Obama lies and claims AQ is "on it's heels" and is called it by CBS reporter


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I told you the old journalists were going to go bye-bye.

And it's going to happen quickly. We're going to see a new wave of journalists who really are committed to reporting:

"we’ve had eight mentions of Big Bird and five of Elmo from Barack Obama and his team since the presidential debate last Wednesday, but we’ve heard nothing about Benghazi or Libya. However, Obama did finally talk about terrorism last night at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Included in his by-now familiar chest thumping over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, the President made a curious claim about the status of al-Qaeda in light of the events last month:
“Now, four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are,” said Obama. “I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”
The extraordinary thing about Obama’s claim is that it was made less than a month after al Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed the American ambassador to that country, as well as three other Americans. That attack coincided with the same day–9/11–of al Qaeda’s most successful attack again America, which happened 11 years earlier in New York City.

More over, in the same month, al Qaeda carried out at least 3 other successful attacks against American embassies abroad."

CBS reporter blasts Obama claim that AQ “on its heels” « Hot Air
I told you the old journalists were going to go bye-bye.

And it's going to happen quickly. We're going to see a new wave of journalists who really are committed to reporting:

"we’ve had eight mentions of Big Bird and five of Elmo from Barack Obama and his team since the presidential debate last Wednesday, but we’ve heard nothing about Benghazi or Libya. However, Obama did finally talk about terrorism last night at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Included in his by-now familiar chest thumping over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, the President made a curious claim about the status of al-Qaeda in light of the events last month:
“Now, four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are,” said Obama. “I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”
The extraordinary thing about Obama’s claim is that it was made less than a month after al Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed the American ambassador to that country, as well as three other Americans. That attack coincided with the same day–9/11–of al Qaeda’s most successful attack again America, which happened 11 years earlier in New York City.

More over, in the same month, al Qaeda carried out at least 3 other successful attacks against American embassies abroad."

CBS reporter blasts Obama claim that AQ “on its heels” « Hot Air

CBS’ Lara Logan, a 60 Minutes correspondent who was sexually assaulted while reporting on the protests in Tahrir Square in February 2011, told a Chicago audience over the weekend that not only is AQ not “on its heels,” it’s making a comeback, along with the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan — and that those saying otherwise are propagating a “major lie” (via Katie Pavlich):
Eleven years later, “they” still hate us, now more than ever, Logan told the crowd. The Taliban and al-Qaida have not been vanquished, she added. They’re coming back.
“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a major lie being propagated . . .” Logan declared in her native South African accent.
The lie is that America’s military might has tamed the Taliban. …
“There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two years,” Logan said. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,” who claim “they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban,” she added sarcastically. “It’s such nonsense!”
Holy toledo. I really don't know what to say. Some days I think this whole administration is tripping out.

Lala land meets 1600.
Lara Logan was the reporter who was attacked and gang raped while covering a story in Egypt I believe. She has long covered the Middle East and is a seasoned reporter. She knows what she's talking about. Good for her on speaking up and speaking out. She's dead on accurate.
I told you the old journalists were going to go bye-bye.

And it's going to happen quickly. We're going to see a new wave of journalists who really are committed to reporting:

"we’ve had eight mentions of Big Bird and five of Elmo from Barack Obama and his team since the presidential debate last Wednesday, but we’ve heard nothing about Benghazi or Libya. However, Obama did finally talk about terrorism last night at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Included in his by-now familiar chest thumping over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, the President made a curious claim about the status of al-Qaeda in light of the events last month:
“Now, four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are,” said Obama. “I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”
The extraordinary thing about Obama’s claim is that it was made less than a month after al Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed the American ambassador to that country, as well as three other Americans. That attack coincided with the same day–9/11–of al Qaeda’s most successful attack again America, which happened 11 years earlier in New York City.

More over, in the same month, al Qaeda carried out at least 3 other successful attacks against American embassies abroad."

CBS reporter blasts Obama claim that AQ “on its heels” « Hot Air

We were kicked out of Iraq, the people wanted an end to Afghanistan and he announced the end so the enemy could plan their reassurgance, the SEALS got bin Laden and we have the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and they are dictating the orders to us while we continue to dole out aid.

We have riots on our embassies, murders of our people at the embassy is in Libya, false stories from the state department, never a press conference from the president on the matter to answer questions, let alone an address to the people of this country.

We have a president who neglected to meet with world leaders when they were here yet had time to visit with TV personalities and fundraisers with Hollywood celebrities. We have yet to hear of Job Council meetings, Economic Council meetings, full intelligence meetings, Cabinet meetings while hell takes place in the Middle East, Northern Africa and the country still isn't being served by the president of this country. Does he know the way to the White House?
Obama has consistently attempted to minimize the danger from radical Muslims. He has also ignored our allies. He's given billions to our enemies in aid. He not only preaches to the American people that we need to accept Muslims instead of fear them, he spends time apologizing to the worst of the worst on our behalf. Even the most brain dead supporter must wonder about this from time to time.

I got this link in an email and not sure who the guy is or how credible this is, but you can watch and judge for yourself.

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Obama is cracked out, I don't know if he's on Crystal meth or if he's snorting heroin or back on crack or if he drops LSD with his cornflakes but he had a bad parting with reality.

This is really bad, he's losing it and is just making shit up.
Lara Logan was the reporter who was attacked and gang raped while covering a story in Egypt I believe. She has long covered the Middle East and is a seasoned reporter. She knows what she's talking about. Good for her on speaking up and speaking out. She's dead on accurate.

Progressives hate her. When she was attacked, this place was crawling with weirdoes who said it was her own fault, that it was *staged*, that it didn't really happen.
First you idiots complained because he was killing al qaeda by the dozens, now you're complaining because you think he isn't.

Stop acting so stupid. Please.
Lara Logan was the reporter who was attacked and gang raped while covering a story in Egypt I believe. She has long covered the Middle East and is a seasoned reporter. She knows what she's talking about. Good for her on speaking up and speaking out. She's dead on accurate.

Progressives hate her. When she was attacked, this place was crawling with weirdoes who said it was her own fault, that it was *staged*, that it didn't really happen.

Oh you must mean like when Katzndogs your rightwing pal said this?

If anyone could be said to be "asking for it" this woman did.


See, people? See how easily koshergrl was able to completely fabricate a misleading partisan attack?
I believe you just identified who it is running around the country propagating lies. And it isn't Mitt Romney.
I told you the old journalists were going to go bye-bye.

And it's going to happen quickly. We're going to see a new wave of journalists who really are committed to reporting:

"we’ve had eight mentions of Big Bird and five of Elmo from Barack Obama and his team since the presidential debate last Wednesday, but we’ve heard nothing about Benghazi or Libya. However, Obama did finally talk about terrorism last night at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Included in his by-now familiar chest thumping over the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, the President made a curious claim about the status of al-Qaeda in light of the events last month:
“Now, four years ago, I made a few commitments to you. I told you I’d end the war in Iraq, and I did. I said I’d end the war in Afghanistan, and we are,” said Obama. “I said we’d refocus on the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 — and today, al Qaeda is on its heels and Osama bin Laden is no more.”
The extraordinary thing about Obama’s claim is that it was made less than a month after al Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed the American ambassador to that country, as well as three other Americans. That attack coincided with the same day–9/11–of al Qaeda’s most successful attack again America, which happened 11 years earlier in New York City.

More over, in the same month, al Qaeda carried out at least 3 other successful attacks against American embassies abroad."

CBS reporter blasts Obama claim that AQ “on its heels” « Hot Air

Now let me be clear

Now__ Now__ Now__

(Media had a field day when Bob Dole spoke like that)

STFU. Ever notice how he just talks like a damn dummy speaking to third graders.

And yea; Obama is more worried about selling a false narrative to get himself elected than he is about telling it how it is.

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