Obama: If We Lose in 2012, Government Will Tell People ‘You’re on Your Own’


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama: If We Lose in 2012, Government Will Tell People ‘You’re on Your Own’
ABC News ^ | Oct. 25, 2011

At a million-dollar San Francisco fundraiser today, President Obama warned his recession-battered supporters that if he loses the 2012 election it could herald a new, painful era of self-reliance in America.

“The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, ‘you are on your own,’” Obama told a crowd of 200 donors over lunch at the W Hotel.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own,” he said. “That’s not the America I believe in. It’s not the America you believe in.”

Obama and Democrats have been emphasizing what they see as the costly consequences of the Republicans’ agenda in an effort to stir up support, in part by touching on emotional nerves.

Last week, Obama supporters pounced on comments by Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney that the solution to the nation’s housing crisis is “don’t try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.”

Today, Obama cast Republicans’ hands-off approach as harmful to middle class families, who he says deserve government help.

“I reject an argument that says we’ve got to roll back protections that ban hidden fees by credit card companies, or rules that keep our kids from being exposed to mercury, or laws that prevent the health insurance industry from exploiting people who are sick,” Obama said. “And I reject the idea that somehow if we strip away collective bargaining rights, that we’ll be somehow better off.

(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com ...
Why the surprise?

What did you think he was going to run on, his record? Record debt, deficits, poverty, unemployment and downgraded to boot.
That's the Modern Democrat Marxist Mindset, that people are failures and losers without government help. That's what they teach in or schools and that's the very first thing we have to do is regain control of education because a lot of people believe these lies
Pay attention to the left hand, here's what I hear him saying.

Middle Class America isn't capable of doing anything on their own, they're not smart enough. They need government entitlements or they're going to starve and die. OMG you should have to pay for the education YOU want. You don't have the ability to make decisions that affect you, only the government knows best.

Dumbing down Americans and making them more and more dependent on Government only serves one purpose, to prevent them from becoming part of the 1% they so loathe. This is murder of the American Dream, this is why 1% have the majority of the wealth. You're being told you're too stupid to get there without government help.

1% is much easier to manipulate so they can get the $ they need to enhance their lifestyles. God forbid they had a group of 20% with $ that might oppose their ideals. Too many people having millions would put a real damper on their agenda.

The Middle Class has been redefined by this administration, they don't want you to make it on your own, they don't want a Middle Class, they want rich and poor yet, he has most convinced it's the Republicans making this happen. He truly has mastered the ability to convince people it's always someones fault other than your own. His never ending blame on someone else or something else is a clear indication of how he views the American people. It's not your fault, you don't have to claim responsibility. The government will come in on their white horse and rescue you.
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This country has been on it's own ever since he came into office. I'd say that threat is more like a relief. At least we won't have his debt busting projects any longer. Health Care, anyone?
So now its quite clear Obama as ZERO respect for the Tenth Amendment.

It's all about his federal government ruling over the states and the people who live in those states and they have absolutely zero say in how their communities are governed..

You know, because the federal government is the end all say all in his book, we would be lost if we had a smaller federal government. I mean they wouldn't be around to dictate the states and tell everyone what they need to do, how they need to conduct their lives..

Of course progressives believe they will die if the federal government isn't around to tell them what to do, how to live and what to think..
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Pay attention to the left hand, here's what I hear him saying.

Middle Class America isn't capable of doing anything on their own, they're not smart enough. They need government entitlements or they're going to starve and die. OMG you should have to pay for the education YOU want. You don't have the ability to make decisions that affect you, only the government knows best.

Dumbing down Americans and making them more and more dependent on Government only serves one purpose, to prevent them from becoming part of the 1% they so loathe. This is murder of the American Dream, this is why 1% have the majority of the wealth. You're being told you're too stupid to get there without government help.

1% is much easier to manipulate so they can get the $ they need to enhance their lifestyles. God forbid they had a group of 20% with $ that might oppose their ideals. Too many people having millions would put a real damper on their agenda.

The Middle Class has been redefined by this administration, they don't want you to make it on your own, they don't want a Middle Class, they want rich and poor yet, he has most convinced it's the Republicans making this happen. He truly has mastered the ability to convince people it's always someones fault other than your own. His never ending blame on someone else or something else is a clear indication of how he views the American people. It's not your fault, you don't have to claim responsibility. The government will come in on their white horse and rescue you.

It's scary that he has succeeded at convincing a great number of useless idiots that they can't be successful without government handouts, and nothing is their fault.:cuckoo:
This thread is one more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.
This thread is one more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.

LOL Most dont enjoy paybacks.

Try though!! :lol:

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