Obama: I Can Prevent Ocean From Rising, But Can't Control Weather


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
("Let it be known that this was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal" How many other members of the media, besides Chris Matthews, lost control of their bladder sphincter at the sound of those words in front of the faux Greek temple in Denver. Captain O is now complaining about the little choppiness on the waters he's encountering. Maybe NC Governor Bev Perdue will once again broach the subject of tossing away the Constitution and the national quadriennial election in favor of four more for Barry. The only thing this country needs is laws allowing the Government to take whatever the individual has and give it to whomever the Government deems more worthy.)

"Please pass the Dramamine.

Many assumed that a candidate who claimed to have the ability to slow the rise of the oceans might also be able to quell the vexed state of the fiscal seas. But alas, even Neptune and Poseidon had their weaknesses, and apparently economics was one of them.

Obama’s problems aren’t as much about weather as they are about direction. According to a CBS News poll, voters are “overwhelmingly pessimistic” (keep in mind though this data comes from a network that was overwhelmingly optimistic about Katie Couric). According to the poll, 75 percent of the country says the nation is headed the wrong way — not only through “rough seas” mind you, but in the wrong direction. Captains can’t control the weather, but they are held accountable for the movements of the rudder:"

Michelle Malkin » Obama: Sure, I’m the Captain of the Ship, But I Can’t Control the Weather
'The Obama Deception.' Everyone should view this movie. Even if you don't buy into all of it,you'll still probably end up buying into some of it. His followers have been thoroughly duped. He's definitely not what they think he is. He's very likely the most Corporate-Owned & controlled President in our History. It's all about New World Order Globalism now. The Republican vs. Democrat feud is all just Show Biz. The Global elite organizations call all the shots in reality. Check out the movie. It really is very interesting and enlightening.
You mean he hasn't parted those seas yet? Man,what a shocker. His followers are such dupes.
He is the Obamessiah. The "one". The greatest Prez ever!! He's super duper smart too......really, he is. :eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8cNtH1mULo]The Obamessiah Chronicles, Part I - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ted9Hzn8foY&feature=related]The Obamessiah Chronicles, Part II - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYXkP1zr9-4&feature=related]The Obamessiah Chronicles, Part III - YouTube[/ame]
One thing we can all agree upon...............

You gotta admire this guys level of audacity!!! Its historic by anybodys measure.

And earlier this week, Obama ranted about that millions “are now forced to take their children to food banks.”. Afcukkingmazing........this kind of submission is something the opposition brings up when you’ve been in office three years. Yet Obama summons it to make the case for HIS reelection!

Awesome stuff.......just awesome...........:rock::rock:

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One thing we can all agree upon...............

You gotta admire this guys level of audacity!!! Its historic by anybodys measure.

And earlier this week, Obama ranted about that millions “are now forced to take their children to food banks.”. Afcukkingmazing........this kind of submission is something the opposition brings up when you’ve been in office three years. Yet Obama summons it to make the case for HIS reelection!

Awesome stuff.......just awesome...........:rock::rock:


Did you take a little time out from your Hot Pockets and Family Guy reruns to make shit up? How sad. That's all you have. Poor little trolls.
Did you take a little time out from your Hot Pockets and Family Guy reruns to make shit up? How sad. That's all you have. Poor little trolls.

Indeed.......but trolls that are not losing s0n!!!

After November of next year, you're gonna have to go to a museum to get any recollection of the far left. They're going to be propped up in a big old glass case like a relic of a former era alongside the mummy exhibit!!!:D:D
Did you take a little time out from your Hot Pockets and Family Guy reruns to make shit up? How sad. That's all you have. Poor little trolls.

Indeed.......but trolls that are not losing s0n!!!

After November of next year, you're gonna have to go to a museum to get any recollection of the far left. They're going to be propped up in a big old glass case like a relic of a former era alongside the mummy exhibit!!!:D:D

Yeah, right. Hyperbole much? The far left said the same thing about the GOP after the 2008elections. I dodn't buy their spasmatic fits and I sure as hell don't buy yours, son.

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