OBAMA doctrine - SLASH military amidst Islamic uprising


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
With the black flag of al Qaeda flying over the American embassy in Tunisia, the murder of the American ambassador in Libya, the storming of the US embassy in Cairo, the burning of the American flag in London, and the torching of American businesses in Lebanon, the Obama administration is focused like a laser on its top priority: slashing defense.

Obama Doctrine: Slashes Military Amidst Islamist Uprising

The Appeasement Administration is not only absent during our nation's time of crisis but is going to strip our defense bare!
Republicans are so ridiculous. They think we are somehow "in charge" of the Middle East. Well, we aren't.
An Islamic uprising? Really? More like the underclass brought to riot stage by radical mullahs. And if we just close the embassies, cease to have trade relations with those nations that did not try to protect our embassies, those people will learn what hard times are. And then they can riot against anybody but us. Because we won't be in their sorry shithole. That is what happened in Somalia, and they certainly have gained from us leaving, now, haven't they.
The Appeasement Administration -- FAILED and ABSENT leadership.

Where are they tonight as embassies burn and Marines die?? CAMPAIGNING.
Yo! Shoots Blanks, you DO realize that breitbart is even worse that dredge and beck and fux all put together?


Try for some FACTS.

Or just admit that you haven't the foggiest idea what the fuck you're yammering about.
He wants to make us so weak that we can't defend Israel.

Indeed and while he campaigns , Americans die, embassies burn. ABSENT LEADERHIP

Paul Ryan said if Mitt Romney were president, this never would have happened. He said they, him and Romney, have "resolve".

Oh fuck. Those Arabs so, so terrified of Mitt Romney's "resolve". I know I just shit my pants thinking about:


wait for it

Mitt Romney's

wait some more


Mitt Romney's "resolve".
With the black flag of al Qaeda flying over the American embassy in Tunisia, the murder of the American ambassador in Libya, the storming of the US embassy in Cairo, the burning of the American flag in London, and the torching of American businesses in Lebanon, the Obama administration is focused like a laser on its top priority: slashing defense.

Obama Doctrine: Slashes Military Amidst Islamist Uprising

The Appeasement Administration is not only absent during our nation's time of crisis but is going to strip our defense bare!

Damn......invasion is tne answer to everything for Conservatives

Thank god we won't put them in charge
This "girl" doesn't even care about Israel at all..she just cares about politics and bashing Obama...she doesnt give a damn what happens in Israel....

And this was like her 20th thread on the same topic....oh my God and Islamic flag oh my God!!

C'mon these threads are foolish republicans need to try harder lol

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