Obama/Democrats Christian Holocaust

President Obama's 2009 Cairo speech:

I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
President Obama's 2009 Cairo speech:

I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

So many words haunt Obama, although, he and his psychotic believers could care less.
What are the similarities?
May 2, 2017

Rabbi Aryeh Spero

President Trump has been under relentless attack from those on the Left against his efforts to limit immigration from terrorist-producing areas and his call for comprehensive vetting and background checks. Beyond doubt, it is the first and most important duty of a President to protect the lives of a country’s citizens, especially where a possibility exists of terrorists being embedded within a particular immigration flow. As the President previously stated, to not strictly enforce our immigration laws is “not compassion but recklessness”.

Some groups are exploiting the Holocaust to promote unrestricted Syrian and other Mideast immigration into this country. However, it is incorrect to draw a parallel between the Jews who fled Europe in the 1930s, who were, as Jews, specific targets for genocide and Nazi concentration camps, and those today wishing to escape the civil war in their Mideast countries. The Syrians, for example, are not being targeted because they are Muslims, and there is no Final Solution planned against them. Their civil wars have placed them in very difficult circumstances, but it is not comparable to the deliberate and planned Final Extermination which was specifically directed at Jews as Jews during the unparalleled Holocaust. It’s a different category altogether.

Furthermore, comparisons to the Holocaust situation are improper, for (2) there were no Nazi agents embedded within the fleeing Jews; (3) the Jews did not harbor a cultural or religious ideology wishing to sow physical destruction on the American people; and (4) there were no rabbis in the 1930s sending forth commands worldwide to destroy the “infidels”. Indeed, (5) the completely innocent Jews of Europe had nowhere to go, no country to take them in --- there was not yet a State of Israel---whereas there are 57 Islamic states, many exceedingly wealthy, who could be providing safe haven to their Islamic brothers.


Mr. Trump has repeatedly called for and is working toward establishing safe-havens in Mideast territories closer to the locations of those wishing to leave war torn areas. Saving the lives of fellow Americans is a religious, historic and civic duty. President Trump’s goals and tenacity represent moral and genuine leadership.

Comparing Mideast Refugees with WWII Holocaust Victims
Bill Clinton liked to rescue Islamist murder gangs in the Balkans, and he also completely ignored the ongoing mass murders in Indonesia of Xians by those peaceful tolerant Islmao-Nazis his entire administration, so yes, Democrats are the Party of Genocide, and they hope to bring one home to you here in the U.S. Obama changed his name to honor Muslim terrorists, after all, and the Party worships him like a Messiah for it.

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