Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization

6/14/12 By Kate Hicks

With President Obama's approval rankings taking a dip, and his head-to-head matchups with Mitt Romney looking awfully close, it may be time for him to break out another secret weapon: pot legalization. So says speculation, at least, drawing comparisons to the Bush campaign's 2004 effort to put gay marriage bans on ballots as a way of motivating the right. Several states will have weed legalization measures on their ballots this fall, and the Democrats are hoping this will energize the youth.

This year there's another incumbent president with modest approval ratings who could turn out his base with controversial ballot measures. ... In 2012, voters in swing states will decide whether they'll allow their fellow citizens to bear joints. Unlike the gay marriage votes, there's no indication that Obama's re-election team is behind any of the pot legalization initiatives, but there are Democrats who are hoping that it will boost turnout among weed's biggest fans: young people.

Getting more young people to vote has long been a Democratic fantasy, since they tend to vote so heavily Democratic. But past attempts to bong the vote have been disappointing, in part because stoners aren't the group anyone would most count on to bother filling out a ballot.


Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization - Kate Hicks

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Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization

6/14/12 By Kate Hicks

With President Obama's approval rankings taking a dip, and his head-to-head matchups with Mitt Romney looking awfully close, it may be time for him to break out another secret weapon: pot legalization. So says speculation, at least, drawing comparisons to the Bush campaign's 2004 effort to put gay marriage bans on ballots as a way of motivating the right. Several states will have weed legalization measures on their ballots this fall, and the Democrats are hoping this will energize the youth.

This year there's another incumbent president with modest approval ratings who could turn out his base with controversial ballot measures. ... In 2012, voters in swing states will decide whether they'll allow their fellow citizens to bear joints. Unlike the gay marriage votes, there's no indication that Obama's re-election team is behind any of the pot legalization initiatives, but there are Democrats who are hoping that it will boost turnout among weed's biggest fans: young people.

Getting more young people to vote has long been a Democratic fantasy, since they tend to vote so heavily Democratic. But past attempts to bong the vote have been disappointing, in part because stoners aren't the group anyone would most count on to bother filling out a ballot.


Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization - Kate Hicks

Only Obama Can't Legalize Pot. lol Congress would have to Change the Laws. Obama has clearly Shown he can't even Get a Congress with Near Super Majorities in Both Houses in his Favor to do Shit, Why the hell would you think he is going to Be able to Legalize pot. lol
Youth vote? What about all those Baby Boomers who have made living in the past their lives' work?

I thought Obama stated a while ago that he wouldn't even bother addressing the middle class. So far, he has kept his word.

I'm not worried about him attemtping to push pot legislation. Even if that happens, I can't imagine many pot heads going out to vote.

Besides, much of today's youth don't do drugs. Funny that Obama thinks that teens these days are like he was back in school.

Obama will use mass hypnosis...

Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization

6/14/12 By Kate Hicks

With President Obama's approval rankings taking a dip, and his head-to-head matchups with Mitt Romney looking awfully close, it may be time for him to break out another secret weapon: pot legalization. So says speculation, at least, drawing comparisons to the Bush campaign's 2004 effort to put gay marriage bans on ballots as a way of motivating the right. Several states will have weed legalization measures on their ballots this fall, and the Democrats are hoping this will energize the youth.

This year there's another incumbent president with modest approval ratings who could turn out his base with controversial ballot measures. ... In 2012, voters in swing states will decide whether they'll allow their fellow citizens to bear joints. Unlike the gay marriage votes, there's no indication that Obama's re-election team is behind any of the pot legalization initiatives, but there are Democrats who are hoping that it will boost turnout among weed's biggest fans: young people.

Getting more young people to vote has long been a Democratic fantasy, since they tend to vote so heavily Democratic. But past attempts to bong the vote have been disappointing, in part because stoners aren't the group anyone would most count on to bother filling out a ballot.


Hmm: Obama May Lure Youth Vote through Pot Legalization - Kate Hicks

Not likely--the 17 medical marijuana states got a knife in the back from Barack Obama and will not support him--nor trust him again.



Denver, Colorado 4/20/2012
I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.
now I know how he's gonna get people to believe in his economic policies, I already know the liberals on this board are high.
I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.

Obama just endorsed gay marriage. Two weeks prior he stated that he believed marriage to be between a man and a woman.

Nothing would surprise me. He's desperate to get something going.

I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.

I always thought liberals hated smoking...oh yeah just the stuff that wont make you high, I guess that's what they need to make it through the day. Explains the drug use in very liberal cities.
It definitely is not only the youth vote Obama's treachery regarding the issue of marijuana has offended.

I'll tell you what you've got California and Colorado that are big medical marijuana states-and Obama literally stabbed them in the backs.

I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.
Rhode Island just decriminalized marijuana. The time has come for government to stop wasting resources and ruining lives with the irrational prohibition of a relatively harmless, naturally occurring tranquilizer.

Candidate Barack Obama artfully conveyed the impression that he was enlightened on the marijuana issue. Then shortly after being elected he contemptuously dismissed the issue, refusing to even discuss it, and proceeded to ignore one of this Nation's most seriously damaging problems -- the War on Drugs. That fact, alone, is going to cost him millions of potential votes.

While I dread the prospect of a Romney presidency I understand how Obama's deceitful nature is likely to cost him the election. He can't be trusted.
I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.
Rhode Island just decriminalized marijuana. The time has come for government to stop wasting resources and ruining lives with the irrational prohibition of a relatively harmless, naturally occurring tranquilizer.

Candidate Barack Obama artfully conveyed the impression that he was enlightened on the marijuana issue. Then shortly after being elected he contemptuously dismissed the issue, refusing to even discuss it, and proceeded to ignore one of this Nation's most seriously damaging problems -- the War on Drugs. That fact, alone, is going to cost him millions of potential votes.

While I dread the prospect of a Romney presidency I understand how Obama's deceitful nature is likely to cost him the election. He can't be trusted.

Can stoners not live life without? Is it really THAT important, MAN. I just cant stand stoners, annoying as all hell. Can ya read me the list of uses for hemp again?
I do find it odd that any president would even consider getting youth votes by encouraging drug use. This is a first.

I doubt those teens will be thrilled over medical pot.
Rhode Island just decriminalized marijuana. The time has come for government to stop wasting resources and ruining lives with the irrational prohibition of a relatively harmless, naturally occurring tranquilizer.

Candidate Barack Obama artfully conveyed the impression that he was enlightened on the marijuana issue. Then shortly after being elected he contemptuously dismissed the issue, refusing to even discuss it, and proceeded to ignore one of this Nation's most seriously damaging problems -- the War on Drugs. That fact, alone, is going to cost him millions of potential votes.

While I dread the prospect of a Romney presidency I understand how Obama's deceitful nature is likely to cost him the election. He can't be trusted.

Bull--shit you know there have been more prosecutions in California regarding medical marijuana under Obama's watch--in 3-1/2 years than under G.W. Bush in 8 years. That's a fact.

What you want is a President that is HONEST about his feelings--and RESPECTS the rights of states to pass their own regulations regarding medical marijuana. Bush at least respects the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution regarding states rights--Obama just talked the talk to get your vote--and then sent the DEA into California.
I support decriminalization, the removal of weed from the schedule one narcotics list and the demilitarization of our police forces but it's not nearly enough to make me vote for President Obama. ("It's the economy stupid") Like others here, I also don't trust the Prezzy on this issue.

Obama would gladly let me rot in prison for doing what he bragged about doing in the choom wagon. Plus cops and prison guards are union and he's going to protect those jobs.

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