Obama makes final push to cement cyber legacy


Feb 7, 2016
Obama makes final push to cement cyber legacy

Obama: Why do you pass things just for you're legacy? You should of actually worked with people across the isle and helped unite America... but nah, you just passed what you wanted.
Here is your legacy now..... Worse POTUS in History!

not only cyber threats, but terrorist threats as well a he lets millions of illegals into the country and we have no idea who they really are. Ad now, t add insult to injury, he has ordered Border Patrol to release ll illegals coming into the country and told them they could not track them. If they did, they would be fired.

Why does Obama hate us and this once great country so much?
US Cyber command gets into the mix against ISIS...

Cyber Command Gets 'First Wartime Assignment' in Fight against ISIS
Apr 05, 2016 | The U.S. Defense Department's relatively new Cyber Command has received its "first wartime assignment" in the fight against the Islamic State, the Pentagon's top civilian said.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter made the statement during a question-and-answer session after a speech Tuesday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a defense think tank in Washington, D.C. "I have given the Cyber Command in the counter-ISIL fight really its first wartime assignment," Carter said, referring to another name for the group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. "What that means is to bring the fight to ISIL in Syria and Iraq," he added. "It means interrupting their ability to command and control their forces, interrupting their ability to plot including against us here and anywhere else against our friends and allies around the world, interrupting their finances, their ability to dominate the population on territory they have tried to establish this nasty ideology." Carter said, "All that, we can approach in part through cyber."

The secretary used the occasion to unveil proposed updates to Goldwater-Nichols Act, the 1986 legislation that reorganized the structure of the Defense Department in part by empowering the Joint Chiefs of Staff and streamlining the chain of command from the president to the defense secretary to the combatant commanders. Carter said he wants to bolster the role of Joint Chiefs chairman to include "synchronizing of resources globally" and "planning complex operations," increase authority for service chiefs to more closely oversee weapons acquisitions, further streamline some combatant command headquarters and possibly elevate "the role of Cyber Command," and expand the range of assignments that qualify for joint duty.


The Cyber Operations Center on Fort Gordon, Ga., is home to signal and military intelligence non-commissioned officers, who watch for and respond to network attacks from adversaries.​

His remarks about Cyber Command, which was created in 2009 and is based at Fort Meade in Maryland, came in response to a question posed by John Hamre, the president and chief executive officer of the center and a former Pentagon comptroller and deputy defense secretary. Hamre said, "Any future war we fight will probably begin in the cyber space, really. How do you see that we integrate the physical fight that's kind of led and planned and coordinated by regional combatant commanders with a Cyber Command? How is that going to work?"

Carter said that while Cyber Command is currently structured as a service within geographic combatant commands, "it's more complicated than that" because its responsibilities cross multiple regions such as Central Command, Africa Command and European Command. The secretary noted the recent bombings in Belgium at the airport and subway system in Brussels, attacks that were carried out by ISIS militants even though the organization largely operates in the Middle East. The suicide bombers killed almost three dozen people, including four Americans, and wounded more than 300 others. Gail Minglana Martinez, 41, the wife of Air Force Lt. Col. Kato Martinez, died of injuries suffered in the airport bombing and Kato Martinez and four of the couple's children were also injured in the bombings.

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Obama about to elevate the stature of the Pentagon’s Cyber Command...

Obama prepares to boost U.S. military's cyber role: sources
Fri Aug 5, 2016 | WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is preparing to elevate the stature of the Pentagon’s Cyber Command, signaling more emphasis on developing cyber weapons to deter attacks, punish intruders into U.S. networks and tackle adversaries such as Islamic State, current and former officials told Reuters.
Under the plan being considered at the White House, the officials said, U.S. Cyber Command would become what the military calls a "unified command" equal to combat branches of the military such as the Central and Pacific Commands. Cyber Command would be separated from the National Security Agency, a spy agency responsible for electronic eavesdropping, the officials said. That would give Cyber Command leaders a larger voice in arguing for the use of both offensive and defensive cyber tools in future conflicts. Both organizations are based at Fort Meade, Maryland, about 30 miles north of Washington, and led by the same officer, Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers. A former senior intelligence official with knowledge of the plan said it reflects the growing role that cyber operations play in modern warfare, and the different missions of the Cyber Command and the NSA. The official spoke on condition of anonymity. A Cyber Command spokesman declined comment on the plan, and the NSA did not respond to requests for comment.

Established in 2010, Cyber Command is now subordinate to the U.S. Strategic Command, which oversees military space operations, nuclear weapons and missile defense. U.S. officials cautioned that details of the plan, including some aspects of Cyber Command's new status, are still being debated. It was unclear when the matter will be presented to President Barack Obama for final approval, but the former senior intelligence official said it was unlikely anyone would stand in the way. A senior official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the administration was "constantly reviewing if we have the appropriate organizational structures in place to counter evolving threats, in cyber space or elsewhere." "While we have no changes to this structure to announce, the relationship between NSA and Cyber Command is critical to safeguarding our nation’s security," the official said. The Pentagon acknowledged earlier this year that it has conducted cyber attacks against Islamic State, although the details are highly classified. "We are dropping cyberbombs. We have never done that before," Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said in April.

The Washington Post reported last month that Pentagon leaders had been frustrated with the slow pace of Cyber Command's electronic offensive against Islamic State, militants who control parts of Iraq and Syria and have sympathizers and supporters worldwide. In response, Rogers created Joint Task Force Ares to develop new digital weapons against Islamic State and coordinate with the Central Command, which is responsible for combat operations in the Middle East and South Asia. The new task force has "the specific mission to accomplish cyberspace objectives in support of counter-ISIL operations," a Cyber Command statement said. Task Force Ares, it said, "comprises operations and intelligence professionals from each of the military services." James Lewis, a cyber security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the plan that will be presented to Obama highlights how Cyber Command, reliant on the NSA in its early years, is developing its own work force and digital tools. "It reflects the maturing of Cyber Command and its own capabilities," Lewis said.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter hinted at the higher status for Cyber Command in an April speech in Washington, in which he said the Pentagon is planning $35 billion in cyber spending over the next five years. "Adapting to new functions will include changes in how we manage ourselves in cyberspace," Carter said. NSA's primary mission is to intercept and decode adversaries' phone calls, emails and other communications. The agency was criticized for over-reach after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed some of its surveillance programs. NSA's focus is gathering intelligence, officials said, often favoring the monitoring of an enemy's cyber activities. Cyber Command's mission is geared more to shutting down cyber attacks - and, if ordered, counter attacking. The NSA director has been a senior military officer since the agency's founding in 1952. Under the plan, future directors would be civilians, an arrangement meant to underscore that NSA is not subordinate to Cyber Command.

Obama prepares to boost U.S. military's cyber role: sources

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