Obama Gansta Style


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Obama Gangsta Style - Lyrics for Video Contest

This "spoof translation" of GANGNAM STYLE was written in response to the gun law scare. And complaints of media bias because the TV comedians weren't making fun of Obama like they went to town with the conservatives from Bush to Palin. My argument is that he inspires more tragedy than comedy, and that's why you don't see a lot of people laughing.
I did find Eastwood's portrayal of Obama as an empty chair was brilliant because it left the image in the mind of the audience and avoided any racial references or complaints that way.

In this satire, the references to Chicago gansters that could be seen as racial or political or both. To make up for any lapse in poor judgment on my part that may offend someone,
I offer to use this parody to publicize charitable nonprofit organization, the ACP, hoping that will smooth over any misunderstanding or offense that is not intended.
SEE: Welcome to The Armed Citizen Project | Armed Citizen Project
to which I will gladly donate on behalf of anyone I offend unintentionally! so sorry! Enjoy!


Under the Constitution I don't need to follow
There's something called the Bill of Rights that I just rendered hollow
I'll make you pay for health-care so we all end up on welfare
I have no - clue - and I don't care

I'm a Socialist
Instead of teaching equal independent business sense
I'll take our greatest wealth and waste it till we're penniless
While I retire at your expense, cuz that's what justice is
To this Socialist

Fourteenth Amend-ment
Equal Protec-tions
Aren't for rich folks NO
(Don't need their votes) NO

The NRA and
Second Amend-ment
Can kiss my throne
Cuz I've got drones
Chicago ethics are the only way to go go oh hell no

Obama Gangsta Style
Gangsta Style
O O O God No Obama Gangsta Style
Gangsta Style
No No Just Say No
No more Gangsta Style

Hey, A-C-A sux
O O O O bama Gangsta Style
Hey, N-R-A sux
No No Hell No (N-R-A Go A-way)

Judges and Courts, should be equally defending
Best interests of ALL people that our States are representing
Consensus takes too long when half the Nation is dissenting
So my own - laws - I'm inventing!

I'm the President
I'll issue orders without voting if you don't consent
Silly checks and balances through Congress are a detriment
Why keep a contract with the people and the government
I can circumvent?

The Sixth and Seventh
And Tenth Amend-ment
Aren't etched in stone
When I've got drones!

Fourteenth Amend-ment
Equal Protec-tions
Aren't for you folks
Your law's a joke
And-I-will laugh from my Hawaii Retirement Ho ho ho ho home

Obama Gangsta Style
Gangsta Style
O O O hell No Obama Gangsta Style
Gangsta Style
No No Just say No
No more Gangsta Style

Hey, A-C-A sux
O O O O bama Gangsta Style
Hey, N-R-A sux
No No Hell No (A-C-A Go A-way)

Look inside, the Texas Bill of Rights:
People have authority that's where the law resides
Exercise, your First Amendment rights
Not to follow some regime you don't believe is right

You can save the Nation
No more Gangsta Style

Hey, A-C-A sux
O O O O bama Gangsta Style
Hey, N-R-A sux
No No Just Say No
No to Gangsta Style
No More Gangsta Style

(c) Emily Nghiem
Obama Gangsta Style - Lyrics for Video Contest

here is the link to how the words go with the track.
if you can pls find someone to record this right
I will post that on the website instead. and try to
make a video and go viral with this. to raise funds
for a good charitable cause, of course.
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