Obama does not worry about Quadrupling Bush's Deficit


please find the pages in the stimulus that state the majority of the money will be used to buy toxic assets. I couldn't

the MAJORITY of the money isn't IN the STIMULUS packsage.

It's in the TARP, program which is NINE TIMES LARGER than the so called stimulus program.

You didn't know that, Skull?

MOST of the DEBT that we are assuming (about NINE TRILLION DOLLARS last I heard) was money going to buy up the toxic assets of the BANKS.

How can you possibly not know this?

In other words, the stimulus bill just passed was all pork. Thanks for clearing that up for us. And Obama and the democrats plan to spend 9 TRILLION dollars we do NOT have for BAD debit that won't ever be paid back. How many trillions will go OVERSEAS?

Remind me again how the supposed 1 trillion deficit Bush created in 8 YEARS is bad but the 9 TRILLION Obama plans is good for the Country?

What makes you presume that I believe this is a good idea?

Other than your desire to create straw men, I mean?

I am merely correcting the record for Skull's benefit.

MOST of the money is going to bankers and bond holders.

Not to the so called STIMULUS programs which amount to (last I heard) about $740 billion, but to the TARP program which, last I heard, amounted to about $9 Trillion.

please find the pages in the stimulus that state the majority of the money will be used to buy toxic assets. I couldn't

the MAJORITY of the money isn't IN the STIMULUS packsage.

It's in the TARP, program which is NINE TIMES LARGER than the so called stimulus program.

You didn't know that, Skull?

MOST of the DEBT that we are assuming (about NINE TRILLION DOLLARS last I heard) was money going to buy up the toxic assets of the BANKS.

How can you possibly not know this?

I know that, but TARP is not going to be responsible for "trillion dollar deficits for years to come"

The idiocy of Obama's 4% projected growth of GDP that is supposed to make up for all this so called necessary spending and the fact that he is refusing to rework his agenda to something realistically in line with the numbers proves that he is more interested in expanding his vision of government than he is in "fixing" the economy.

Right now most of the 9 trillion dollars you speak of is nothing but pledges and possibly future guarantees and may or may not be used, lent or spent.

Another idiocy is that the money you speak of is more than enough to buy 90% of all mortgages. Why is so much needed when less than 16% of mortgages are actually in foreclosure?. Is it really necessary to pledge that much money, enough to give every man woman and child on the planet about $1500?

When you take all this into account, I think it is fair to say that the leader of hope and stimuli is not concerned about the effects of his vision only in its realization.

please find the pages in the stimulus that state the majority of the money will be used to buy toxic assets. I couldn't

the MAJORITY of the money isn't IN the STIMULUS packsage.

It's in the TARP, program which is NINE TIMES LARGER than the so called stimulus program.

You didn't know that, Skull?

MOST of the DEBT that we are assuming (about NINE TRILLION DOLLARS last I heard) was money going to buy up the toxic assets of the BANKS.

How can you possibly not know this?
it is NOT 9 times larger
the TARP was less than a trillion
and that "porlkulous" package(its not a stimulous) was $410 BILLION
so where the fuck do you get off saying 9 times
thats a blatent lie

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