Obama murders 13 civilians in yemen


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo has killed thousands of civilians so far as did bush and neither man was held accountable. We are governed by mass-murdering psychopaths.

Suspected U.S. drone strike kills civilians in Yemen, officials say - CNN.com

updated 8:30 PM EDT, Mon September 3, 2012

-- A U.S. drone strike targeting al Qaeda suspects in Yemen killed 13 civilians, including three women, three security officials in the restive Middle Eastern country said.

"This was one of the very few times when our target was completely missed. It was a mistake, but we hope it will not hurt our anti-terror efforts in the region," a senior Yemeni Defense Ministry official told CNN. The official asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The United States typically does not comment on reports it has used unmanned aircraft to target terror suspects, but is widely believed to be doing so in Yemen, a key battleground against al Qaeda.
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Any of you obozo-lovers want to explain what Yemen has ever done to us? Or iraq or afghanistan or serbia or vietnam or korea.? For the last 60 years america has been murdering civilians throughout the world, sometimes by the millions.
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I see the censors moved this our of the politics board and into the Middle east dungeon. Obozo is the pres and this therefore belongs on the politics board.
Obozo has killed thousands of civilians so far as did bush and neither man was held accountable. We are governed by mass-murdering psychopaths.

1. Not "killed", but "freed", and "democratised" thousands of civilians...

2. Not "mass-murdering psychopaths", but "leaders of civilised international community" and "Nobel peace prize winners" (at least one of them)...
So,,,,when citizens are killed it's just on Obama but when bin Laden was killed it was the Navy Seals and intelligence and Obama had absolutely nothing to do with it?

HAHAHA. Nobody believes bin laden was killed last year. Buried at sea - my butt. Binster has been dead for 10 years.
So,,,,when citizens are killed it's just on Obama but when bin Laden was killed it was the Navy Seals and intelligence and Obama had absolutely nothing to do with it?


Arab media reported OBL dead YEARS before the Navy Seals took part in directed by Tarantino comedy "We killed bin Laden".

The night is hot. Cicadas sing their songs among the dusty leaves of the trees. Somewhere far away, then closer, the air is disturbed by the buzzing of helicopters. In the neighbouring court yard something big crashes down with a bang, rattle and clang. Clouds of dust, smoke and fire (Hollywood rests). Few minutes later the garden wall explodes with a roar of falling stones.

And in the house itself all is quiet and calm. The noise does not disturb the peaceful sleep of its inhabitants.

A crowd of hulks in full military gear storms through the door and starts running around the house.

Still, the inhabitants do not stir... Osama bin Laden does not reach for his weapons (what for? Helicopter crashing against the wall, the wall blowing up and men charging at night around the house -- it is so normal!).

Finally, Osama wakes up, looks out the door asking - "Who's there?"
Wrong move!
Frightened by him armed men shoot him immediately (imagine: you are roaming the house in the middle of the night and suddenly -- the door opens. It's scary!).

And they don't just "shoot" him. They shoot him square in the face! Now no one can tell who was it that they killed! May be Laden, may be Baden... The beard is black, and on the picture of the target it is grey... Aha! So, he dyed it!

But just in case, armed men start questioning relatives of a corpse - Who is this?

But relatives can't understand what these terrible men are yelling in their gibberish; do not know what they want from them, and what to say.
And all this in the middle of the night. All are scared. All want to sleep. And there is a dead body.

- Who is this? Asks the big guy in a mask of a frightened girl. - If you answer me, you can go to bed.

And the little girl wants to sleep so badly, that she answers a marine of the most powerful nation in the world who yells at her.
-- -It's Osama Bin Laden. (Not Sama, or Benny, or uncle, or Laden; but gives the full name to be heard by all Americans: - It's Osama Bin Laden).

Good for you, girl. There, have a candy.

The end.
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So,,,,when citizens are killed it's just on Obama but when bin Laden was killed it was the Navy Seals and intelligence and Obama had absolutely nothing to do with it?

HAHAHA. Nobody believes bin laden was killed last year. Buried at sea - my butt. Binster has been dead for 10 years.
I've had a problem with why bin Laden wasn't captured rather than killed. Because there clearly was no compelling reason to kill him it would have been far more useful to interrogate him and his captivity would have a powerfully demoralizing effect on his followers.

Whenever a highly controversial public figure is quickly executed, such as Timothy McVeigh, Saddam Hussein, and now Usama bin Laden, I believe the reason for it is to avoid having them answer inconvenient questions. So I have no doubt that either your theory is correct or bin Laden was silenced to prevent having him talk about provocation for the 9/11 attack.
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either your theory is correct or bin Laden was silenced to prevent having him talk about provocation for the 9/11 attack.

But OBL clearly stated that he has nothing to do with 9/11! He issued his statement right after the event, and always maintained he had no hand in it.

Binny knew a lot about what happened though. He knew it was done by the USG. Dead men tell no tales.

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