Obama Orders A 100 Million Dollar $avings Plan


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Is this guy for real? Or is this just a smoke-and-mirrors trick to fool people into thinking he is "frugal".....yeah, that's the ticket....Obekanobe is frugal......hahahahaha

Obama orders $100 million in office cuts

Acknowledging a "confidence gap" with taxpayers, President Obama ordered his Cabinet on Monday to cut a total of $100 million from office expenses over the next 90 days - but his effort was immediately ridiculed by Republicans who said it was a pittance.

The president said the cuts, while not big, "send a signal we are serious" about looking for savings. He said the money will be spent on higher priorities, such as health care.

Obama orders $100 million in office cuts - Washington Times

Republicans yesterday had a field day with Obama’s request for his cabinet secretaries to cut $100 million from their budgets. As the Republicans pointed out, that request amounted to just .0025% of Obama’s budget. “Budget analysts promptly burst out laughing,” the New York Times writes. “A reporter declared at the White House briefing that the initiative would become fodder for late-night talk show hosts.” (Couldn’t have Obama had asked each department to cut $100 million, pushing the total request above $1 billion?)

First thoughts: Cheney strikes back - First Read - msnbc.com
he's :cool:ain't he?


It looks like President Obama has heard the April 15th Protesters loud and clear. He is caving into their demands and has asked his cabinet to cut the budget by $100 million. That’s right, he is reducing the $3,550,000,000,000 budget to $3,549,900,000,000 (or 0.0028 of 1%).

Take that, you wreckless-spending liberals!

Of course, this is after Obama passed the $787 billion stimulus bill, then the $410 billion Omnibus Bill a week later. There’s also the fact that many analysts believe the $3.5 trillion budget could create $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next 10 years.

And, while all this is going on, the government posted a $950 billion budget deficit, for the first half of fiscal 2009.

But, by all means, limit yourself to reducing the budget by $100 million. I’m sure that will help out my kids, grand kids, and great grand kids.

Rant - Obama To Reduce Budget by 0.00000028%

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