Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor

The political beast is very hungry for democratic meat this year.
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor

The political beast is very hungry for democratic meat this year.

That is a creative way to put it!!! :eusa_angel:

November is going to be brutal against the Dems. Absolutely brutal. How can a political party have been so terribly misguided?????? The term over-reached does not begin to describe just how badly they misread the desire of the American people.
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

Hmm, I think he does both jobs stupendously well, and is a champion among presidents. He hasn't done everything I would like to my satisfaction, but ending the Iraq war & giving the Nation Health Care are two remarkable examples of his dedication to Americans.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.

Yeah, the American voter is always angry, but to say it is pointed at Dems(?), I just hear the right cheer leading team on the side lines. I don't see Nov. hurting Dems, but it is all speculation isn't it?
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

Hmm, I think he does both jobs stupendously well, and is a champion among presidents. He hasn't done everything I would like to my satisfaction, but ending the Iraq war & giving the Nation Health Care are two remarkable examples of his dedication to Americans.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.

Yeah, the American voter is always angry, but to say it is pointed at Dems(?), I just hear the right cheer leading team on the side lines. I don't see Nov. hurting Dems, but it is all speculation isn't it?


Health Care-Health-Care

-Health Care. What unfolded with the Democrat Party and healthcare was the single most corrupt example of Big Government legislation of the modern era. Democrats running for reelection no longer mention Obamacare, and for good reason. Americans were deeply offended by how it came about, knowing a strong majority was against it, knowing the blatant political payoffs utilized to secure its passage, and still not knowing how the massive bill will ultimately impact them. It was government at its very worst.

Read more: Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor
What's the "Democrat Party"?

-Health Care. What unfolded with the Democrat Party and healthcare was the single most corrupt example of Big Government legislation of the modern era. Democrats running for reelection no longer mention Obamacare, and for good reason. Americans were deeply offended by how it came about, knowing a strong majority was against it, knowing the blatant political payoffs utilized to secure its passage, and still not knowing how the massive bill will ultimately impact them. It was government at its very worst.[/I]

It's surprising how many people never watched the legislative process unfold before last year. What's even more surprising is how many of those people now try to pass themselves off as people with novel or insightful things to say about government or politics.
What's the "Democrat Party"?

-Health Care. What unfolded with the Democrat Party and healthcare was the single most corrupt example of Big Government legislation of the modern era. Democrats running for reelection no longer mention Obamacare, and for good reason. Americans were deeply offended by how it came about, knowing a strong majority was against it, knowing the blatant political payoffs utilized to secure its passage, and still not knowing how the massive bill will ultimately impact them. It was government at its very worst.[/I]

It's surprising how many people never watched the legislative process unfold before last year. What's even more surprising is how many of those people now try to pass themselves off as people with novel or insightful things to say about government or politics.

What transpired last year regarding Obamacare was of the most crass and disgusting of DC politics. Yes, the process has long been a festering pool of payoffs and favortism - but last year was beyond even those low standards...

What transpired last year regarding Obamacare was of the most crass and disgusting of DC politics. Yes, the process has long been a festering pool of payoffs and favortism - but last year was beyond even those low standards...

Aside from Ben Nelson's attempt to get a disproportionate FMAP for Nebraska (which was stripped from the law), what are you talking about?
What transpired last year regarding Obamacare was of the most crass and disgusting of DC politics. Yes, the process has long been a festering pool of payoffs and favortism - but last year was beyond even those low standards...

Aside from Ben Nelson's attempt to get a disproportionate FMAP for Nebraska (which was stripped from the law), what are you talking about?


How about Big Pharma for starters????? That should keep you busy for about a month digging over all of that mess...
How about Big Pharma for starters????? That should keep you busy for about a month digging over all of that mess...

I would've loved to see the government given the green light to bargain down drug prices (the public option in the House bill was empowered to do exactly that)--I absolutely agree with you that more government intervention is needed here. They got to avoid Obama pushing for a change to the status quo by agreeing to trim $80 billion from our costs. Maintaining the status quo for pharmaceuticals (i.e. the government refraining from using its power to drive prices down), while not desirable, isn't a "payoff" nor is it even clear what impact this agreement had. I was told earlier in another thread that the White House had nothing to do with the actual unfolding of the legislative process which, if true, means the deal meant nothing. Regardless, industry will always weigh in on major legislation and perhaps be granted concessions.

Do you have something more compelling than that?
It sounds like you're not happy with organized interests having a role in the legislative process. That would be an indictment of representative government and citizen participation, which is bit broader than the drafting of this bill.
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor

Yes, democrats have been running from this administration. But--what a twist of fate. So many kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb and endorsed Obama--and now I'll bet many wish they hadn't done that. They clearly backed the wrong nominee. After the "last stand" this November most if not all will be out of a job--and many of those have been in congress for decades. I wonder if they feel betrayed by Obama and his policies?
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor

I am not fan of Democrats, but I have to disagree. People said that same thing about Bush, and what we are seeing now is re surgance of the Republican Party. Very soon after people thought Bush had all but killed it.

Being handed a massive defeat In November could very well motivate and charge the More Moderate forces in the Democrat Party to take back control from the FAR left that has controlled the party for the last 10 years or so.

That IMO would be a good thing for the Party and the country.
How about Big Pharma for starters????? That should keep you busy for about a month digging over all of that mess...

I would've loved to see the government given the green light to bargain down drug prices (the public option in the House bill was empowered to do exactly that)--I absolutely agree with you that more government intervention is needed here. They got to avoid Obama pushing for a change to the status quo by agreeing to trim $80 billion from our costs. Maintaining the status quo for pharmaceuticals (i.e. the government refraining from using its power to drive prices down), while not desirable, isn't a "payoff" nor is it even clear what impact this agreement had. I was told earlier in another thread that the White House had nothing to do with the actual unfolding of the legislative process which, if true, means the deal meant nothing. Regardless, industry will always weigh in on major legislation and perhaps be granted concessions.

Do you have something more compelling than that?

You are clearly indicating your absolute ingnorance on this subject.

Do your homework pard!!!!
The last year as been politically catastrophic to Democrats. Here is why.

...Obama has repeatedly shown that the most important thing to Obama – is Obama. This is wearing thin on voters, who increasingly see the president as terribly self-centered, far more passionate about giving campaign mode speeches that garner him immediate applause than with the actual job of leading the nation as its president.

...Obama is destroying the Democrat Party. It will either rebuild itself in its former image, or it will fall away into the abyss of outright political parody. 1994 was a tough midterm election cycle for Democrats. November 2010 is going to be much-much worse. The American voter is very angry, and the Democrat Party deserves every bit of that anger.


Obama is Destroying The Democrat Party | Newsflavor

I am not fan of Democrats, but I have to disagree. People said that same thing about Bush, and what we are seeing now is re surgance of the Republican Party. Very soon after people thought Bush had all but killed it.

Being handed a massive defeat In November could very well motivate and charge the More Moderate forces in the Democrat Party to take back control from the FAR left that has controlled the party for the last 10 years or so.

That IMO would be a good thing for the Party and the country


I completely agree- the party has been hijacked by the most radical elements from within, and those same elements have cannabilized a once great political party...
You are clearly indicating your absolute ingnorance on this subject.

Do your homework pard!!!!

How can I make it clearer that I'm attempting to engage you on this discussion board? Is there an emoticon for this?

If this is how you intended to approach discussion in this thread, you should've just asked to have this thread locked as soon as you posted it. Then you wouldn't have to worry about discussion.

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