Obama pays people to vacation in Hawaii and think about Mars!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is the sort of thing that idiot romney should have screamed about. Talk about the absurdly wasteful ways the democrats spend our taxes.

Feds pay $5,000 to think about Mars on Hawaii beach

Tea-party lawmakers blast Washington spending horrors
Published: 18 hours ago

WASHINGTON – Members of the tea party in Congress are blasting “out of control” government spending that has included such significant expenditures as $5,000 stipends for people to think about what food would be good to eat on Mars while sunbathing on a Hawaiian beach.

“Everything is out of control,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said today at the Capitol Hill Club, where he was joined by several others, including Reps. John Fleming, R-La.; Louis Gohmert, R-Texas; Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.; and Paul Broun, R-Ga.

The lawmakers stood in front of more than 160,000 petitions from across the United States pledging their resistance to any plans for tax hikes.

Paul said not only is the amount of spending a problem, the frivolity of the Obama checkbook items are stunning.

He cited the study that granted a week vacation in Hawaii for people who were told to think about Mars and food.

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