should be hired on their qualifications not color or race or gender. I hope Obama didn’t base his decision on race but glad to see you’re happy a “brother” was chosen.

If this is an exception based on the racist IQ crap spewed by WNs African Americans are full on exceptions and don't adhere to the rule. This man is obviously qualified and well deserving of the job, a view not only held by Obama but also by members of the Senate.

Well then, good for him, our system is working.
It would be nice if this actually proved that, but NASA, like all organizations, isn't always run by the brightest, and astronauts typically only require specialized technical skills, but are mostly chosen for their physical endurance.

What does having physical endurance have to do with being selected to be the head of NASA? You get a F in debating skills for Fallacious reasoning. To become an astronaut does require some level of physical endurance to survive some aspects of the rigors of space, sending people who are not physically able is setting them up for failure, but none of this has anything to do with selection process of who runs NASA.

You really missed the point. I said astronauts are chosen for physical endurance, organization heads are chosen for knowledge of how the organization runs, so this is not proof either way.
It would be nice if this actually proved that, but NASA, like all organizations, isn't always run by the brightest, and astronauts typically only require specialized technical skills, but are mostly chosen for their physical endurance.

What does having physical endurance have to do with being selected to be the head of NASA? You get a F in debating skills for Fallacious reasoning. To become an astronaut does require some level of physical endurance to survive some aspects of the rigors of space, sending people who are not physically able is setting them up for failure, but none of this has anything to do with selection process of who runs NASA.

You really missed the point. I said astronauts are chosen for physical endurance, organization heads are chosen for knowledge of how the organization runs, so this is not proof either way.

Bolden is already an astronaut, so that point is irrelevant and people must be physically qualified to be an astronaut among other things:

NASA - Astronauts

Q. How do I become an astronaut?
A. Any adult man or woman in excellent physical condition who meets the basic qualifications can be selected to enter astronaut training.

For mission specialists and pilot astronauts, the minimum requirements include a bachelor's degree in engineering, science or mathematics from an accredited institution. Three years of related experience must follow the degree, and an advanced degree is desirable. Pilot astronauts must have at least 1,000 hours of experience in jet aircraft, and they need better vision than mission specialists.

Becoming an astronaut is extremely competitive, with an average of more than 4,000 applicants for about 20 openings every two years. Astronaut recruiting occurs periodically. You can find the qualifications for becoming an astronaut at the website link listed below or you can write to:

Astronaut Selection Office
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX 77058
Astronaut Qualifications/Training
Think we already established degrees don't show intelligence.

Did you read the part that stated they have to have degrees *AND* flying experience or did you just selectively ignore things to support your position? The Bass seriously doubts that NASA will jst send any one into space with a college degree, out of the approximately 4000 people who apply every 2 years only 20 are selected.
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Think we already established degrees don't show intelligence.

Did you read the part that stated they have to have degrees and flying experience or did you just selectively ignore things to support your position? The Bass seriously doubts that NASA will jst send any one into space with a college degree out of the approximately 4000 people who apply every 2 years only 20 are selected.

Okay, I'll explain this to you nicely since it seems you hadn't read many of my posts about education, I do not hold college degrees as a sign of intellect OR ability, many of those who have degrees are the people I have to clean up after. However in the requirements you posted it also stated that to become an astronaut (as I already pointed out) endurance as well as physical ability and tolerance, are some of the most important qualifications. Flying a craft is not rocket science, building them is, and NASA doesn't build the machines they use, they buy them, often from Boeing or small tech firms across the globe. The astronauts are specifically trained to handle special tasks on a trip, as rare as they are (the trips and nauts), during their long periods of not being in space they are continually going through very repetitive training involving simulations designed by Boeing with input from the scientific administrators (not the scientists mind you) to prepare them for almost every possible error. The degrees are more like the final detail in selecting them, with the large number of perspective nauts they have to have something that makes them stand out, and that is the "millimeter" of qualification used to help make the selection process easier, it is not the most important qualification by far. Psychological qualifications are often placed just below physical, but space exploration is far more physically demanding than intellectually demanding. So again, being a former naut proves nothing.

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