Obama more popular than Romney or Santorum


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
In the new survey, 54% of Republicans said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 67% said the same in January. Among all Americans, 34% described the candidate as likable, down from 41% last month.

Meanwhile, Santorum's recent victories have boosted his standing among Republicans, 56% of whom had a good opinion of the former Pennsylvania senator, up from 49% in January.

The survey was conducted Friday through Monday, the tail end of a big week for Santorum with three contest victories followed by a spike in fundraising and poll numbers.

But among all Americans, Santorum's favorable rating has remained flat. Thirty-two percent held a good opinion in the new survey, while 31% said the same in January.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received positive reviews from roughly half of all Republicans.

But those numbers declined when Americans of all political affiliations were surveyed. In that case, Paul came in at 42%, ahead of Romney and Santorum, and Gingrich's favorable rating fell to 25%.

That leaves only one presidential candidate in the race with a national favorable rating above the 50% mark: President Barack Obama.

Among all Americans, Obama received positive reviews from 53%, with the poll suggesting he may have grown more popular in recent months.

CNN Poll: Romney’s likability fading – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)
I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Polls can be instructive or destructive. For the most part...the latter. Manipulation in motion for the mindless as Chrissy that runs his life from them.

If there were no polls? Chrissy wouldn't know what to do next.
I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Many people have this question:

Frequently Asked Questions | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

If you have a telephone (or at least a listed telephone) your odds of being called in a national poll are about the same as anyone else's. Given how often such polls occur, few if any of the people you know should have been called. As to polling firms calling the same people over and over, I don't think that is a likely methodological error.
There's no question that Romney is not where he hoped to be. He had good odds of becoming the de facto nominee by now. Instead, he's seeing his support within the Republican party erode rather than solidify. A drawn-out primary season has every chance of leaving Romney's support from the base substantially diminished.
In the new survey, 54% of Republicans said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 67% said the same in January. Among all Americans, 34% described the candidate as likable, down from 41% last month.

Meanwhile, Santorum's recent victories have boosted his standing among Republicans, 56% of whom had a good opinion of the former Pennsylvania senator, up from 49% in January.

The survey was conducted Friday through Monday, the tail end of a big week for Santorum with three contest victories followed by a spike in fundraising and poll numbers.

But among all Americans, Santorum's favorable rating has remained flat. Thirty-two percent held a good opinion in the new survey, while 31% said the same in January.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received positive reviews from roughly half of all Republicans.

But those numbers declined when Americans of all political affiliations were surveyed. In that case, Paul came in at 42%, ahead of Romney and Santorum, and Gingrich's favorable rating fell to 25%.

That leaves only one presidential candidate in the race with a national favorable rating above the 50% mark: President Barack Obama.

Among all Americans, Obama received positive reviews from 53%, with the poll suggesting he may have grown more popular in recent months.

CNN Poll: Romney’s likability fading – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Who'd they poll? Your other 234 personalities?
In the new survey, 54% of Republicans said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 67% said the same in January. Among all Americans, 34% described the candidate as likable, down from 41% last month.

Meanwhile, Santorum's recent victories have boosted his standing among Republicans, 56% of whom had a good opinion of the former Pennsylvania senator, up from 49% in January.

The survey was conducted Friday through Monday, the tail end of a big week for Santorum with three contest victories followed by a spike in fundraising and poll numbers.

But among all Americans, Santorum's favorable rating has remained flat. Thirty-two percent held a good opinion in the new survey, while 31% said the same in January.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received positive reviews from roughly half of all Republicans.

But those numbers declined when Americans of all political affiliations were surveyed. In that case, Paul came in at 42%, ahead of Romney and Santorum, and Gingrich's favorable rating fell to 25%.

That leaves only one presidential candidate in the race with a national favorable rating above the 50% mark: President Barack Obama.

Among all Americans, Obama received positive reviews from 53%, with the poll suggesting he may have grown more popular in recent months.

CNN Poll: Romney’s likability fading – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Who'd they poll? Your other 234 personalities?

I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Many people have this question:

Frequently Asked Questions | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

If you have a telephone (or at least a listed telephone) your odds of being called in a national poll are about the same as anyone else's. Given how often such polls occur, few if any of the people you know should have been called. As to polling firms calling the same people over and over, I don't think that is a likely methodological error.

Unless they keep lists of previous names to call...... :) Just sayin' ! Lol!
I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Many people have this question:

Frequently Asked Questions | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

If you have a telephone (or at least a listed telephone) your odds of being called in a national poll are about the same as anyone else's. Given how often such polls occur, few if any of the people you know should have been called. As to polling firms calling the same people over and over, I don't think that is a likely methodological error.

Unless they keep lists of previous names to call...... :) Just sayin' ! Lol!

Be just like them to use old stats/calls...they're dubious at best. Un reliable and unbelivable except to the eternally idiotic/moronic/gullible.

Those that live by polls DIE by them.
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I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Polls can be instructive or destructive. For the most part...the latter. Manipulation in motion for the mindless as Chrissy that runs his life from them.

If there were no polls? Chrissy wouldn't know what to do next.
If primary turnout is any indication, relatively few repubs are paying any attention right now and are more than likely just to pull the lever next to the (R) come November.
I have NEVER in my 58 years been contacted to participate in a poll like this!! I don't KNOW anyone that has been polled. I'm sure there are some, but do they always call the same people??? :)

Polls can be instructive or destructive. For the most part...the latter. Manipulation in motion for the mindless as Chrissy that runs his life from them.

If there were no polls? Chrissy wouldn't know what to do next.
If primary turnout is any indication, relatively few repubs are paying any attention right now and are more than likely just to pull the lever next to the (R) come November.

More than likely the case.

Good point.
In the new survey, 54% of Republicans said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 67% said the same in January. Among all Americans, 34% described the candidate as likable, down from 41% last month.

Meanwhile, Santorum's recent victories have boosted his standing among Republicans, 56% of whom had a good opinion of the former Pennsylvania senator, up from 49% in January.

The survey was conducted Friday through Monday, the tail end of a big week for Santorum with three contest victories followed by a spike in fundraising and poll numbers.

But among all Americans, Santorum's favorable rating has remained flat. Thirty-two percent held a good opinion in the new survey, while 31% said the same in January.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received positive reviews from roughly half of all Republicans.

But those numbers declined when Americans of all political affiliations were surveyed. In that case, Paul came in at 42%, ahead of Romney and Santorum, and Gingrich's favorable rating fell to 25%.

That leaves only one presidential candidate in the race with a national favorable rating above the 50% mark: President Barack Obama.

Among all Americans, Obama received positive reviews from 53%, with the poll suggesting he may have grown more popular in recent months.

CNN Poll: Romney’s likability fading – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Regardless of what the polls say, Obama's record of what he accomplished is going to follow him to the pink slip the American people hand him this November.

1. It has been shown that George W. Bush is not responsible for Obama's abysmal unemployment line syndrome.

2. It has been shown that George W. Bush is not responsible for Obama's call to minions in the treasury to hurry up the half a billion dollars out to Solyndra, which used the money to fire 11,000 people less than 2 years later. That money came out of the little taxpayer people's paychecks to the IRS. Not only that, but the same people in Solyndra are also the Pelosi relatives building a solar-powered generating plant out in the middle of the Nevada desert. Can you say nepotism?

3. When Obama canned American companies petitioning for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, he left the door wide open for anybody else to drill, and like clockwork, Cuba has invited their friends the Russians to drill a few miles south of Key West. That is so far beyond stupid. Or was it? Is Obama proving to be the Manchurian candidate or what!

4. Oh, yes, and due to Obama's oversight and not looking, Hugo Chavez is hooking up with the Russians to build a Russian weapons manufacturing plant in Venezuela, just a coupla hundred miles south of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Hugo is telling people that America gave him his cancer on purpose.

5. Obama opened the door for Sadr to take over in Iraq by removing all of our troops from Iraq under stern disapproval from his military. Sadr will have no compunctions about cleansing Iraq of all people friendly to the United States.

We're screwed if Obama stays. Throw the bum out.
In the new survey, 54% of Republicans said they hold a favorable opinion of Romney, while 67% said the same in January. Among all Americans, 34% described the candidate as likable, down from 41% last month.

Meanwhile, Santorum's recent victories have boosted his standing among Republicans, 56% of whom had a good opinion of the former Pennsylvania senator, up from 49% in January.

The survey was conducted Friday through Monday, the tail end of a big week for Santorum with three contest victories followed by a spike in fundraising and poll numbers.

But among all Americans, Santorum's favorable rating has remained flat. Thirty-two percent held a good opinion in the new survey, while 31% said the same in January.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received positive reviews from roughly half of all Republicans.

But those numbers declined when Americans of all political affiliations were surveyed. In that case, Paul came in at 42%, ahead of Romney and Santorum, and Gingrich's favorable rating fell to 25%.

That leaves only one presidential candidate in the race with a national favorable rating above the 50% mark: President Barack Obama.

Among all Americans, Obama received positive reviews from 53%, with the poll suggesting he may have grown more popular in recent months.

CNN Poll: Romney’s likability fading – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Regardless of what the polls say, Obama's record of what he accomplished is going to follow him to the pink slip the American people hand him this November.

1. It has been shown that George W. Bush is not responsible for Obama's abysmal unemployment line syndrome.

2. It has been shown that George W. Bush is not responsible for Obama's call to minions in the treasury to hurry up the half a billion dollars out to Solyndra, which used the money to fire 11,000 people less than 2 years later. That money came out of the little taxpayer people's paychecks to the IRS. Not only that, but the same people in Solyndra are also the Pelosi relatives building a solar-powered generating plant out in the middle of the Nevada desert. Can you say nepotism?

3. When Obama canned American companies petitioning for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, he left the door wide open for anybody else to drill, and like clockwork, Cuba has invited their friends the Russians to drill a few miles south of Key West. That is so far beyond stupid. Or was it? Is Obama proving to be the Manchurian candidate or what!

4. Oh, yes, and due to Obama's oversight and not looking, Hugo Chavez is hooking up with the Russians to build a Russian weapons manufacturing plant in Venezuela, just a coupla hundred miles south of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Hugo is telling people that America gave him his cancer on purpose.

5. Obama opened the door for Sadr to take over in Iraq by removing all of our troops from Iraq under stern disapproval from his military. Sadr will have no compunctions about cleansing Iraq of all people friendly to the United States.

We're screwed if Obama stays. Throw the bum out.


You guys crack me up.

Good luck winning with Santorum and Romney!
I think it is highly likely that Obama will get re elected. People really do not like change as much as they say they do. They will look at Obama and decide that no great calamity happened so will stay the course. And, that we already survived 4 yrs of him so what is 4 more?
I think it is highly likely that Obama will get re elected. People really do not like change as much as they say they do. They will look at Obama and decide that no great calamity happened so will stay the course. And, that we already survived 4 yrs of him so what is 4 more?

Can we say Bush! Ya, that worked out REALLY well. People will never wake up.
There are lots of popular people I wouldnt trust leading this nation. Lindsey Lohan, for one.

There is only one poll that matters. and that will be held in November. And a heck of alot can happen on both sides before that happens.
I think it is highly likely that Obama will get re elected. People really do not like change as much as they say they do. They will look at Obama and decide that no great calamity happened so will stay the course. And, that we already survived 4 yrs of him so what is 4 more?

No great calamity? I dont remember violence on the streets four years ago.

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