Obama Judicial Nominees "Not Qualified"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
American Bar Association Deems Significant Number Of Obama Judicial Nominees 'Not Qualified'

1. WASHINGTON -- The American Bar Association has secretly declared a significant number of President Obama's potential judicial nominees "not qualified," slowing White House efforts to fill vacant judgeships -- and nearly all of the prospects given poor ratings were women or members of a minority group, according to interviews.
American Bar Association Deems Significant Number Of Obama Judicial Nominees 'Not Qualified'

2. "But the association’s judicial vetting committee has opposed 14 of the roughly 185 potential nominees the administration asked it to evaluate, according to a person familiar with the matter.

3. The number of Obama prospects deemed “not qualified” already exceeds the total number opposed by the group during the eight-year administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; the rejection rate is more than three and a half times as high as it was under either of the previous two presidencies, documents and interviews show.

4. ...the judges he has appointed have been more likely to be women or minorities than those of any previous president.

5. The committee has been more likely to deliver a harsh verdict about Mr. Obama’s prospects than it was during either the Clinton or Bush administrations. It has rejected about 7.5 percent of his prospects, compared with about 2 percent of the potential judges under each of the two previous presidents."

You've heard of the three holes in the ground? Well, well, well.
So, the Left which often complained that Republicans were 'outside of the mainstream'...
seems the shoe is on the other foot...the Left foot.

Seems four times as many of this Leftist President's choices for the bench are 'unqualified' as compared to President Bush's nominees.

How could that be??
Could he be picking same based on...oh, I don't know....less than American values???

So....another area in which this blow-hard is a flop!
(hey...did you see that the two reports above were from those noted right-wing
smear machines, Huffington and NYTimes....wow!)

Well, well, well.
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Obama appoints judges to do his bidding. Part of the Change part of "Hope and change" They will help him change our country from a Constitutional Republic to something else
Obama appoints judges to do his bidding. Part of the Change part of "Hope and change" They will help him change our country from a Constitutional Republic to something else

Republic, perhaps, but not constitutional since the judiciary has been allowed to change the Constitution outside of the amendment process.

That is a surprise, because in the past, the ABA judicial vetting committee has been criticised for aiding liberal nominees and hampering conservative ones. So apparently, Obama is nominating some really unqualified people to lifetimes appointments as Article III judges!:eusa_eh:
Obama appoints judges to do his bidding. Part of the Change part of "Hope and change" They will help him change our country from a Constitutional Republic to something else

Republic, perhaps, but not constitutional since the judiciary has been allowed to change the Constitution outside of the amendment process.


The judiciary hasn't "changed " the Constitution, but it has interpreted it in ways that many of us consider to be inconsistent with its original meaning and intent.
Oh, and, it's a good thing you guys care so much about the vetting done by the ABA now. I am sure you were sufficiently outraged when this:

During recent Republican administrations, conservatives accused the ABA of liberal bias. President Bush stopped sending the group names of prospects before he selected them, so the panel instead rated them after their nomination.

Obama restored the panel’s role in the prenomination selection process in 2009, but now administration officials are questioning whether the panelists — many of whom are litigators — focus too much on courtroom experience at the expense of lawyers who pursued other paths, like academia, according to the story.


This is a savage, unconstitutional attack on our judicial branch and the entire US population should be appalled, and would be, if they knew and were aware of the unethical and treasoneuos acts Obama has done, such as this. He swore to upheld our Constitution, yet he himself has attacked it countless times.

Worse still, most Ameicans are clueless of it. The media tells them hes a saint, and they go along. The media tells us that his approval rate is high and we believe them. When in fact, it is lower than any US President is History.
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We learned with Scalia and Thomas that there are no such animals as qualifications, only litmus tests.
when clarence thomas was evaluated, daddy bush said the ABA wasn't credible when they gave thomas the lowest possible level of rating for a supreme court nominee.

suddenly rightwingnuts like the ABA?


You'd actually have to be able to read and understand the law and the USA Constitution to appreciate Thomas, no wonder you find it funny.
when clarence thomas was evaluated, daddy bush said the ABA wasn't credible when they gave thomas the lowest possible level of rating for a supreme court nominee.

suddenly rightwingnuts like the ABA?


You'd actually have to be able to read and understand the law and the USA Constitution to appreciate Thomas, no wonder you find it funny.

two states said i'm just fine in my knowledge of the law.

who was your con law professor? just curious. because mine was telford taylor.

now don't hurt yourself too badly running for google.
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when clarence thomas was evaluated, daddy bush said the ABA wasn't credible when they gave thomas the lowest possible level of rating for a supreme court nominee.

suddenly rightwingnuts like the ABA?


You'd actually have to be able to read and understand the law and the USA Constitution to appreciate Thomas, no wonder you find it funny.

two states said i'm just fine in my knowledge of the law.

who was your con law professor? just curious. because mine was telford taylor.

now don't hurt yourself too badly running for google.

Even if you were to present your credentials, he'd say they were forged... I've seen this movie before.
Typical Lib response to the truth: Bush! Clarence Thomas! Whaaaaaa! :lol:

just pointing out the hypocrisy of the rightwingnuts, love.

i know how righties hate when we do that.

too bad. :D

Obama's nominees were judged to be "unqualified" by the American Bar Association.

Bush's nominee's were smeared by false sexual harassment charges.

It's how the Left works.
You'd actually have to be able to read and understand the law and the USA Constitution to appreciate Thomas, no wonder you find it funny.

two states said i'm just fine in my knowledge of the law.

who was your con law professor? just curious. because mine was telford taylor.

now don't hurt yourself too badly running for google.

Even if you were to present your credentials, he'd say they were forged... I've seen this movie before.

true. they seem to have a problem with documents... even birth certificates. :lol:

but at least he'll learn who telford taylor was. that's something even his little brain should know about.
This is a savage, unconstitutional attack on our judicial branch and the entire US population should be appalled, and would be, if they knew and were aware of the unethical and treasoneuos acts Obama has done, such as this. He swore to upheld our Constitution, yet he himself has attacked it countless times.

Worse still, most Ameicans are clueless of it. The media tells them hes a saint, and they go along. The media tells us that his approval rate is high and we believe them. When in fact, it is lower than any US President is History.

What law gives the ABA legal authority over vetting judicial nominees?
Typical Lib response to the truth: Bush! Clarence Thomas! Whaaaaaa! :lol:

just pointing out the hypocrisy of the rightwingnuts, love.

i know how righties hate when we do that.

too bad. :D

Obama's nominees were judged to be "unqualified" by the American Bar Association.

Bush's nominee's were smeared by false sexual harassment charges.

It's how the Left works.

why is it every time someone on the right does something like that, it's a left-wing smear? Powerful people like risky sex. Left or right, it doesn't matter.

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