Obama moves to solidify the base


Jul 14, 2009
Neo-Nazis , muslim fundamentalists and leftwing radicals.

Israel recoils as US backs nuclear move

Israel recoils as US backs nuclear move

"The American support for the resolution, after decades in which it supported Israel on this issue, came as a complete surprise," the paper said.

"In the secret talks that Netanyahu held with Obama's men... Israel was promised that the resolution would not focus on Israel and that if it did, the Americans would vote against."

"It is an undeniably negative change to US policy" with regards to Israel's nuclear programme, said Eitan Gilboa, an analyst from Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

Pointing to contradiction between Obama both applauding the resolution and criticising it for singling out Israel, Gilboa said Washington was "losing its leadership role because of the naive and unrealistic" outlook of its president.

The document, which singles out Israel but makes no mention of Iran's controversial nuclear programme, drew a furious reaction from the Jewish state who decried it as "deeply flawed and hypocritical."
"Naive fuck up" is about the kindest thing anyone could say.
This president is a foreign policy disaster. We will be a decade trying to repair the damage he will do.
His 'foreign policy' is embarrassing. It makes me cringe. I'm not a big Hilary Clinton fan, but can you imagine how frustrated she is? She is not dumb and she has to deal with that?

I'm not so sure the damage he is doing will be repairable
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This guy can't seem to do anything right at this point. I think it's safe to say that this ship has already struck the iceberg. It can only continue to sink at this point. What a rapid fall. Yikes!
"Naive fuck up" is about the kindest thing anyone could say.
This president is a foreign policy disaster. We will be a decade trying to repair the damage he will do.

Only one disagreement. He's not naive. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is shifting his policy to an appeasment policy towards the radicals. He is a foreign policy disaster in the minds of 70% of Americans. And Israel.

But to the Arab world, left wingers, commies, socialists, etc, he is a foreign policy God-send. He's doing exactly what that segment of the world wants. And he wants the same thing.
I disagree. Nothing in his resume suggests he understands what's going on and what to do about it. And his advisors are as clueless as he is.
Stop the hypocrisy about Israel

OK, so maybe it is not news that the U.N. system is hypocritical and useless. What is news is this: The Obama administration has broken with 40 years of precedent and has affixed its signature to a document suggesting that it is Israel's weapons -- not Iran's -- that ought to be priority No. 1 in the Middle East.

And now, post-flotilla, the Obama administration stands in danger of being drawn into the attempt to open Hamas-ruled Gaza to military-capable imports, and to force Israel to engage in some kind of negotiation with Hamas.

Stop the hypocrisy about Israel - CNN.com
What a naive fuck up he is. Experience does have its advantages.

Oh CRAP--what has he promised the ignorant masses now?


LOOK--the ONLY way OBAMA solidifies his BASE--is by promising the masses something that others work hard for that his base gets for FREE.

That's it.

It's his punish success while rewarding failure policy. It's that simple.
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Show of hands, how many in this thread agree with this? Just wondering.

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons | World news | The Guardian
If you think that most states were not aware of this in 1975, then your naivete knows no bounds.

As Israel is not an NPT signatory state, they have no restrictions in that area. As such, it is not up to us or anyone to approve of their activities or not. And, any hopes of bringing Israel into the NPT are beyond shot with this administration. A bunch of buffoons. :rolleyes:
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What a naive fuck up he is. Experience does have its advantages.

Oh CRAP--what has he promised the ignorant masses now?

View attachment 10461

LOOK--the ONLY way OBAMA solidifies his BASE--is by promising the masses something that others work hard for that his base gets for FREE.

That's it.

It's his punish success while rewarding failure policy. It's that simple.

So. You think his base, those elite, rich, scumbags who voted for him, the ones who helped him win in an electoral landslide are the losers and the ones who lost all those seats in the House and Senate AND the WH are the winners? Down is up and up is down for you neocons once again.

You're an idiot.
Maybe the Jewish voters will finally wake up and stop mimicking the black vote in '10 and '12.

from your mouth to G-d's ear!

Unfortunately secular Jews like Jillian are hell bent on self destruction, so unlikely to change course.
What does this have to do with the OP?


The "top secret" minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa's defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel's defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them "in three sizes". The two men also signed a broad-ranging agreement governing military ties between the two countries that included a clause declaring that "the very existence of this agreement" was to remain secret.
"Moves" and "solidify" in the same breath. Heh, wouldn't be surprised if you all were now crying about how he takes a Dump.

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