Obama passed immigration reform with one vote.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama passed the Dream Act and Immigration Reform with one vote, his, by-passing congress and ignoring the will of the American people who put him in office and pays his salary. He gave temporary legal status and work permits to 1.7 million children under age 30 and 12 million parents and other by ordering ICE to stop deporting those who are not “convicted” of violent crimes. How many illegal alien criminals have not been apprehended and convicted? Allowing millions who entered the country illegally to remain in this country without even a fine. If I so much as park illegally, I am fined.
The parents of Illegal Aliens should be fined heavily for entering the country illegally and bringing children with them. Instead the children are fined $500 as a application fee for legal status and work permits which do not begin to pay for processing the applications. Illegal immigration use to be a crime that has been in effect since 1929 and Obama voided that law, with one vote. Illegal immigration is a crime punishable with deportation and possible a fine.
Claiming that it’s not amnesty is just choice of words. Obama can call them “extended visitors” and it’s still spelled amnesty. “Get out of deportation cards” for 12 million Illegal Aliens are free.
Majority of Americans want our immigration laws enforced and our border secured. I cannot begin to understand the sense of what Obama just did beside pandering for Latino votes. 90% of those applying for legal status and work permits are from Mexico and South and Central America. Obama believes he is doing the humane and compassionate thing but it cancels out the humanity and compassion for American children and their parents who have to compete for education and the few jobs that exist, because of no fault of their own that that are 12 million in this country illegally. The Dream Act and stopping deportations reward those who broke the law and punish those who obey the law. American children and their parents.
The U.S. economy lost 1.2 million jobs between June and July. 15.3 million American unemployed and Obama give work permits to 1.7 million and stop deportation for 12 million more? My son-in-law was one of them, losing healthcare for my grand-daughter and my grand-son is only working part-time and will graduate this year with no job I sight. His wife who were brought here illegally when she was 12, got legal status and a green card and applied for her mother’s cleaning business in her name. Just became an American citizen and can petition for her parents legal status. When something like this happens, there is something wrong with the leaders in this country.
Obama is just the lesser of the evils. America’s government has become a disappointment and not worthy of respect.

Obama passed the Dream Act and Immigration Reform with one vote, his, by-passing congress and ignoring the will of the American people who put him in office .

Obama Campaign Promises: Immigration Reform

You admit he was voted in.
He stated his intention in his campaign promises.

Ergo - he didn't ignore the will of the American people, he kept his promise to the voters.

Obama passed the Dream Act and Immigration Reform with one vote, his, by-passing congress and ignoring the will of the American people who put him in office .

Obama Campaign Promises: Immigration Reform

You admit he was voted in.
He stated his intention in his campaign promises.

Ergo - he didn't ignore the will of the American people, he kept his promise to the voters.

OMG omg omg omg

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Obama passed the Dream Act and Immigration Reform with one vote, his, by-passing congress and ignoring the will of the American people who put him in office .

Obama Campaign Promises: Immigration Reform

You admit he was voted in.
He stated his intention in his campaign promises.

Ergo - he didn't ignore the will of the American people, he kept his promise to the voters.

OMG omg omg omg


Your sarcastic tone suggests you think a liar is better as a politician.
Perhaps you should vote Romney.
Obama Campaign Promises: Immigration Reform

You admit he was voted in.
He stated his intention in his campaign promises.

Ergo - he didn't ignore the will of the American people, he kept his promise to the voters.

OMG omg omg omg


Your sarcastic tone suggests you think a liar is better as a politician.
Perhaps you should vote Romney.

maybe you don't mind living under a President who believes himself our dictator and is a LIAR...so you should vote for Obama
Good for Obama

Its about time he realized that Congress is deadlocked and cannot pass meaningful legislation. In the absence of a functioning Congress, he has no option but to utilize Executive Orders
Good for Obama

Its about time he realized that Congress is deadlocked and cannot pass meaningful legislation. In the absence of a functioning Congress, he has no option but to utilize Executive Orders

Yes, let's remember this when we have a Republican President

Bush should have reformed Fannie, Freddie AND Social Security
Good for Obama

Its about time he realized that Congress is deadlocked and cannot pass meaningful legislation. In the absence of a functioning Congress, he has no option but to utilize Executive Orders

Yes, let's remember this when we have a Republican President

Bush should have reformed Fannie, Freddie AND Social Security

And stop the illegals from flooding the labor market
We are now facing a Constitutional crisis

We have a non-functioning Congress. One branch of our Federal Government is no longer capable of executing the most mundane act

In the absence of a functioning Congress, the President has no choice but to resort to Executive Orders.
Obama Campaign Promises: Immigration Reform

You admit he was voted in.
He stated his intention in his campaign promises.

Ergo - he didn't ignore the will of the American people, he kept his promise to the voters.

OMG omg omg omg


Your sarcastic tone suggests you think a liar is better as a politician.
Perhaps you should vote Romney.

Executive order, is it the proper procedure for this type of law? Is now going to be acceptable for President's to use executive privilege for anything they wish and Congress doesn't give?

Political affiliation aside, granting the President this type of latitude is dangerous. The next President will take it another step.
Not a good idea.
We are now facing a Constitutional crisis

We have a non-functioning Congress. One branch of our Federal Government is no longer capable of executing the most mundane act

In the absence of a functioning Congress, the President has no choice but to resort to Executive Orders.

How was not passing the Dream Act a Constitutional crisis? Congress functions the way it is supposed to, the bring it to the floor, they discuss, they vote and if it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass.

When a Republican gets into office and starts using the executive order bs, you will be crying a river. I think it sets a bad precedent.
Political affiliation aside, granting the President this type of latitude is dangerous. The next President will take it another step.
Not a good idea.

Do you mean something like invading a couple of countries?
We are now facing a Constitutional crisis

We have a non-functioning Congress. One branch of our Federal Government is no longer capable of executing the most mundane act

In the absence of a functioning Congress, the President has no choice but to resort to Executive Orders.

How was not passing the Dream Act a Constitutional crisis? Congress functions the way it is supposed to, the bring it to the floor, they discuss, they vote and if it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass.

When a Republican gets into office and starts using the executive order bs, you will be crying a river. I think it sets a bad precedent.

Bush did it, Clinton did it, Bush sr did it, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, all the way back to George Washington have all done it.
There was a good decision against a man that deserved what he got.
The Bushes loved Momar I know, but some one had to finish what Reagan started.

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