Obama, Can't you Take an Hour for Your Jobs Council?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Look, we know you have been working hard fund raising and campaigning for months now. But certainly there has to be some time in there for the country's business? May be an hour to meet with the Jobs Council?

It's been 6 months and the employment figures remain at 8.2 and real employment much higher than that. Are you satified with those figures?

Or a meeting with your cabinet which I understand is a rare occurrence? C'mon Mr. President, the country needs a leader.
Out on the golf course with his wonderful 'Jobs Czar' GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt. I guess that's what they meant by 'Green Jobs.'
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.
Look, we know you have been working hard fund raising and campaigning for months now. But certainly there has to be some time in there for the country's business? May be an hour to meet with the Jobs Council?

It's been 6 months and the employment figures remain at 8.2 and real employment much higher than that. Are you satified with those figures?

Or a meeting with your cabinet which I understand is a rare occurrence? C'mon Mr. President, the country needs a leader.

The only reason it is that low is because they dumped millions from the roles.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Tons of blame, denial, obfuscation...minimizing. It's all he has.

Obama is far too outclassed to hold the office. It's that simple.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? That's a republican pastime. These people did not even want to show up to get scolded on their holding the economy hostage, Obama was probably sick of their whining and bitching about the cost of getting this country out of the ditch so fuck em. American big business has no interest in American jobs. He should rightly tell them to get bent and concentrate on American businesses who actually would like to put some people to work rather than maintain the multinational scheme they have now.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? That's a republican pastime. These people did not even want to show up to get scolded on their holding the economy hostage, Obama was probably sick of their whining and bitching about the cost of getting this country out of the ditch so fuck em. American big business has no interest in American jobs. He should rightly tell them to get bent and concentrate on American businesses who actually would like to put some people to work rather than maintain the multinational scheme they have now.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? So, just ignore the problem and go merrily on his way and fundraise and campaign??? Let the economy and unemployment go to hell?

Like I said before...WE NEED A LEADER... Not a campaigner.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

No just stay on the golf course. It is better for America.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

No just stay on the golf course. It is better for America.

He could go campaign in the 56th or 57th state and stay there...
Why bother? Pubs won't pass anything since 2/4/2010, and lie nonstop about it...The lockstep, Nazi-style, "no compromise, Un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) has filibustered EVERYTHING sice 2/4/2010, MORON PPMbot. And lie about it 100% of the time. ( "Obama had total control for 2 years", Obama policies have failed" HORSESHYTTE!!). See sig, Pub dupe.

Pubs lie cheat and steal nonstop, will do nothing to help the country until Obama is reelected LOL, Pub DUPES are so stupid and brainwashed and hateful it's pathetic. GD ugly 'Mericans....Those Pub "jobs bills" are ALL Pubcrappe propaganda that would do nothing for years, are all based on screwing the environment or the workers. READ SOMETHING!

The Jobs Act Pubs are sitting on since last August would add 2% to growth, lower UE 1%- can't have that.
Look, we know you have been working hard fund raising and campaigning for months now. But certainly there has to be some time in there for the country's business? May be an hour to meet with the Jobs Council?

It's been 6 months and the employment figures remain at 8.2 and real employment much higher than that. Are you satified with those figures?

Or a meeting with your cabinet which I understand is a rare occurrence? C'mon Mr. President, the country needs a leader.

And do what?

Create legislation that the house wont enac and senate GOP will filibuster.

Why do t you worry more about not blowing up the economy, mmmkay?
Look, we know you have been working hard fund raising and campaigning for months now. But certainly there has to be some time in there for the country's business? May be an hour to meet with the Jobs Council?

It's been 6 months and the employment figures remain at 8.2 and real employment much higher than that. Are you satified with those figures?

Or a meeting with your cabinet which I understand is a rare occurrence? C'mon Mr. President, the country needs a leader.

And do what?

Create legislation that the house wont enac and senate GOP will filibuster.

Why do t you worry more about not blowing up the economy, mmmkay?

Giving into democrats assures our destruction. But as a loyal democrat perhaps you can explain the dem plan for a budget. Hell, we will fore go a balanced budget for now.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? That's a republican pastime. These people did not even want to show up to get scolded on their holding the economy hostage, Obama was probably sick of their whining and bitching about the cost of getting this country out of the ditch so fuck em. American big business has no interest in American jobs. He should rightly tell them to get bent and concentrate on American businesses who actually would like to put some people to work rather than maintain the multinational scheme they have now.

There seems to be no interest in creating jobs. They put more effort into expanding food stamp participation.
Small business start ups is where the job creation will come from, not corporations. But nothing is happening there either.
If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? That's a republican pastime. These people did not even want to show up to get scolded on their holding the economy hostage, Obama was probably sick of their whining and bitching about the cost of getting this country out of the ditch so fuck em. American big business has no interest in American jobs. He should rightly tell them to get bent and concentrate on American businesses who actually would like to put some people to work rather than maintain the multinational scheme they have now.

There seems to be no interest in creating jobs. They put more effort into expanding food stamp participation.
Small business start ups is where the job creation will come from, not corporations. But nothing is happening there either.

Small business start ups is where the job creation will come from, not corporations. But nothing is happening there either.

Well now we know how he feels about business in general so that explains a few things.
Maybe he should again meet with some of Romney's biggest supporters and our nation's main economic saboteurs and listen to them bitch about paying too much taxes when some of them do not even pay corporate taxes some years, or maybe Romney should meet with the liberal press and endure a couple of hours of intense questioning about how he intends to convince these people to bring some frigging jobs back to this country.

If he didn't think these were the right folks for the Jobs Council, he should have chosen others. He has no real reason for not even trying to get this economy moving. Just tons of excuses.

Why should he engage in a fruitless exercise? That's a republican pastime. These people did not even want to show up to get scolded on their holding the economy hostage, Obama was probably sick of their whining and bitching about the cost of getting this country out of the ditch so fuck em. American big business has no interest in American jobs. He should rightly tell them to get bent and concentrate on American businesses who actually would like to put some people to work rather than maintain the multinational scheme they have now.

Obama formed the committee and chose the Jobs Council members. Are you saying that he couldn't even do that right? :eusa_whistle:

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