Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi:


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi:

Fox News Channel reported Friday that American officials in the compound repeatedly asked for military help during the assault but were rebuffed by CIA higher-ups. At a press briefing one day earlier, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, asked why there had not been a quicker, more forceful response to the assault, complained of "Monday-morning quarterbacking." Panetta said he and top military commanders had judged it too dangerous to send troops to the eastern Libyan city without a clearer picture of events on the ground.

But Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, in a post published Friday, doubted Panetta's explanation and said the fault must lie with Obama himself. "Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No," Kristol wrote. "It would have been a presidential decision."

"He's wrong," said Vietor.

Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi: Aide | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Foxnews right wing propaganda.and Conservative rag Weekly Standard.

did he send any help in? Scramble any special forces or special ops planes?
I hear Obama was pleasantly sleeping and didn't want to be disturbed...big political contribution day coming up... priorities ya know
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Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi:

Fox News Channel reported Friday that American officials in the compound repeatedly asked for military help during the assault but were rebuffed by CIA higher-ups. At a press briefing one day earlier, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, asked why there had not been a quicker, more forceful response to the assault, complained of "Monday-morning quarterbacking." Panetta said he and top military commanders had judged it too dangerous to send troops to the eastern Libyan city without a clearer picture of events on the ground.

But Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, in a post published Friday, doubted Panetta's explanation and said the fault must lie with Obama himself. "Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No," Kristol wrote. "It would have been a presidential decision."

"He's wrong," said Vietor.

Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi: Aide | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Foxnews right wing propaganda.and Conservative rag Weekly Standard.
You sure are stupid for retelling the same old stupid lie. Obamaturd and Biden screwed up, period.
Nobody from our government lifted a finger
to save those people.The one who did disregarded
an order to stand down and he gave his life.

This will haunt Obama's legacy...

He saved GM
He killed Bin Laden
And he let our people die in Benghazi...
Because he didn't want to upset anybody over there.
Ok, if the white house didn't deny it, who did?

Logistics. Firstly, there was no way of knowing exactly what was going on and secondly, if they did, no way to get forces there in time.

7 hours! That's how long this thing lasted
2 cruisers off the coast of Libya
2 AC130's stationed in Libya
Helo's Stationed 480 miles away

A Chinook Helocopter has a cruising speed of 196 miles per hour.

Fighter aircraft have a top speed of I do believe 600 miles per hour.

They could have had men in Libya in 3 hours or sooner, but they didn't.

Now, O in the FP debate was making snarky remarks about how "We have these things that planes land on" you remember right? Well, if our military couldn't get men there to try and save our ambassador, then the O is so full of shit that his breath stinks.

This cock sucker tells everyone we don't need a big Navy, we need to cut military spending because of technology, you know, the biggest bunch of bullshit he could lay on the American people. And yet, apparently, we aren't big enough or good enough to travel 500 miles to save our own people in less than 7 hours.

Yup, let's cut our military spending some more.
What a shock. Obama denies involvement. I guess you'd have to show up for work to be involved in any of the important decisions.

The White House had the ability to watch the entire 7 hour attack in real time from the situation room. The attack on the embassy was not the first attack, but the latest in a series of attacks over the last 6 months or so. No way in hell they didn't have an idea of who had been behind the attacks or that Stevens had sent repeated requests for more security.

They knew 2 hours into the attack that a terrorist group with al Qaeda ties claimed responsibility.

The SEALS asked for more help as they were trying to fight off the terrorists.

Who was minding the store these past months? Anyone? We're supposed to believe that all this was going on for months and yet no one had any clue? Un-fucking-believable!!

Does Obama even concern himself with such matters? Was he informed during any of his security briefings that al Qaeda terrorists were constantly making threats and that there had been numerous attacks in the region? Ooops, forgot that he didn't attend briefings. Surely, someone must have mentioned it to him at some point.

All he had to do was order that our people get out of there after the threats starting pouring in and Stevens expressed concern for the safety of those at the embassy. Simple. But, maybe he was afraid it would offend our enemies if he did that.

In this day and age, with all that technology that Obama reminded Romney we have, there is no way we didn't have a clue what was happening or the ability to intervene.

Just watching attacks in real time and seeing terrorists attack our embassy should have been enough to send back up. Yet, that was denied and to add insult to injury. our people were told to stand down.

If they now claim there wasn't sufficient information, why would they ignore requests for help considering that alone proves there was a problem. And giving the order for them to stand down means that they knew there were hostile enemies and they did not want the Marines protecting themselves.

If Obama is really that fucking clueless, then he can haul his sorry ass back to Chicago or Hawaii and stop pretending to be president.

I hope Hillary comes forth and clears this up. I think she can if she chooses.
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This cock sucker tells everyone we don't need a big Navy, we need to cut military spending because of technology, you know, the biggest bunch of bullshit he could lay on the American people. And yet, apparently, we aren't big enough or good enough to travel 500 miles to save our own people in less than 7 hours.

Yup, let's cut our military spending some more.

Clear, unadulterated logic.

Too bad it will go unappreciated by the libtards in here.

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