Obama...Diminished Expectations

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
You know... I think I've found something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

When it comes to Obama both sides and the middle can agree that by any standard the Obama Presidency represents a presidency of diminishing expectations.

I know what you're saying now... Well... Duh.....or.....:eusa_doh:
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He's meeting my expectations just fine. Glad to see my BS meter is still spot on. LOL
You know... I think I've found something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

When it comes to Obama both sides and the middle can agree that by any standard the Obama Presidency represents a presidency of diminishing expectations.

I know what you're saying now... Well... Duh.....or.....:eusa_doh:

I would agree with this, and add in a dash of pure disappointment. While I do not blame Obama for the economy of the high unemployment rate, I do blame him for not keeping more of his campiagn promises, causing the disappointment and also diminished expectations for the remainder of his 6.5 years in the White House.
You know... I think I've found something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

When it comes to Obama both sides and the middle can agree that by any standard the Obama Presidency represents a presidency of diminishing expectations.

I know what you're saying now... Well... Duh.....or.....:eusa_doh:

I would agree with this, and add in a dash of pure disappointment. While I do not blame Obama for the economy of the high unemployment rate, I do blame him for not keeping more of his campiagn promises, causing the disappointment and also diminished expectations for the remainder of his 6.5 years in the White House.

:lol:... and a dash of floor rolling..

(by the way.. I wish your avatar moved...... ok... bent over..)
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You know... I think I've found something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

When it comes to Obama both sides and the middle can agree that by any standard the Obama Presidency represents a presidency of diminishing expectations.

I know what you're saying now... Well... Duh.....or.....:eusa_doh:

True DAT!

My expectations weren't all that high to begin with, of course.

But I must say that I am not terrible impressed with his HC reform, his stance on Gitmo, OR the way his MASTERS are making him deal with this meltdown, either.

Of course, Obama cannot get all the credit for my angst.

He's had help in disappointing me in the form of Congress, too.
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You know... I think I've found something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

When it comes to Obama both sides and the middle can agree that by any standard the Obama Presidency represents a presidency of diminishing expectations.

I know what you're saying now... Well... Duh.....or.....:eusa_doh:

I would agree with this, and add in a dash of pure disappointment. While I do not blame Obama for the economy of the high unemployment rate, I do blame him for not keeping more of his campiagn promises, causing the disappointment and also diminished expectations for the remainder of his 6.5 years in the White House.

:lol:... and a dash of floor rolling..

(by the way.. I wish your avatar moved...... ok... bent over..)

You and me both....but, I am sure Care4all would read me the riot act again for some BS copyright infringement crap that she apparently is still learning about in night school....
I would agree with this, and add in a dash of pure disappointment. While I do not blame Obama for the economy of the high unemployment rate, I do blame him for not keeping more of his campiagn promises, causing the disappointment and also diminished expectations for the remainder of his 6.5 years in the White House.

:lol:... and a dash of floor rolling..

(by the way.. I wish your avatar moved...... ok... bent over..)

You and me both....but, I am sure Care4all would read me the riot act again for some BS copyright infringement crap that she apparently is still learning about in night school....

I guess she missed the class on censorship... besides I think I see Gunny's reflection on her gludious maximus...

(well. that kinda ruins the elution.. dammit)
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:lol:... and a dash of floor rolling..

(by the way.. I wish your avatar moved...... ok... bent over..)

You and me both....but, I am sure Care4all would read me the riot act again for some BS copyright infringement crap that she apparently is still learning about in night school....

I guess she missed the class on censorship... besides I think I see Gunny's reflection on her gludious maximus..

Tell me about it...
Barry has thoroughly exceeded my expectations.

I figured anyone with a resume as empty as his would have a tough go of it, but never dreamed he'd be this incompetent.

Still can't figure out why so many Dimocrats are willing to follow him off the cliff either. Glad they are, but it's surprising to me.
I think when you're reduced to touting that at least unemployment isn't 20%... you're pretty much admitting you ain't got shit. Beut then, who's surpised by any of this?
At the risk of giving conservatives what they're looking for...I will admit I thought he'd have done more and done better. I don't mind saying that because it means that I'm holding fast to my principles...and those who say I told you so are just being retarded.
At the risk of giving conservatives what they're looking for...I will admit I thought he'd have done more and done better. I don't mind saying that because it means that I'm holding fast to my principles...and those who say I told you so are just being retarded.

Principles eh.... I sense you're holding back... :lol:..
Sad to say he is exceeding my expectations of him. I never thought he could be this bad. Though i think a good deal of blame needs to rest with his "advisers" and that nut pelosi.
Sad to say he is exceeding my expectations of him. I never thought he could be this bad. Though i think a good deal of blame needs to rest with his "advisers" and that nut pelosi.

I have to agree, I was hoping when the voters made this unfortunate choice, for obvious reasons, and not taking his experience and record into their decisions and just on the Reverend J. Wright 20 year 'indoctrination' that he attended religiously, they should have said NO.

Then he loads up with these 'advisers' and this is what we have gotten shafted with. Toss in nut jobs like Pelosi into the mix and we just took many steps backwards as a nation. Catering to our enemies and those who could care less about any American. He appoints lifetime positions to leftist progressives on the SCOTUS and we're one step away from what this country had a revolution to get away from.

Yes, he IS this bad.......and a brilliant manipulator, of course with some of the 'braindeads' out there thinking they were getting free gas and mortgages, it didn't take much to sway their one celled brains.
Sad to say he is exceeding my expectations of him. I never thought he could be this bad. Though i think a good deal of blame needs to rest with his "advisers" and that nut pelosi.

I have to agree, I was hoping when the voters made this unfortunate choice, for obvious reasons, and not taking his experience and record into their decisions and just on the Reverend J. Wright 20 year 'indoctrination' that he attended religiously, they should have said NO.

Then he loads up with these 'advisers' and this is what we have gotten shafted with. Toss in nut jobs like Pelosi into the mix and we just took many steps backwards as a nation. Catering to our enemies and those who could care less about any American. He appoints lifetime positions to leftist progressives on the SCOTUS and we're one step away from what this country had a revolution to get away from.

Yes, he IS this bad.......and a brilliant manipulator, of course with some of the 'braindeads' out there thinking they were getting free gas and mortgages, it didn't take much to sway their one celled brains.

I agree .. Except for the brilliant manipulator..the easy ones are manipulated
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I never had high hopes for Obama, but he has ended up being a far worse President than I could have imagined.

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