Obama drive radical right wing nuts nuts.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

O’Reilly has a column in the Reno Gazette Journal and it consist of radical crazed attacks on Obama that has no truth to them at all.
President will likely find confusion on his road trip | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

O’Reillly compares Obama with Che Guevera but I guess he don’t know how Che was. Che was, and remains, an inspirational figure for revolutionaries against imperialism and social oppression the world over.
But I am sure O’Reilly has a different opinion but he does not know the whole Che.
Obama “the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming president”
“redistributing the wealth” always come up when right wing nuts talk about Obama.
“As far as the war on terror goes, Obama is General Sherman, scorching the earth with predator drone missiles”
“ardent socialist and perhaps even a communist”
“Obamacare is a quasi-socialistic program” “unconstitutional” “intent to create more dependence on Washington”
“a combination of James Buchanan and Che Guevera, nothing good about him”

How utterly ridiculous. By the way, RGJ cancel on subscription to RGJ. I will not support a paper that all this kind of garbage and allow right wing racist hater O’Reilly a voice.

O’Reilly Suck.com
www.oreilly-sucks.com - The Real No Spin Zone
How did that work out for Cuba?
Not very good.
Che helped with the Cuban Missile Crisis.
It is just lovely that the liberals in this country think he is a hero.
When he had nuclear bombs in Cuba set up to Nuke America.

O’Reilly has a column in the Reno Gazette Journal and it consist of radical crazed attacks on Obama that has no truth to them at all.
President will likely find confusion on his road trip | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

O’Reillly compares Obama with Che Guevera but I guess he don’t know how Che was. Che was, and remains, an inspirational figure for revolutionaries against imperialism and social oppression the world over.
But I am sure O’Reilly has a different opinion but he does not know the whole Che.
Obama “the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming president”
“redistributing the wealth” always come up when right wing nuts talk about Obama.
“As far as the war on terror goes, Obama is General Sherman, scorching the earth with predator drone missiles”
“ardent socialist and perhaps even a communist”
“Obamacare is a quasi-socialistic program” “unconstitutional” “intent to create more dependence on Washington”
“a combination of James Buchanan and Che Guevera, nothing good about him”

How utterly ridiculous. By the way, RGJ cancel on subscription to RGJ. I will not support a paper that all this kind of garbage and allow right wing racist hater O’Reilly a voice.

O’Reilly Suck.com
www.oreilly-sucks.com - The Real No Spin Zone

I could pick apart every single "quote", but you come off very disingenuous. As an example, you posted: Obama “the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming president”...yet in the article it states: For example, writing in Time magazine, columnist Fareed Zakaria calls Obama a "centrist and a pragmatist." But in The Wall Street Journal, Norman Podhoretz describes him as "the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming our president." Two guys, two views, not even close.

I wouldn't trust a fucking thing you claim after the way you conveniently picked apart that article and tried to attribute quotes that belong to other people as though they came from O'Reilly.

O’Reilly has a column in the Reno Gazette Journal and it consist of radical crazed attacks on Obama that has no truth to them at all.
President will likely find confusion on his road trip | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

O’Reillly compares Obama with Che Guevera but I guess he don’t know how Che was. Che was, and remains, an inspirational figure for revolutionaries against imperialism and social oppression the world over.
But I am sure O’Reilly has a different opinion but he does not know the whole Che.
Obama “the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming president”
“redistributing the wealth” always come up when right wing nuts talk about Obama.
“As far as the war on terror goes, Obama is General Sherman, scorching the earth with predator drone missiles”
“ardent socialist and perhaps even a communist”
“Obamacare is a quasi-socialistic program” “unconstitutional” “intent to create more dependence on Washington”
“a combination of James Buchanan and Che Guevera, nothing good about him”

How utterly ridiculous. By the way, RGJ cancel on subscription to RGJ. I will not support a paper that all this kind of garbage and allow right wing racist hater O’Reilly a voice.

O’Reilly Suck.com
www.oreilly-sucks.com - The Real No Spin Zone

Congrats, old hag. You're a natural trifecta. Can't write, read, or comprehend.

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