Obama is a warmongering, war loving, wag the dog fail

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
War on women.......check
War on blacks..........check
War on seniors........check
War on businesses..check
War on the rich........check
War on America.......check

He's pretty much got it all covered. Well, except for all the things that matter. But we got enough diversions going on here no one will notice.
He's a well trained Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizer' Disciple. Anyone with common sense saw this stuff coming. It's all right there in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all about the 'Divide & Conquer.' A 'good' Community Organizer will create and foment bitter hate & division as much as possible. It's a proven winner for Democrats. They tricked so many into believeing that an African American President would lead to racial harmony. But that's not what the Democrats want.

The Democrats want racial division to go on forever. It's just not in their best interest politically, to ever see it end. Obama has only divided the Nation. How many 'Wars' has he declared on his own People since becoming President? Think about that for a bit. He declares a new 'War' on his People every other week. And that's exactly what he was taught. This Democrat Race-Baiting stuff is always well timed and coordinated. It's Election Time, so expect many more disgraceful 'Wars' to be declared leading up to Election Day. It is very sad but it is what it is.

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