Obama ignores Christian genocide across the board


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
In 2008, candidate Obama regarded the Turks' (Muslims (mainly Sunni Muslims)) 1915 genocide of Armenian Christians by being very forthright if not passionate as he stated that the genocide had occurred, For all seven years now though, Obama has refused to use the g-word (genocide) on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

And now in 2015, as Muslims slaughter Christians all throughout the Middle East, Hussein Obama has remained mum on this issue. He has consistently called it merely 'radical violence against civilians' as if there is no systematic religious hatred in place. It somehow doesn't matter that the enemy chants praises to their made up god as they perpetrate their merciless killings.
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1. Is he doesn't care
2. is he isn't a Christian.
3. he's vile human being
I can remember for years how no one in the US mentioned it, much less talked about it...

Can you, huh?

U.S. Presidential Statements
I go back about 20 more years also...

Well in the last 37 years all but one president (a one term president) has regarded the Armenian genocide. So, if you go back 'about 20 years' more, then assuming that you didn't regard such heavy political matters until you were at least 13, I revise my '55-year-old second grader' estimation to a 70 year-old second grader. My hell, you're an old juvenile bastard!
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OPINION Obama lacks compassion for Christian persecution

What do you call it when 12 men are drowned at sea for praying to Jesus?

Answer: Religious persecution.

Yet, when a throng of Muslims threw a dozen Christians overboard a migrant ship traveling from Libya to Italy, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi missed the opportunity to label it as such. Standing next to President Obama at their joint news conference Friday, Renzi dismissed it as a one-off event and said, “The problem is not a problem of (a) clash of religions.”

While the prime minister plunged his head into the sand, Italian authorities arrested and charged the Muslim migrants with “multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate,” according to the BBC.

As Renzi was questioned about the incident, Obama was mute on the killings. He failed to interject any sense of outrage or even tepid concern for the targeting of Christians for their faith. If a Christian mob on a ship bound for Italy threw 12 Muslims to their death for praying to Allah, does anyone think the president would have been so disinterested? When three North Carolina Muslims were gunned down by a virulent atheist, Obama rightly spoke out against the horrifying killings. But he just can’t seem to find any passion for the mass persecution of Middle Eastern Christians or the eradication of Christianity from its birthplace.

Pope Francis has repeatedly decried the persecution and begged the world for help, but it has had little impact. Western leaders — including Obama — will be remembered for their near silence as this human rights tragedy unfolded.
Some weeks back, Muslims went around a Kenyan college campus killing anyone who was Christian (147 of them). Obama made no mention of the religiosity element when he released a statement regarding the massacre.
it doesn't fit with the theme if he makes a stand

he wants instability, not just in the ME, but in America and the world. This is the NWO in action, create a huge problem then save the world from it and put it all under your thumb.

soros is pleased
it doesn't fit with the theme if he makes a stand

he wants instability, not just in the ME, but in America and the world. This is the NWO in action, create a huge problem then save the world from it and put it all under your thumb.

soros is pleased

What is gained from 'saving' us? This is about dominance. Obama is an Islamist who wants to reign in a supreme wave of Islamo-facism. And killing innocents is ultimately a means to that end.
Some weeks back, Muslims went around a Kenyan college campus killing anyone who was Christian (147 of them). Obama made no mention of the religiosity element when he released a statement regarding the massacre.

The Muslims asked people to recite the fuc'ran; and anyone that couldn't do it, they killed them.

Kenya Muslims screaming Allahu akbar only shot those who couldn t recite Qur an Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West


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it doesn't fit with the theme if he makes a stand

he wants instability, not just in the ME, but in America and the world. This is the NWO in action, create a huge problem then save the world from it and put it all under your thumb.

soros is pleased

What is gained from 'saving' us? This is about dominance. Obama is an Islamist who wants to reign in a supreme wave of Islamo-facism. And killing innocents is ultimately a means to that end.
It's all about the global elite running the entire show.

they are just using muslim hate to push things along
What is gained from 'saving' us? This is about dominance. Obama is an Islamist who wants to reign in a supreme wave of Islamo-facism. And killing innocents is ultimately a means to that end.

They have no intention of saving us. Just like the country wasn't saved when Obama and the Dems interfered with the private sector after the financial crisis (that they caused) and ultimately took over healthcare. It's always the same ruse. They claim they will save us and all we have to do is cede more liberty for the greater good.

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