Obama Made Exception For Fat-cats At Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Remember when Democrats were telling bailed out bank CEOs that they weren't allowed anymore huge bonuses? Well, everyone except Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The government subsidized lending giant is giving out billions in bonuses to senior directors ( $13 billion so far) and yet they still owe the taxpayer upwards of $140 billion dollars. It also appears that Dodd-Frank excluded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the regulations that every other bank that took TARP money has to follow.

Over a year into Dodd-Frank we're still in a financial mess. Banks aren't lending and Obama is having to jump through his ass to try to come up with something to fix the situation. If you look at the ad-board you'll notice that Obama is promising to help you keep your home with loan assistance.

Wasn't Dodd-Frank supposed to do all of this? Why is the problem worse now then it was when Obama signed Dodd-Frank August of 2010 and he has to make campaign promises to make it appear he wants to help borrowers with underwater mortgages?

Senators that received the most campaign contributions from Fannie Mae -

Sen Chris Dodd
Sen Barrack Obama
Sen John Kerry

Here's a video of interum CEO of Fannie Mae Daniel Mudd sucking up to the Congressional Black Caucus. And you can see Obama standing in the top row:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usvG-s_Ssb0]Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the "Family" and "Conscience" of Fannie Mae - YouTube[/ame]

Republican Senator Calls On Obama To Cancel Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonuses | Fox News

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Financial Reform Bill Excludes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Fact Checker - Obama's Fannie Mae 'Connection'

Obama fannie mae plan

Barack Obama's Top Wall Street Fundraiser Corzine Under Investigation

Obama’s Friends at Fannie Mae - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Calls For End Of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Stephanopoulos: Obama: Government Intervention ‘Necessary’ For Fannie, Freddie - ABC News

Remember when Democrats were telling bailed out bank CEOs that they weren't allowed anymore huge bonuses? Well, everyone except Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The government subsidized lending giant is giving out billions in bonuses to senior directors ( $13 billion so far) and yet they still owe the taxpayer upwards of $140 billion dollars. It also appears that Dodd-Frank excluded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the regulations that every other bank that took TARP money has to follow.

Over a year into Dodd-Frank we're still in a financial mess. Banks aren't lending and Obama is having to jump through his ass to try to come up with something to fix the situation. If you look at the ad-board you'll notice that Obama is promising to help you keep your home with loan assistance.

Wasn't Dodd-Frank supposed to do all of this? Why is the problem worse now then it was when Obama signed Dodd-Frank August of 2010 and he has to make campaign promises to make it appear he wants to help borrowers with underwater mortgages?

Senators that received the most campaign contributions from Fannie Mae -

Sen Chris Dodd
Sen Barrack Obama
Sen John Kerry

Here's a video of interum CEO of Fannie Mae Daniel Mudd sucking up to the Congressional Black Caucus. And you can see Obama standing in the top row:

Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the "Family" and "Conscience" of Fannie Mae - YouTube

Republican Senator Calls On Obama To Cancel Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonuses | Fox News

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check

Financial Reform Bill Excludes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Fact Checker - Obama's Fannie Mae 'Connection'

Obama fannie mae plan

Barack Obama's Top Wall Street Fundraiser Corzine Under Investigation

Obama’s Friends at Fannie Mae - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Calls For End Of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Stephanopoulos: Obama: Government Intervention ‘Necessary’ For Fannie, Freddie - ABC News
Fannie/Freddie needs to go.
I almost snarfed this morning when I heard Obama was in France trying to give Europe advice on how to get it's financial house in order.:lmao:
I heard that too. His quote was that the first thing that needed to be done was to get the EU economy back on track. Really? Isn't it his intent to make us as them? Socialist in scope and purpose?

His goal is to turn us into California first....then Greece.

I like the Euros.......they smile and shake his hand....then tell him to fuck-off behind his back.
I heard, whoever the current mouthpiece for the admin is, saying last night at a press conference that "Freddie and Fannie are independent institutions and can do whatever they like".

That's priceless.
I almost snarfed this morning when I heard Obama was in France trying to give Europe advice on how to get it's financial house in order.:lmao:
I heard that too. His quote was that the first thing that needed to be done was to get the EU economy back on track. Really? Isn't it his intent to make us as them? Socialist in scope and purpose?

His goal is to turn us into California first....then Greece.

I like the Euros.......they smile and shake his hand....then tell him to fuck-off behind his back.

Ain't that grand? Nobody has an ounce of respect for this man... he's demonstrated himself repeatedly to be completely out of touch as well as arrogant, foolish and condescending.
The incestuous relationship between FREDDIE AND FANNIE and members of Congress and this administration are rather obvious.

And its things like that which make most real lefties (who are not Dems as so many of you folks imagine, you see?) sock at heart over Obama and the Dems.
The incestuous relationship between FREDDIE AND FANNIE and members of Congress and this administration are rather obvious.

And its things like that which make most real lefties (who are not Dems as so many of you folks imagine, you see?) sock at heart over Obama and the Dems.

But it's not bad enough to vote for a GD Republican.

Toss out a few alligations and Obama's got 4 more years to work his special magic.
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*sigh*, there was a lot of loose rhetoric being bandied about, marches on peoples homes, ala this exec's home below;


Obama comparing AIG to a suicide bomber...and speaking directly to bonuses as; “shameful” and “the height of irresponsibility.”...uh huh. Its seems ok with the media when Obama does it though...funny how that works eh?

and who could forget this exchange, Dodd getting nailed as a lair..

BLITZER: Well, so just to be precise, what we’re talking about, this mysterious loophole that was inserted at the last minute that allowed these bonuses in effect — now these bonuses, $165 million, to go forward. What I hear you saying is that, you personally, you did this in order — at the request of officials at the Treasury Department, Timothy Geithner, among others.

DODD: Well, I didn’t say who it was. But just say this, I wouldn’t have modified my own amendment at my own insistence. I mean, I spent a long time to having people try to be — change it. And obviously they came. And the alternative was losing the amendment. And I didn’t think we should do that at all.

BLITZER: Who asked you at the Treasury Department to do it?

DODD: Well, they were people, obviously, coming and negotiating with the staffs back and forth. And I don’t know their names specifically, it was at a staff level, people were talking about it.

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What makes this even worse Mudwhistle is Freddie MAC is STILL requesting MORE bailout money.

Perhaps had they not blown it all on bribes and executive pay (lottery winning) they might be in better shape. A clear lack of financial judgement.
What makes this even worse Mudwhistle is Freddie MAC is STILL requesting MORE bailout money.

Perhaps had they not blown it all on bribes and executive pay (lottery winning) they might be in better shape. A clear lack of financial judgement.

Low standards still exist.

Lack of judgement was much to kind sir!

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