Obama...Diminished Expectations

As I had presumed there is agreement between the the left and right on Obama and diminishing hopes for his presidency. Now although I didn't vote for Obama it's in my nature to hope that things still turn out well for the country either way, sadly though this has not turned out to be the case.
Things will begin to change after the elections in Nov.when the Dems lose the House and Nancy Pelosi is shown the door.The Administration will have no choice but to work with the GOP.
Dusting off an old Thread...

and still riding the wrong track..
I am still waiting for Obama to make the New York East River pristine / emerald green. Kinda like the beaches of Florida. and maybe even parting the Pacific Ocean.
I am still waiting for Obama to make the New York East River pristine / emerald green. Kinda like the beaches of Florida. and maybe even parting the Pacific Ocean.

I'm pretty sure his days of floating over us all...are over...:lol:

If those aren't union jobs, forget it...

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