Obama Faces Backlash Abroad Amid Libyan Turmoil


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Two years ago, President Obama was cheered in the Middle East and around the world as he toured capital cities on a diplomatic mission of reconciliation following an administration defined by two wars.

Last week looked a little different.

Crowds shouted "down with Obama" in Mali, burned him in effigy in Sri Lanka and, in Spain, brought back a slogan once used to attack George W. Bush -- "no more blood for oil."

Obama Faces Backlash Abroad Amid Libyan Turmoil - FoxNews.com

Excuse me. I don't really even like obie wan.. but why do folks in other countries act like this? We don't publicly stomp your dictators or burn your flags in America.. why do you do it? Spain? really? Vewy puzzling behavior.
I told ya'll we should just let Libyans deal with Libyans. The USA gets the finger everytime. When will we ever learn?
When they start throwing shoes....he has to worry
When they start throwing shoes....he has to worry

they showed a clip on FOX of an angry Muslim waving a shoe and saying "obama, you remember your predecessor Booooosh?" so, I have no doubt they will when they get the opportunity. hang tight.
As soon as the US bombs a mosque by mistake or kills the wrong Libyans Obamas effigy will be burned in the streets, stay tuned.
As soon as the US bombs a mosque by mistake or kills the wrong Libyans Obamas effigy will be burned in the streets, stay tuned.

you didn't read the article did you.. they are buring his effigy NOW.
The time has come for the western world to look to its own problems, not those of the third world. Lavishing developing nations with a seemingly endless supply of aid is stifling their ability to look after themselves. OK, most of the western world's wealth has come from exploiting others in some way or another, but if you look through the history books, the world's powerful nations all, to a degree, seperated their governing institutions from religion and established themselves by force. The developing world needs to follow suit if they ever want to be recognized as nations that can look after themselves. After all, there's no pride to be taken from living off charity.

That said, America isn't the only one that should keep its nose out other nations' internal conflicts. The uprising in Libya is a civil war. The US, UK and France should publically keep their noses out of it. Besides, these rebels have been reported to be recieving funds from known al-Qaeda sources. Let them get their own house in order without extremist assistance, then we'll see about give them a nudge in the right direction. Until such a time has passed that a viable solution has been agreed on both sides and a transition in leadership has been established, America, Britain and France should mind their own business. Oh, and I'm not moved by pleas from the displaced in Libya for foreign intervention. We're broke, it's your problem, so deal with it yourselves.
Nicely summed up Swagger (which isn't a terribly British name, is it?).

Well, not English anyway.

I do think your analysis is very well put together though.

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