Obama campaign uses company with operations in India and China to book travel


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
:lmao: Someone get this to the Romney camp!

" A new ad from President Obama’s re-election campaign calls Mitt Romney “Outsourcer-in-Chief,” accusing the former businessman and presumptive Republican presidential nominee of overseeing companies that shipped jobs to China and India while leading Bain Capital.

But while Obama tries to hit Romney on this issue, records show that Obama’s campaign is using a travel booking company this year that have operations in India and China.:eusa_whistle:

Federal Election Commission reports show that Obama for America made numerous payments to the corporate travel company Egencia as recently as May. They were made to Egencia’s Bellevue, Washington office.

Egencia is a corporate travel division of the online travel company Expedia and, according to its website, has call center operations “around the world.”

Read more: Obama campaign's travel bookings outsourced to India | The Daily Caller
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Nothing new with Obama, the fake liberal outrage only goes so far..Obama is special anyway
so, if Romney had anything even remotely to do with outsourcing, he should be shot at sunrise... but if 'the one' has anything even remotely to do with outsourcing, 'oh well' is the libtard reaction.

fucking hypocrites.
Lots of companies have operations in other countries. Are these business based soley in those nations or are they airlines and hospitality groups based here with offices abroad for ease of business?

ETA - Expedia is an American company after all.
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Lots of companies have operations in other countries. Are these business based soley in those nations or are they airlines and hospitality groups based here with offices abroad for ease of business?

ETA - Expedia is an American company after all.

Tell that to the libs they don't seem to understand it
Well, I am a lib and there is a huge difference between a company sending all customer service call floor jobs over seas when they are primarily dealing with problems that occur and originate in the US and having folks on the ground in a foreign country who know that the mubai hilton is under renovations so the mubai raddison would be a better and more secure locaton for a political visit.
Well, I am a lib and there is a huge difference between a company sending all customer service call floor jobs over seas when they are primarily dealing with problems that occur and originate in the US and having folks on the ground in a foreign country who know that the mubai hilton is under renovations so the mubai raddison would be a better and more secure locaton for a political visit.

What "huge" difference? The job of a company, (any company) is not to provide jobs for people in any particular country, it's to make a profit for its investors. If you don't like it, don't buy that company's goods, or service. Why don't you libs understand this?
Well, I am a lib and there is a huge difference between a company sending all customer service call floor jobs over seas when they are primarily dealing with problems that occur and originate in the US and having folks on the ground in a foreign country who know that the mubai hilton is under renovations so the mubai raddison would be a better and more secure locaton for a political visit.

What "huge" difference? The job of a company, (any company) is not to provide jobs for people in any particular country, it's to make a profit for its investors. If you don't like it, don't buy that company's goods, or service. Why don't you libs understand this?

Teh problem is too many companies focus on short term profits to the detriment of th long term survival of said company.

Why can't you Corporate Servants see that?

Yep profit before all which has and still is bring us child labor, rampant polution, environmental destruction.

You might be too young to remember this but such thinking brought us rivers that caught fire and were so polluted that fish caught in them caused cancer.

YEAH! Way to go Companies!

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