Obama Channels Alinsky for Church of Global Warming


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized," Obama warned in a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Marginalized? WOW! Rules for Radicals 101

What happened to having "Science" on the side of Manmade Global Warming, er I mean Climate Change, er I mean man made Great Climatic Googly Moogly

Obama hits out at climate 'naysayers'

Globull Warming is a Luddite Theory.
It's an "issue" alright, and the issue is we won't allow faux science to tank our economy
thread not complete without acorn and some marxist labeling.

You'll note the Obamasiah himself, praise be his holy name, used the word "Marginalized"

It is consistent with liberals' worldview that people are inherently evil and need to be controlled for their own good. We see this with global warming. THere is no evidence that man-made global warming exists. There is no evidence we are seeing anything unprecedented in weather patterns. Yet they insist evil man is to blame and now for expiation of our sins we must fork over money.
Never mind that the tax and trade scheme will do nothing--zero--to stop global warming, even if it does exist. This is by their own admission.
So liberals declare the science is settled and only one rational course is open. If you oppose it, then you must be irrational. And that's where marginalizing comes in.
Yeah... the Left's mind is made up on this one; to be sure.

And the Minds of the Left's opponents are made up...

So what ya have there is two fixed, antithetical entities coming to clash at one unknown but certain point.

Now they claim that the science is certain... Their opposition: The Americans... We claim that the science is certain...

I wonder if there is any history which we might look at, wherein we might see the results that are produced when within a given culture; two wholly opposing positions were being adamantly held and emphatically defended...
"The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized," Obama warned in a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Marginalized? WOW! Rules for Radicals 101

What happened to having "Science" on the side of Manmade Global Warming, er I mean Climate Change, er I mean man made Great Climatic Googly Moogly

Obama hits out at climate 'naysayers'

Even science bears out that the Earth's climate has been changing throught it's history, and it hyas nothing to do with man's activities. How can Obama square this?
It is consistent with liberals' worldview that people are inherently evil and need to be controlled for their own good. We see this with global warming. THere is no evidence that man-made global warming exists. There is no evidence we are seeing anything unprecedented in weather patterns. Yet they insist evil man is to blame and now for expiation of our sins we must fork over money.
Never mind that the tax and trade scheme will do nothing--zero--to stop global warming, even if it does exist. This is by their own admission.
So liberals declare the science is settled and only one rational course is open. If you oppose it, then you must be irrational. And that's where marginalizing comes in.

Good post. The synopsis of this entire issue is one of control, and more to the point? Arrogance and human vanity.

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