Obama don’t control price of gasoline.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Consumption and productions does.

When gasoline was $1.89 a gallon people were consuming more and causing more production. When people consume less gasoline the price will go up causing less production. At times it is profitable to produce more and other time profitable to product less. All about profit. Consumption cause any thing to cost less and or more and more productions or less.
We export more oil than we import and there is no shortage of oil here or in the Middle East now or in the future.

FoxNews and Radical Right Wing Extremist’s rhetoric scare the hell out of stupid people.

Contact-a-liar | Fox News Lies
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“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” -- Obama's Energy policy
Robert Reich:

In fact, oil prices are rising for three reasons -- none of which has to do with offshore drilling or the XL pipeline.

The first, on the supply side, is Iran's decision to cut in oil exports to Britain and France in retaliation for sanctions put in place by the EU and United States. Iran's threat to do this has been pushing up crude oil prices for weeks.

The second, on the demand side, is rising hopes for a global economic recovery -- which would mean increased oil consumption. The American economy is showing faint signs of a recovery. Europe's debt crisis appears to be easing. Greece's pending bailout deal is calming financial nerves on both sides of the Atlantic, and the Bank of England and European Central Bank are keeping rates low. At the same time, China has decided to boost its money supply to spur growth there.

Neither of these would have much effect were it not for the third reason -- overwhelming bets of hedge funds and other money managers that oil prices will rise on the basis of the first two reasons.

Speculators have pushed crude oil to $105.28 per barrel, up 35 percent since September. Brent crude, Europe's benchmark, is now $120.37 a barrel -- also worrisome because many East Coast refineries use imported oil.

Funny, I don't hear Republicans rail against speculators. Could that have anything to do with the fact that hedge funds and money managers are bankrolling the GOP as never before?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbzzeuYJteY]Pelosi talks about high gas prices - YouTube[/ame]
Since Iraq was "All About Oil," shouldn't gas be about 22-cents a gallon right now, idiotic Liberals?
Since Iraq was "All About Oil," shouldn't gas be about 22-cents a gallon right now, idiotic Liberals?

Thanks for agreeing that the righties precious "market forces" ain't working.

There is an oil glut in this country---if Adam Smith's invisible hand were working properly, oversupply would create competition a la lower prices - right? Right, but that discrepancy is taking place because of lack of regulation and mar-ket maw-nip-you-lay-shun, but what I want to know is, how do righties explain this discrepancy in their end all-be all "market forces" mantra? -pewsh!-
Funny, I don't hear Republicans rail against speculators.

only because they are far far too smart. If speculators bid up the price too much above fair value then one will eventually notice and quickly sell, starting a panic in the opposite direction toward decreasing prices.

You only make money when you sell your position. So, if you want to blame speculators you have to blame them when the prices go down too.

Hedge funds hedge by taking long( hoping price will go up) and short( hoping down) positions!! Econ. 101
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I saw Obama last night raising the price on our pumps
Funny, I don't hear Republicans rail against speculators.

only because they are far far too smart. If speculators bid up the price too much above fair value then one will eventually notice and quickly sell, starting a panic in the opposite direction toward decreasing prices.

You only make money when you sell your position. So, if you want to blame speculators you have to blame them when the prices go down too.

Hedge funds hedge by taking long( hoping price will go up) and short( hoping down) positions!! Econ. 101

Talking economics with a Progressive is like describing Impressionism to a corpse
Too bad, we are ALL going to blame Obama for the high gas prices, just like you all did Booooooooooosh.


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