Obama isn't magic - Dump him

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Elections 2012: Youth Vote Likely To Drop Substantially, New Report Predicts

It took a lot of years for bush et all to put us in this mess and its going to take a lot of years to get us out. But, were spoiled and lazy and we want it all - right now.

We're gonna pay big time for this. If a pub gets elected, I honestly can't imagine how some will survive it. We'll see a return of bread and soup lines as the Robber Barons take over.

And, kids like these will never have a chance.

Very very sad and more than a little frightening.
Elections 2012: Youth Vote Likely To Drop Substantially, New Report Predicts

It took a lot of years for bush et all to put us in this mess and its going to take a lot of years to get us out. But, were spoiled and lazy and we want it all - right now.

We're gonna pay big time for this. If a pub gets elected, I honestly can't imagine how some will survive it. We'll see a return of bread and soup lines as the Robber Barons take over.

And, kids like these will never have a chance.

Very very sad and more than a little frightening.

To me this further evidence of how ignorant Americans are, especially the younger population. They had this expectation that Obama would be cure-all, but no president is capable of that. The sooner people realize that, the sooner people can start making informed decisions when they vote.
I think people had the reasonable assumption that the President would atleast attempt to make things better. Not actively make them worse.
Elections 2012: Youth Vote Likely To Drop Substantially, New Report Predicts

It took a lot of years for bush et all to put us in this mess and its going to take a lot of years to get us out. But, were spoiled and lazy and we want it all - right now.

We're gonna pay big time for this. If a pub gets elected, I honestly can't imagine how some will survive it. We'll see a return of bread and soup lines as the Robber Barons take over.

And, kids like these will never have a chance.

Very very sad and more than a little frightening.

Fuck off, drama queen. obama had his chance and he blew it "big time."
was wrong when he wrote...

Obama the 'Magic Negro'

I for one
still believe in the magic

In spite of all the obstruction and filibustering, he has accomplished amazing things.

Imagine what could be done if the pubs/bags worked FOR the country instead of FOR the 1%.

imagine what we could accomplish if there wasnt a large segment of our population decieved into hating people because they earn more than them and started being honest with themselves and with the realities of the world around them.
Signing a bunch shit bills into law doesn't make you great.

all his so called achievements ARE A JOKE and will cost us citizens billions more than what he and his comrades in arms have already stole from us.

I say come on people....young and old..lets finish what we started in 2010
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Elections 2012: Youth Vote Likely To Drop Substantially, New Report Predicts

It took a lot of years for bush et all to put us in this mess and its going to take a lot of years to get us out. But, were spoiled and lazy and we want it all - right now.

We're gonna pay big time for this. If a pub gets elected, I honestly can't imagine how some will survive it. We'll see a return of bread and soup lines as the Robber Barons take over.

And, kids like these will never have a chance.

Very very sad and more than a little frightening.

To me this further evidence of how ignorant Americans are, especially the younger population. They had this expectation that Obama would be cure-all, but no president is capable of that. The sooner people realize that, the sooner people can start making informed decisions when they vote.

Well, given Obama promised that the Seas would recede and the Earth WOuld Heal if he were elected, you can't blame the younglings for having outsized "Hope" for "Change".

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