Obama Colluding With SuperPac?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Interesting that Stephanie Cutter claimed that they knew nothing about the guy's story and yet, I heard audio tape on Hannity last night of her thanking the guy after he told his story to her in a conference call.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May
By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 16 hrs ago

Oops? President Barack Obama's re-election campaign washed its hands Wednesday of an independent group's vicious (and misleading) ad effectively blaming Mitt Romney for the death of a laid-off steelworker's wife from cancer. Campaign officials flatly denied any knowledge of the facts in the case—but it turns out the widower told the same story on an Obama campaign conference call in mid-May. (The Obama campaign responded late in the day: See update below).
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Oh they are busted for lying about the lying in the lying ad. :D And I love it!!!!!

Asked about the spot, Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs stressed that the super PAC is not connected to the campaign.

“This is an ad by an entity that’s not controlled by campaign. I certainly don’t know the specifics of this man’s case,” he said on MSNBC.

Under questioning, he said again: “I don’t know the specifics of this person’s case.”

Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said on CNN,

“I don’t know the facts about when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick, or the facts about his health insurance.”

All of this is simply lies. The Obama campaign has known all along about Mr. Soptic’s story. They not only ran the previous video, but they started a website RomneyEconomics.com in which they displayed numerous slides on Mitt Romney, GST Steel and Joe Soptic.

According to Politico the campaign even had a conference call with Mr. Soptic.

Read more: Team Obama Lies About Nastiest & Most Vicious Campaign Ad In History : Freedom Outpost
Then there's this on Cutter.

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

The campaign profile listed Soptic as one of the "faces of Romney economics."

Cutter wasn't the only Obama campaign official caught up in the controversy.

"This is an ad by an entity that's not controlled by campaign. I certainly don't know the specifics of this man's case," campaign adviser Robert Gibbs said on MSNBC. Another Obama campaign spokeswoman separately told reporters that the campaign had no knowledge of the family involved.

Read more: Obama Campaign Aide Caught Lying Over Anti-Romney Ad - Obama Campaign - Fox Nation
And this is the nail in their coffin for lying about the lying ad.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOoZl0tHvQ]May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call - YouTube[/ame]
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His Chicago style politics worked, once............unfortunately some people will fall for this again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Their messiah couldn't possibly lie, he told them so.
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Interesting that Stephanie Cutter claimed that they knew nothing about the guy's story and yet, I heard audio tape on Hannity last night of her thanking the guy after he told his story to her in a conference call.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May
By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 16 hrs ago

Oops? President Barack Obama's re-election campaign washed its hands Wednesday of an independent group's vicious (and misleading) ad effectively blaming Mitt Romney for the death of a laid-off steelworker's wife from cancer. Campaign officials flatly denied any knowledge of the facts in the case—but it turns out the widower told the same story on an Obama campaign conference call in mid-May. (The Obama campaign responded late in the day: See update below).
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
More nudge-nudge-wink-wink?

The facts speak for themselves irregardless of any supposed controversy meant to deflect the message being narrated by the former employee and his real life experience.
The facts speak for themselves irregardless of any supposed controversy meant to deflect the message being narrated by the former employee and his real life experience.

So when do 1/2 truths become lies. If your teenager takes your car out, gets drunk, kills someone and all he tells you is he took the car out, is he lying???
The exposure of Obama's lies makes absolutely NO difference to his supporters. They would follow Obama off a cliff!
Progs don't care anymore, they know they lie and they don't care if we know they're lying

you guys hate superpacks now?

gee who would have thunk it
Does it remind you of when Rice sat in congress and said the admin had NO idea people would fly planes into buildings to attack us and then she was reminded of the memo they recieved about OBL determined to attack us.
Does it remind you of when Rice sat in congress and said the admin had NO idea people would fly planes into buildings to attack us and then she was reminded of the memo they recieved about OBL determined to attack us.

Absolute pathological liars, they just make stuff up they know is a lie
You on the right created this mess.

Just like you created the gap for us to be attacked when you called people like Paul O Neil and Richard Clarke "disgruntled employees".
and its a stupid unforced error too.

Cutter having spoken with this guy tainted the goods.

Its super pac 101, they never should have ran that ad knowing that an Obama Campaign operative had actually had contact with the subject of the ad itself, that she had spoken to him.

And on her side, she never should have spoken with him, she knew the super pac was using him ( in the truest sense of the term too;)), becasue he had already been involved in another ad on GST ( the steel co).

Either they are a) stupid, b) don't give a crap, c) they care but know the media has their back.....d) are desperate ( see: b)

they have miscalculated badly, even CNN and MSNBC won't carry this water or not negatively comment.

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