Obama.. how's the "Tanning Tax" working out??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obamacare FELT (not thought!) since tanning caused cancer, it would be smart to tax tanning salons 10% federal tax would be due on ultraviolet light services.
Obamacare estimated $200 million in 2011 full year tax revenue.

Reality: first 9 months $54.4 million or $6 million/month or $72 million.
ONCE AGAIN... gross over estimation on the part of Obamacare!
Obamacare OVERESTIMATED BY 60% revenue potential!

WHY is this important?

BECAUSE ONE of the MOST important reasons for Obamacare was :
insuring the 50 million "uninsured" RIGHT? Everyone felt so good that now those
50 million "uninsured" would be covered Right... Major reason!

BUT just as Obamacare was overly optimistic about tanning revenue by 60%,
THEY were hyping by nearly 70% how many were truly uninsured!

50 million they said are uninsured.. Yet the Census says
10 million are NOT CITIZENS so why change dramatically US citizens health industry?
14 million of the uninsured ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid SO why Obamacare?
18 million of the uninsured are people who can afford but don't want to buy
42 million are either not citizens, already covered or don't want to buy insurance
8 million truly "uninsured" and truly need to be covered.. NO question.. BUT at the
cost to the other 93% of US citizens?

THERE IS A solution called the "uninsured Health Insurance Company©! (UHIC)

FORCE REQUIRE mandate ANY health care provider to submit claims to UHIC for
payment and STOP these providers from "padding and passing" on to Medicare/private insurance companies like this hospital did...
Univ. Community Hospital in Tampa..
(and they are no different then other 6,000+ hospitals)
Did 2,110 CAT scans in 2009
They sent 2,110 claims to Medicare at $2,635 for each claim
BUT IT Cost the hospital $43 each...
A 6,127.91% that Medicare PAID!! 2,110 times! And that is part of the
$250 billion a year in WASTE and FRAUD in Medicare!

So instead of "padding and passing" hospitals would bill UHIC!

NOW where would the revenue come from to pay the UHIC claims?

20% tax on Lawyers' $100 billion a year income...jUST like tanning salons!
The next largest cost contributor according to 90% of doctors is the $600 billion a year in "defensive medicine" i.e. duplicate tests,etc. out of fear of lawsuits!

Tie the lawyer tax to defensive medicine and ever xx billion defensive medicine costs drops so too would lawyers tax surcharge!

Simple solution eliminates Obamacare drastic and totally WRONG massive plan!
Takes care of ALL the truly "uninsured"!
Lowers Medicare costs (no more 6,000% markups!)
Lowers defensive medicine costs (lower 20% or $120 billion a year!)

AND who actually pays??? Millionaire lawyers making billions of lawsuits!
So I'm anxious to see how many of you defend those "millionaire" lawyers!!!
Well obviously we need to raise taxes in other areas to make up for that "Tanning Tax Shortfall". :uhoh3:

Hint: That was the plan all along! :eusa_shhh:
Well obviously we need to raise taxes in other areas to make up for that "Tanning Tax Shortfall". :uhoh3:

Hint: That was the plan all along! :eusa_shhh:

All you have to do is look at California. They heavily promoted electric and hybrid cars which resulted in less taxes from gasoline. Now they want a per mile tax with odometer readings attached to state income tax returns to make up for the gasoline tax shortfall.

Everyone will pay taxes on the gas they buy AND pay a per mile tax on what they drive.
I noticed at the State of the Union address that John Boehner has lost most of his tan

Chalk another one up for Obama

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