Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....
Obama said that fuixing SS was a "layup", and that fixing Medicare was the toughie. A few tweaks to SS & Medicare to ensure their solvency should be supported. To "do nothing" means that the entitlements will be cut by about 25% in the coming years. So the greedy geezers need to STFU and let the fixes happen.
Be afraid...be very afraid

The GOP wants to take away your Social Security....and your Healthcare
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

Odd that, since Republicans have alternately suggested ending SS or throwing the money into the stock market.
what would have happened if bush got his way and people were investing SS right before the crash? personally I wish you could opt out and I would do so the second it become an option
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

Nonetheless, Democrats have been able to seize on the issue because of a proposal by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the top Republican on the House Budget Committee, that would allow younger people to put Social Security money into personal accounts.

Ryan's idea is similar to a proposal pushed unsuccessfully by former President George W. Bush. It's not been endorsed by party leaders and has attracted only a small number of GOP co-sponsors

Have Democrats "been able to seize on the issue" outside of MSNBC?

As an independent voter, I'm not terribly happy with Republicans, and unless Democrats are able to do more than use this kind of bullshit to scare me, I'm not terribly happy with them either. Both parties had better get their shit together with a comprehensive plan to dramatically decrease government spending..... Period.
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

Odd that, since Republicans have alternately suggested ending SS or throwing the money into the stock market.
Maybe we could just throw you in stocks and call it good.
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

Nonetheless, Democrats have been able to seize on the issue because of a proposal by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the top Republican on the House Budget Committee, that would allow younger people to put Social Security money into personal accounts.

Ryan's idea is similar to a proposal pushed unsuccessfully by former President George W. Bush. It's not been endorsed by party leaders and has attracted only a small number of GOP co-sponsors

Have Democrats "been able to seize on the issue" outside of MSNBC?

As an independent voter, I'm not terribly happy with Republicans, and unless Democrats are able to do more than use this kind of bullshit to scare me, I'm not terribly happy with them either. Both parties had better get their shit together with a comprehensive plan to dramatically decrease government spending..... Period.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhiU3kSYRUw]YouTube - Ron Paul Opposes Insane Budget on House Floor 4/1/09[/ame]

one of his better speeches on the topic. trying to find the best one though and having issues
what would have happened if bush got his way and people were investing SS right before the crash?

Not much of anything would have happened. Bush's privatization plan was only for workers under 55, so current retirees or those ready to be retired wouldn't have lost anything.
The fact that the Democrats are pulling out the typical Social Security scare card is pretty much evidence that they've got nothing left to run on. They're headed for a slaughter and they're grasping at any straw they can find at this point.
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

the GOP eats puppies too.
I'd settle for a real lockbox so the fools couldn't spend any of the ssi surplus ...

oh wait, that ship has sailed, there is no surplus anymore, carry on.:eusa_whistle:
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

He will not destroy it; don't be silly. He and the dems control our health care. He can tell his health care czar to deny claims for as many people as he doesn't have social security or medicaid monies to pay. That way those 'resource sucking', typically old people that helped build society will be systematically encouraged to die (by denial of care) in a similar method to the Eskimos sending their old out to sea on a chunk of sea ice when the winter was hard.
That way everybody is happy: there is still social security, there is still medicaid, and the government can take the money that would have been used for ACTUAL healthcare to build a BIGGER bureaucracy. The people that were not absolutely healthy won't complain, because, hey, they will be dead, see, everyone wins!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd settle for a real lockbox so the fools couldn't spend any of the ssi surplus ...

oh wait, that ship has sailed, there is no surplus anymore, carry on.:eusa_whistle:
I got yer lockbox!

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

this is a cheap and sleazy political stunt to assist in the democratic party permanent majority party conspiracy.

On par with making all Mexicans American citizens.

It's like the evil "K street" project on steroids.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Stre...oject - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url
Be afraid...be very afraid

The GOP wants to take away your Social Security....and your Healthcare

You make it sound like health care is free. In case you forgot the government is now forcing you to buy insurance.

And we all know my feelings about Social Security. In case you 'don't. I believe people should have complete control of the SS and that it should be out of the government's hands.
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