Obama on responsibility: "A white CEO in the suburbs not wanting to pay taxes...."


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching the official Expose The Fraud that is Barack Obama show yesterday (Glenn Beck) and saw another doozy. Say what you want about Beck......but NO liberal lefty can deny one thing: He uses clips of libbies in their own words. His proof is their own words and videos. Hate his message if you want, but no one can deny the reality of it.

So, what was the new clip? An audio from yet another wonderful Obama lecture, given in 1995, speaking about "responsibility". He says "A white CEO living in the suburbs who doesn't want to pay taxes to inner city kids so they can go to school."

Why does this president have such an obsession with white people? "Typical white person" whose behavior has been "bred into them" (speaking of his own grandma no less). The image of the white man in the suburbs not wanting to pay taxes to inner city kids (Guess who he thinks "inner city" kids are). And is it that white suburban mans "responsibility" to see those kids through school? NO!! It is not. It is those kids parents responsibility!!! He MUST pay his taxes, and thankfully for those inner city kids, our nation has conceded a certain amount of taxes to be peacefully taken to distribute.

And now he says he won't talk to BP's CEO because "people like him" always "say what you want to hear". I'm so glad our president isn't a person who has bias, or uses broad generalities, or God-forbid, STEREOTPYE SOMEONE!!!!

Because using a hypothetical white CEO living in a suburb is not a stereotype, is it Barack?

But, I suppose one thing is true. In Obama's experience, CEO's aren't worth his time to talk to. HE SAID IT himself. But a ruthless dictator threatening to destroy Israel? Hell, just tell Obama when, where and what food to provide!!!!!

We may have the most childish, amateur national president not just of America.....but maybe of any civilized country in modern history.
He is a child, a hypocritical child. Did you see his commencement speech at that HS in Michigan? Absolutely hilarious to watch him lecture to those kids about not blaming others for their problems . I mean are you kidding me?

PS - Who has a teleprompter for a HS commencement speech, come on now...........
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Obama: White CEO's hate inner city kids?

^^Here is the link to Beck's site sourcing him. There is 1 other google search link, but the video won't play. I actually think this bit of audio from 1995 was buried and Becks crew dug it up. It's pretty shocking actually to have our president racial profiling, yet again, after he preaches against it.

I guess black ceos in the suburbs don't mind paying taxes........or black ceos only live in the inner city.......or there are no black ceos..............or Obama is just racist. One of the 4 must be correct.
the community organizer in chief. what a bozo he is.

He's a simple racist IMO. He accuses Arizona cops of potentially racial profiling, because hey, all cops do, right? While at the same time he is the worst of the worst in using racial profiling and generalities.

Typical white person, actions that were bred into them.
White CEO not wanting to pay taxes to inner city.
Cops acted stupidly (white cop vs black suspect)

This man's racist history is very clear for anyone willing to open their eyes. Eric Holder is an extension. Calling America a nation of racial cowards. Refusing to prosecute voter intimidation by Black Panthers.

Racist in Chief.

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