Obama muffed U.S. motto


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?
"E pluribus unum" is an unofficial motto of the U.S. and has been on the national seal since the late 18th century.

"In God We Trust" was made the official motto of the U.S. in the 1950's. Whoopie
"E pluribus unum" is an unofficial motto of the U.S. and has been on the national seal since the late 18th century.

"In God We Trust" was made the official motto of the U.S. in the 1950's. Whoopie

I think the meat of this is with his pattern of disrespecting our national heritage. It's more than just a gaffe.
Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?

Good lord, they seriously want him to take the time to corrct that?

His intentionally leaving out all reference to god is part and parcel of progressivism. If he did mention the creator, he would lose more of the left.

We need congress spending more time on cutting the budget than going over every gad damn word big 0 says.

How's this for a motto;

The Bank of the American Tax Payer is closed, all you other countries, it's time to take care of your own. We are just over 225 years old and we got it right, you have had thousancds of years to do so. So fix your own crap hole country or starve.
Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?

What do you expect from a self avowed muslim born in kenya to radical commie parents?
Nothing new here peeps.
Just part of his plan to "fundamentally change america".

Move along ... move along.
Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?

This is a non-issue issue. Get a new news source.
Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?

What do you expect from someone who made his own Faux Presidential Seal and thinks the U.S. has 57 states?
"E pluribus unum" is an unofficial motto of the U.S. and has been on the national seal since the late 18th century.

"In God We Trust" was made the official motto of the U.S. in the 1950's. Whoopie

So then.....the official motto is "in God We Trust" and not "E pluribus unum"

It is a mistake that warrants correction.

If The Prsident opted to fly a Chicago Cubs flag in the oval office as opposed to the American Flag and he publicly referred to it as the American Flag, would you not want congress to inist he correct himself?
I demand a public apology from members of Congress for peddling fauxrage on the time I pay them to fix the mess we're in.

When will you guys get it.

They are not paid to fix the mess.
They decided it is their job to fix it...but it is not.
They should just stay out of it.
"E pluribus unum" is an unofficial motto of the U.S. and has been on the national seal since the late 18th century.

"In God We Trust" was made the official motto of the U.S. in the 1950's. Whoopie

I think the meat of this is with his pattern of disrespecting our national heritage. It's more than just a gaffe.


"The establishment of the chaplainship to Congs is a palpable violation of equal rights, as well as of Constitutional principles" -- James Madison; from Detached Memoranda (1817)
What do you expect from a self avowed muslim born in kenya to radical commie parents?
Why do idiots like you keep insisting that Obama is a muslim?

He has stated emphatically that he is a Christian.

I wish that he was a muslim.

But unfortunately he is not. :frown:

It would be quite embarrassing to have a president strap himself up with explosives and blow himself up in a mall or some shit like that......Or smack his wife and daughters around on a regular basis.

But then, he's not exactly the brightest light on the ol' christmas tree o' life so, he'd most likely blow himself up in the limo on the way to the mall.

Just sayin':razz: :eusa_whistle:
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Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.'s motto in a speech last month, rather than "In God We Trust."

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making "a pattern" of dropping the word "Creator" when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

Obama muffed U.S. motto - Washington Times

Some would say his stupidity is intentional but I swear to God he said he was a Christian. Didn't he?

I demand a public apology from members of Congress for peddling fauxrage on the time I pay them to fix the mess we're in.

But, but this, but this is way more important than anything else he has ever said. :eusa_drool:

And these goons wonder why congress rates below even obama.

good lord

Yeah, it's kind of funny. But I'm gonna be honest here. I haven't had a good rant in a while.

I don't give a flying rat's ass if they're from the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the Tea Party, the Coffee Party, the Hot Cocoa Party, the Cold Beer Party, the Birthday Party, the Stag Party or the damn Halloween Party. These people need to get their heads out of their asses and stop the stupid partisan sniping BS if they think with everything else going on this is something they should be wasting our dime and time on, and I don't care who said what, when or why. For all I care Obama could have recited the Satanic Bible backwards on C-Span with Boehner farting accompaniment in his jockey shorts, we have bigger things to worry about. They're just not big enough to give a shit.

These people prove over and over again they're FAR too small and petty to be doing the job they've been elected to do, every single one of them. They're infecting the whole country with rabid bullshititis. And I'm sick and tired of hearing about the manufactured fauxrage du jour from a bunch of narcissistic assholes I wouldn't even allow in my home. Do. Your. Fucking. Jobs.


Now ask me how I really feel. :D

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