Obama Changes Mind On NAFTA, Iraq

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
It seems BHO is changing his tune on two of his most important campaign platforms.

Obama Admitted His Primary Rhetoric Was "Overheated And Amplified." "'Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified,' he conceded, after I reminded him that he had called NAFTA 'devastating' and 'a big mistake,' despite nonpartisan studies concluding that the trade zone has had a mild, positive effect on the U.S. economy." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

In An Interview With Fortune To Be Featured In The Magazine's Upcoming Issue, The Presumptive Democratic Nominee Backed Off His Harshest Attacks On The Free Trade Agreement And Indicated He Didn't Want To Unilaterally Reopen Negotiations On NAFTA." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

"Now, However, Obama Says He Doesn't Believe In Unilaterally Reopening NAFTA. On The Afternoon That I Sat Down With Him To Discuss The Economy, Obama Said He Had Just Spoken With Harper, Who Had Called To Congratulate Him On Winning The Nomination." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

Republican National Committee: Obama vs. Obama on NAFTA - FOXBusiness.com

BHO also is backing away from his much touted 16 month time line for a withdrawal from Iraq. Now while BHO hasn't actually said this, the comments and signals of his campaign advisers seem telling

Samantha Power, before she resigned from the campaign for making an indiscreet remark about Hillary Clinton, told the BBC, “He will, of course, not rely upon some plan that he’s crafted as a Presidential candidate or a U.S. senator. He will rely upon a plan—an operational plan—that he pulls together in consultation with people who are on the ground.” Last month, the Center for a New American Security, which has become something like Obama’s foreign-policy think tank, released a report that argued against a timetable for withdrawal, regardless of the state of the war, and in favor of “conditional engagement,” declaring, “Under this strategy, the United States would not withdraw its forces based on a firm unilateral schedule. Rather, the time horizon for redeployment would be negotiated with the Iraqi government and nested within a more assertive approach to regional diplomacy. The United States would make it clear that Iraq and America share a common interest in achieving sustainable stability in Iraq, and that the United States is willing to help support the Iraqi government and build its security and governance capacity over the long term, but only so long as Iraqis continue to make meaningful political progress.” It’s impossible to know if this persuasive document mirrors Obama’s current thinking, but here’s a clue: it was co-written by one of his Iraq advisers, Colin Kahl.

New Yorker: Obama's Iraq problem - The New Yorker - MSNBC.com

I though BHO was supposed to be a different politician, you know one we can "believe in"
It seems BHO is changing his tune on two of his most important campaign platforms.

Obama Admitted His Primary Rhetoric Was "Overheated And Amplified." "'Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified,' he conceded, after I reminded him that he had called NAFTA 'devastating' and 'a big mistake,' despite nonpartisan studies concluding that the trade zone has had a mild, positive effect on the U.S. economy." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

In An Interview With Fortune To Be Featured In The Magazine's Upcoming Issue, The Presumptive Democratic Nominee Backed Off His Harshest Attacks On The Free Trade Agreement And Indicated He Didn't Want To Unilaterally Reopen Negotiations On NAFTA." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

"Now, However, Obama Says He Doesn't Believe In Unilaterally Reopening NAFTA. On The Afternoon That I Sat Down With Him To Discuss The Economy, Obama Said He Had Just Spoken With Harper, Who Had Called To Congratulate Him On Winning The Nomination." (Nina Easton, "Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All," Fortune, 6/18/08)

Republican National Committee: Obama vs. Obama on NAFTA - FOXBusiness.com

BHO also is backing away from his much touted 16 month time line for a withdrawal from Iraq. Now while BHO hasn't actually said this, the comments and signals of his campaign advisers seem telling

Samantha Power, before she resigned from the campaign for making an indiscreet remark about Hillary Clinton, told the BBC, “He will, of course, not rely upon some plan that he’s crafted as a Presidential candidate or a U.S. senator. He will rely upon a plan—an operational plan—that he pulls together in consultation with people who are on the ground.” Last month, the Center for a New American Security, which has become something like Obama’s foreign-policy think tank, released a report that argued against a timetable for withdrawal, regardless of the state of the war, and in favor of “conditional engagement,” declaring, “Under this strategy, the United States would not withdraw its forces based on a firm unilateral schedule. Rather, the time horizon for redeployment would be negotiated with the Iraqi government and nested within a more assertive approach to regional diplomacy. The United States would make it clear that Iraq and America share a common interest in achieving sustainable stability in Iraq, and that the United States is willing to help support the Iraqi government and build its security and governance capacity over the long term, but only so long as Iraqis continue to make meaningful political progress.” It’s impossible to know if this persuasive document mirrors Obama’s current thinking, but here’s a clue: it was co-written by one of his Iraq advisers, Colin Kahl.

New Yorker: Obama's Iraq problem - The New Yorker - MSNBC.com

I though BHO was supposed to be a different politician, you know one we can "believe in"

Are you kidding? He's a politician. The seocnd he gets in office, if he is elected, he will weight everything he does fro 4 years on whether or not it will hurt a reelection bid and try to make as little waves as possible. He'll do only what he is sure he can get away with as little consequence to that.

The Republicans did it in Congress from 96 - 06, and the Democrats in Congress are doing it now. Like putting lipstick on a pig. It's the same old shit in a new package.
I see a politician,but he's trying to get elected,and will at this point.

By not making a change in plans,or the promises to bring the troops home..or the war will be over by the Cristmas of 2006 etc..Or even stay the course...It's all stuff to digest like buying a new car..at a car lot.

Bush had the some of the biggest whoppers I've ever heard come out of a president,and luckily for him he didn't have to come up with all the jargon he did on his campaining trail when his sorry arse made it into office.

Total deceit out of him..Total oil,and misinformation to the American people while in office.

One who is running for office..it's expected to do a 180,or to explain themself,or change the story etc...He's not doing policy at the moment,but doing whatever it takes.

I personaly enjoyed Hillary's promise to end,and bring the troops home within a year etc....Flat out lies etc..We all know that.

Making promises while on the campaign for office...are way different than the out right lies,and promises while in office.

Can any of us...point out what any elected president promised,that was elected that came to be a fact?

When it comes to health care...the economy etc?

They/have some ended..and made the exit of wars/occupations..That I do know....Yes..some good & bad changes did take place,and become a reality.

They start out with good intentions..so alot of it is not bull,just if it's a reality....It gets them in office.

Policies can change,and directions can change course.

To knock Obama...(smile)..I think Hilary out did his bull-sh*t in what she'd accomplish.

To point all this out..leaves the door open for McCoCain..and that any elected official could safely walk down any street in Iraq etc...He quoted that,and was on the trail to ride this course out.

So I guess it comes down to whatever politician bologna ya wana listen to,and digest as fact...(giggle).

As far as "America"..and Iraq want a controlled withdrawl...Hmmmm?

I think America..is sick of this failure,and your average American would just soon see gas prices rise..because this bologna has got to end.It has not helped prices at the gas pump last time I checked.

NAFTA?...That's another detailed topic that alot of us(average voter) have no understanding of....It goes both ways to the layman.

Obama can/could promise the cure for all cancer...It's what he does in office that counts.

To make meaningful politcal progress?....Bush is passing on the buck to whoever gets this dirty mess he created.

Rest assured..75% of all who vote wont be voting thinking about Iraq's outcome..let alone NAFTA this November...Hahahaha..:)

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"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

Can someone explain when it become a virtue to do the same wrong thing Tuesday as you did Monday. Bush is admired for this? Has America in toto become retarded from the smog of spin!
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

Can someone explain when it become a virtue to do the same wrong thing Tuesday as you did Monday. Bush is admired for this? Has America in toto become retarded from the smog of spin!

On the job training usually doesn't make for a sucessful President. Obama has been learning on the campaign trail, it makes you wonder though how much more he has to learn when and if he is elected.
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

Can someone explain when it become a virtue to do the same wrong thing Tuesday as you did Monday.

Spot on!

Bush is admired for this?

Some people are easily impressed.

Has America in toto become retarded from the smog of spin!

Not in toto, but in about halfo, as far as most of us can tell, based on elections, polls and so forth.
I'm waiting for him to flipflop on running for president, withdrawing his nomination, only to be lauded by the leftist, ass-licking media for "playing hard to get".
Are you kidding? He's a politician. The seocnd he gets in office, if he is elected, he will weight everything he does fro 4 years on whether or not it will hurt a reelection bid and try to make as little waves as possible. He'll do only what he is sure he can get away with as little consequence to that.

The Republicans did it in Congress from 96 - 06, and the Democrats in Congress are doing it now. Like putting lipstick on a pig. It's the same old shit in a new package.

Obama will be better than George Bush, but just about anybody would be.

By the way, on this 4th of July, I want to thank you for your service to America.
Are you kidding? He's a politician. The seocnd he gets in office, if he is elected, he will weight everything he does fro 4 years on whether or not it will hurt a reelection bid and try to make as little waves as possible. He'll do only what he is sure he can get away with as little consequence to that.

The Republicans did it in Congress from 96 - 06, and the Democrats in Congress are doing it now. Like putting lipstick on a pig. It's the same old shit in a new package.

Don't let sealybobo hear you say that, the Dems are the greatest party on Earth, unable to do any wrong.

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