Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' ..Promises Promises


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
STEVE KROFT: Did you overpromise? Did you underestimate how difficult this was going to be?

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I didn't overpromise. And I didn’t-- underestimate how tough this was going to be. I always believed that this was a long-term project…And-- you know, for individual Americans, who are struggling right now, they have every reason to be impatient. Reversing structural problems in our economy that have been building up for two decades, that was going to take time. It was going to take more than a year. It was going to take more than two years. It was going to take more than one term. Probably takes more than one president.
FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years
FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube

Candidate Obama Talking About Cutting Spending-Flashback
Candidate Obama Talking About Cutting Spending-Flashback - YouTube

Obama Pledges To Balance The Budget, Reduce Spending, Cut US's Debt While Adding $4Trillion!?!? Obama Pledges To Balance The Budget, Reduce Spending, Cut US's Debt While Adding $4Trillion!?!? - YouTube

Obama promised to turn the economy is three years; Obama promised to cut the deficit half; Obama promised to cut spending; Obama pledges to balance the budget.

I'm here to say, it didn't work out as planned. Which of these has he accomplished. As he said, "it probably will take more than one president.

Promises are cheap. Accomplisments are more than valuable. Let's get a leader who has a history of accomplishments. Read up on Newt Gingrich. Contract with America 2012. He list of achievements are impressive...more than President Obama.

True North - Let
I honestly don't think Obama cares if he's re-elected or not. He found out during his first term that he had to do as he's told or be destroyed politically by his handlers.

That's why Newt is even MORE dangerous than Obama. Newt is a Globalist who would be HAPPY to implement Globalist Ideals if he were President. He actually thinks he's an insider, he doesn't realize that he's a tool just as Obama is.
I honestly don't think Obama cares if he's re-elected or not. He found out during his first term that he had to do as he's told or be destroyed politically by his handlers.

That's why Newt is even MORE dangerous than Obama. Newt is a Globalist who would be HAPPY to implement Globalist Ideals if he were President. He actually thinks he's an insider, he doesn't realize that he's a tool just as Obama is.

I don't see Gingrich as being the globalist as you do. Obama was more than happy to go abroad and make happy with enemies of the US and apologize for perceived failures of administrations before his. He took the perception that our strongest allies were unhelpful and wanted to appease too many nations.

Gingrich however looks to ouir nation for answers for a problems here. Our place in the world is in the present, deciding on appropriate funding for less friendly nations and just trade fairness.
All politicians are tools. Someone controls their strings, with republicans it is big business, with dimwits it is socialists.
All politicians are tools. Someone controls their strings, with republicans it is big business, with dimwits it is socialists.

Some more than others. Reagan was not a tool for anyone and Clinton worked with both sides of the aisle when it was best for the country.
All politicians are tools. Someone controls their strings, with republicans it is big business, with dimwits it is socialists.

Some more than others. Reagan was not a tool for anyone and Clinton worked with both sides of the aisle when it was best for the country.

clinton didn't have the wacko teatards

and he let newt and his other idiots shut down the govt...and he got impeached after same said newtie spent 70 million dollars of our tax dollars investigating an extramarital affair... while conducting a series of extramarital affairs.

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