Obama One Term President

Don't you just love the way Democrats care so much about us Republicans that they always want to give us good advice to help us win. HA HA HA! No way. Any advice they give us, we should do the exact opposite.

If they tell us to can Sarah, then we need to keep her. If they tell us to shut her up, naturally for OUR good, then we should encourage her to speak out even more forcefully.

She is our gift from heaven. Our pit bull attack dog. If we are smart we will enable, and totally unleash her. If McCain's RINOs had not shut her up she would have won the election for us in 2008. This time no one tells Sarah to shut-up. She is paying for these Mikes now and she can use them any way she wants.

She has the killer instinct of a mother Grizzly protecting her cubs, and knows how to stalk, shoot a moose and dress it out. She will gut BHO, and mount his head over her fireplace, figuratively speaking.

To most ADULTS, she comes across as a shrieking fishwife. No candidate, EVER, Republican or Democrat, has progressed to the top of their party by only shouting vitriolic criticisms with no counterplans of their own.
The Mice Have Had Their Say, Now Maggie The Cat Will Speak...

I don't know how much attention spam you Libs have, probably not much more than an infant, but here goes with lesson two....

Democrats and consequently the Democrat Party are both evil. When we had NO Federal Government Jefferson (Democrat Party founder) was against a large Federal Government. Make sense?

Then when the Federal Government is bloated beyond imagining, and beyond sanity, guess what? Yes, Democrats, wouldn't you know it, want an even larger and larger Federal Government. You see, they always want what is BAD for America. Make sense? If you are a Demoncrat it sure does.

Now they, due to the laws of life, get about half of the votes in this country consistently. It is beyond me how they get any, but evil is ingrained in mankind and they are the device of choice for organizing it, so they do win elections.

For the last 80 years since 1932, they have, plus Democrat Wilson, been trying to spend America to death. The total government tax take, local, state and federal is now over 60% of the entire GDP. That means all of us and everything else must live on about 40% of our total GDP. These parasites are drinking our blood. Keeping in mind that the entire governmental structures of this country have never in 200 years ever produced one loaf of bread, one pair of shoes, one car, or anything of value whatsoever.

Due to their power Democrats are able to coax, induce, and bully Republicans into going along with them quite often. Evil has it attractions and its power. So, you get Reagan letting Democrats spend like crazy in a deal where they would allow him to build up the military, and the economy, in order to destroy the USSR. The price they exacted was skyrocketing domestic welfare-state spending. He and Tip O'Neil made a deal on that. OK? In order to save the nation and the world from communism, Reagan had to agree to this spending spree by Democrats.

Bush one, and two, ditto. In order for them to get Democrat support for fighting terrorism and safeguarding the nation, and the economy they had to barter away a vast domestic spending sprees, consisting of hundreds of programs, including free Prescription Drugs for old people.

These are the facts of life, and we must deal with them as best we can. Every bad thing Republicans have done has been forced on them by Democrats through extortion and blackmail, and that is the truth. Check it out.
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One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

These are the same idiots who said he wouldnt win two novembers ago. Keep in mind, they have been wrong about everything in the last ten years or so. EVERYTHING.
Don't you just love the way Democrats care so much about us Republicans that they always want to give us good advice to help us win. HA HA HA! No way. Any advice they give us, we should do the exact opposite.

If they tell us to can Sarah, then we need to keep her. If they tell us to shut her up, naturally for OUR good, then we should encourage her to speak out even more forcefully.

She is our gift from heaven. Our pit bull attack dog. If we are smart we will enable, and totally unleash her. If McCain's RINOs had not shut her up she would have won the election for us in 2008. This time no one tells Sarah to shut-up. She is paying for these Mikes now and she can use them any way she wants.

She has the killer instinct of a mother Grizzly protecting her cubs, and knows how to stalk, shoot a moose and dress it out. She will gut BHO, and mount his head over her fireplace, figuratively speaking.

To most ADULTS, she comes across as a shrieking fishwife. No candidate, EVER, Republican or Democrat, has progressed to the top of their party by only shouting vitriolic criticisms with no counterplans of their own.

Lame stream media, you betcha.
Is this thread a bunch of combined spam threads?

It kind of looks like it.

Don't people get banned for spamming crap?
We'll see. Just how violent the Right gets will be a factor. They're destroying their credibility with most Americans.

Really, according to who? You? It seems the polls show most Americans are right there with them.
Is this thread a bunch of combined spam threads?

It kind of looks like it.

Don't people get banned for spamming crap?

It seems baby boy is whining, crying, pouting and throwing temper tantrums because no one will let him win any arguments. Give him a pacifier so he will feel all better:cuckoo:.
It seems baby boy is whining, crying, pouting and throwing temper tantrums because no one will let him win any arguments. Give him a pacifier so he will feel all better:cuckoo:.

Yeah... you're a fucking moron. Why don't you pull your head out from between Glenn Beck's ass cheeks for a few minutes and try to debate, instead of spamming talking points and arguing like a 12 year-old?
It seems baby boy is whining, crying, pouting and throwing temper tantrums because no one will let him win any arguments. Give him a pacifier so he will feel all better:cuckoo:.

Yeah... you're a fucking moron. Why don't you pull your head out from between Glenn Beck's ass cheeks for a few minutes and try to debate, instead of spamming talking points and arguing like a 12 year-old?

There, there, do you feel all better now that you have sassed your elder betters. Let mommy hold you and make everything bad go away. As for Spamming, your false accusations of spamming is the only spamming I see, if anything is. I'm sorry, I made you feel bad...OK?
One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

The economy that he has destroyed? The one where he has increased the unemployment rate by 30% since he took over?

In a way I am glad that Barak Hussein has commandeered the white house. At least the american public sees what happens when they elect a radical left winger and hopefully they will never do it again.
One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

The economy that he has destroyed? The one where he has increased the unemployment rate by 30% since he took over?

In a way I am glad that Barak Hussein has commandeered the white house. At least the american public sees what happens when they elect a radical left winger and hopefully they will never do it again.

Now...now AmwayMike

We all saw the jobloss rate reverse immediately after the Stimulus passed. Remember the Bush job losses of 650,000 a month by the time he left office...we GAINED 162,000 jobs last month.
Want to comment on how the unemploynent rate nearly doubled in the last 12 months of Bush?

Comandeered? I believe that is called a LANDSLIDE ELECTION to drive the GOP out of office
One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

The economy that he has destroyed? The one where he has increased the unemployment rate by 30% since he took over?

In a way I am glad that Barak Hussein has commandeered the white house. At least the american public sees what happens when they elect a radical left winger and hopefully they will never do it again.

Now...now AmwayMike

We all saw the jobloss rate reverse immediately after the Stimulus passed. Remember the Bush job losses of 650,000 a month by the time he left office...we GAINED 162,000 jobs last month.
Want to comment on how the unemploynent rate nearly doubled in the last 12 months of Bush?

Comandeered? I believe that is called a LANDSLIDE ELECTION to drive the GOP out of office

Sewer Worker Winger

The unemployment rate was 7.4% Dec 2009, the month before Barak Hussein took over, it's now 9.7%, that's a 32% increase since Obama took over

It was 4.4% when the democrats took over Congress, that's a 122% increase thanks to Obama and the democrat congress.
After Bush took office in 2001, we entered into a mild recession a few weeks later.

Bush's fault? Or Clinton's, since he had just left office?
That doesn't work anymore, Obama has been pres for almost 1 1/2 years now. He has had supermajorites in congress, and could have passed anything without one republican vote.

The democrats have total responsiblity for the past 1 1/2 years.
That doesn't work anymore, Obama has been pres for almost 1 1/2 years now. He has had supermajorites in congress, and could have passed anything without one republican vote.

The democrats have total responsiblity for the past 1 1/2 years.

Actually? I goes beyond that...since '07

And Obama was onboard for that too. In either case? Obama has ZERO to say of anything in the past.
To early to say on that.

But it doesn't look good for barry, that is for damn sure.
A lot of people are only going to care that
-their are more jobs
-the economy temporarily seems better off
-there's some vague sense of improving international relations and getting other nations to move against Iran
-the republicans and the teapartiers are one-in-the same
-we've yet to have another 9/11
It's unclear whether Obama even wants a second term. There's a good chance he'll just want to move to the U.N. and be Secretary General. His destruction of the U.S. could be to curry favor with the regimes that hate us so that they will support his bid.
How, exactly is he destroying the US?
Obama Will Never Get a Second Term:

Every single day since he was sworn in he has done something to harm business, and to hurt the overwhelming majority of Americans, while every single day he also reaches out to support someone or another unpopular group in American society.

The pressure of public opinion builds against this increasingly unpopular president every single day. He may even have to resign before the end of his first term.

He has kissed up to terrorists, dictatorships, and criminal ventures like ACORN, while lavishly supporting Gay Marriage and dozens of other radical Gay Agenda measures.

He has turned on our longtime loyal friend Israel with a vengeance in trying to curry favor among radical Arab regimes.

His war in Afghanistan is not going well, and looks every day more like another Viet Nam.

The Economy is in shambles with no recovery in sight. He hasn't created a single job in the private sector, all the while spending trillions stimulating government spending at all levels, local, state, and federal.

He is systematically, and seemingly intentionally bankrupting the nation. Hyper inflation, ala Jimmy Carter, is just around the corner.

Like ALL Democrat Presidents in our history he only know how to dish out multiple forms of welfare, while putting thousands of businesses out of business, and chasing even more jobs overseas. One thing is for sure, adding to the power and influence of labor unions is not going to do anything positive for our economy. They are job destroyer experts.

And the companies he has chosen to bail out like General Motors and Chrysler are all losers and the American taxpayers will get stuck with the bill in the end. Notice that he is only supporting companies that have labor unions that will benefit.

Americans would have to be crazy to vote a second term for this loser who, presumably, only cares about fellow losers.

For those who wonder what Obama is doing to destroy this country, read the above...
Obama Will Never Get a Second Term:

Every single day since he was sworn in he has done something to harm business, and to hurt the overwhelming majority of Americans, while every single day he also reaches out to support someone or another unpopular group in American society.

The pressure of public opinion builds against this increasingly unpopular president every single day. He may even have to resign before the end of his first term.

He has kissed up to terrorists, dictatorships, and criminal ventures like ACORN, while lavishly supporting Gay Marriage and dozens of other radical Gay Agenda measures.

He has turned on our longtime loyal friend Israel with a vengeance in trying to curry favor among radical Arab regimes.

His war in Afghanistan is not going well, and looks every day more like another Viet Nam.

The Economy is in shambles with no recovery in sight. He hasn't created a single job in the private sector, all the while spending trillions stimulating government spending at all levels, local, state, and federal.

He is systematically, and seemingly intentionally bankrupting the nation. Hyper inflation, ala Jimmy Carter, is just around the corner.

Like ALL Democrat Presidents in our history he only know how to dish out multiple forms of welfare, while putting thousands of businesses out of business, and chasing even more jobs overseas. One thing is for sure, adding to the power and influence of labor unions is not going to do anything positive for our economy. They are job destroyer experts.

And the companies he has chosen to bail out like General Motors and Chrysler are all losers and the American taxpayers will get stuck with the bill in the end. Notice that he is only supporting companies that have labor unions that will benefit.

Americans would have to be crazy to vote a second term for this loser who, presumably, only cares about fellow losers.

Comparisons To The Great Depression Are Misleading

The economy tanked at the beginning of Hoover's term in office. The public gave him 3 years to fix it, and he dithered. They gave the House to Democrats in 1930, and the Presidency to FDR in 1932.

NOW is different. The economy tanked just at the transition point between the end of the term of Bush and the beginning of the term of Obama. Therefore, it seems the pubic will give BHO 2-4 years to fix the economy. But he, like Hoover, is dithering, using up the time on the clock while the people suffer.

Republicans THEN, though they had the time, could not provide a credible alternative to FDRs plan, but NOW they are able to bring forward a reasonable alternative to BHOs overreaching, and dithering. And there is also the difference that FDR was not burdened by a wildly Liberal Congress running wild on Gay Rights, and pandering to underclass minorities, labor unions, and on and on. FDR ran a pretty Centrist ship.

The public now is reacting to the whole extremely leftist socialist Democrat agenda that has been running from FDR to BHO.

A more apt comparison would be Jimmy Carter and BHO. They seem like peas out of the same pod and a similar result can be expected, namely ONE TERM for BHO.

Don't you just love the way Democrats care so much about us Republicans that they always want to give us good advice to help us win. HA HA HA! No way. Any advice they give us, we should do the exact opposite.

If they tell us to can Sarah, then we need to keep her. If they tell us to shut her up, naturally for OUR good, then we should encourage her to speak out even more forcefully.

She is our gift from heaven. Our pit bull attack dog. If we are smart we will enable, and totally unleash her. If McCain's RINOs had not shut her up she would have won the election for us in 2008. This time no one tells Sarah to shut-up. She is paying for these Mikes now and she can use them any way she wants.

She has the killer instinct of a mother Grizzly protecting her cubs, and knows how to stalk, shoot a moose and dress it out. She will gut BHO, and mount his head over her fireplace, figuratively speaking.

The Mice Have Had Their Say, Now Maggie The Cat Will Speak...

I don't know how much attention spam you Libs have, probably not much more than an infant, but here goes with lesson two....

Democrats and consequently the Democrat Party are both evil. When we had NO Federal Government Jefferson (Democrat Party founder) was against a large Federal Government. Make sense?

Then when the Federal Government is bloated beyond imagining, and beyond sanity, guess what? Yes, Democrats, wouldn't you know it, want an even larger and larger Federal Government. You see, they always want what is BAD for America. Make sense? If you are a Demoncrat it sure does.

Now they, due to the laws of life, get about half of the votes in this country consistently. It is beyond me how they get any, but evil is ingrained in mankind and they are the device of choice for organizing it, so they do win elections.

For the last 80 years since 1932, they have, plus Democrat Wilson, been trying to spend America to death. The total government tax take, local, state and federal is now over 60% of the entire GDP. That means all of us and everything else must live on about 40% of our total GDP. These parasites are drinking our blood. Keeping in mind that the entire governmental structures of this country have never in 200 years ever produced one loaf of bread, one pair of shoes, one car, or anything of value whatsoever.

Due to their power Democrats are able to coax, induce, and bully Republicans into going along with them quite often. Evil has it attractions and its power. So, you get Reagan letting Democrats spend like crazy in a deal where they would allow him to build up the military, and the economy, in order to destroy the USSR. The price they exacted was skyrocketing domestic welfare-state spending. He and Tip O'Neil made a deal on that. OK? In order to save the nation and the world from communism, Reagan had to agree to this spending spree by Democrats.

Bush one, and two, ditto. In order for them to get Democrat support for fighting terrorism and safeguarding the nation, and the economy they had to barter away a vast domestic spending sprees, consisting of hundreds of programs, including free Prescription Drugs for old people.

These are the facts of life, and we must deal with them as best we can. Every bad thing Republicans have done has been forced on them by Democrats through extortion and blackmail, and that is the truth. Check it out.

It's unclear whether Obama even wants a second term. There's a good chance he'll just want to move to the U.N. and be Secretary General. His destruction of the U.S. could be to curry favor with the regimes that hate us so that they will support his bid.
How, exactly is he destroying the US?

Lowering taxes, standing down Iraq, allowing affordable health care for everyone, giving gays equal rights.....stuff like that.

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